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How can the maximal ideal space of the Fourier Stieltjes algebra be non-separable?

I have been asking a fair few (probably elementary) questions about abstract harmonic analysis lately. By means of explanation, I am just feeling around the subject at the moment and trying to build ...
Daron's user avatar
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Generalized conjugacy classes in (topological) groups

Let $G$ be a topological group. We define an equivalence relation on $G$ as follows: For $a,b\in G$ we set $a\sim b$ if the following two maps are topologically conjugate: $$x\mapsto ax,\qquad x\...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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Show that $V_G: L^2(G\times G, \mu \times \mu)\to L^2(G\times G, \mu \times \mu)$ defined by $V_G(f)(x,y) = f(xy,y)$ is well-defined

Let $G$ be a locally compact Hausdorff group and let $\mu$ be a right Haar measure on $G$. Then $\mu\times \mu$ (the Radon product of measures) is a right Haar measure on $G \times G$ and we can ...
Andromeda's user avatar
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Continuous function defined by measurable sets

Is the following slightly generalization of Corollary 20.17 in Hewitt and Ross Book (page 296) correct? Let $A$ be a subset of a profinite group $G$ ( compact, Hausdorff, totally disconnected ...
Alireza Abdollahi's user avatar
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Can Gaussian measure be characterized by unitary representations?

It is well known that Fourier transform switches positive-definite functions with positive measures on a (locally compact topological) group. Further, the positive definite functions can be ...
Bombyx mori's user avatar
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Weil's Haar measure construction from below

Weil's construction of a Haar measure on a locally compact group rests on approximating a function from above by sums of translates of another function. I would need to know something similar for an ...
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Subgroups of finite non-zero Haar measure of abelian locally compact groups

Is it true that every subgroup of finite non-zero Haar measure of an abelian locally compact group should be open and compact? This is obviously true for the case of discrete abelian groups. Thanks.
Alvin's user avatar
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Justification of the convolution operation of $L^1(G)$ functions where $G$ is a LCA group (measurability)

Suppose $G$ is a locally compact abelian Hausdorff group (LCA), and $\lambda$ is the Haar measure on it. We all know the convolution of two $L^1(\lambda)$ functions $f$ and $g$ on $G$ is defined as $$...
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