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Questions tagged [matrix-exponential]

The matrix exponential is a matrix function on square matrices analogous to the ordinary exponential function.

18 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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What properties characterize the function $L(x) = x+\exp(x) \log(x)$?

As might be known, the function $L(x) = x+\exp(x)\log(x)$ plays a prominent role in the Lagarias formulation of the Riemann hypothesis: $$\sigma(n) \le H_n + \exp(H_n) \log(H_n)$$ My question is, ...
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Is every linear Lie group of bounded geometry?

$\newcommand\norm[1]{\lVert#1\rVert}$Given any point $p$ of a smooth Riemannian manifold $M$ there exists $r\in (0,\infty]$ such that the Riemannian exponential is a diffeomorphism in the geodesic ...
Marco's user avatar
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What is the exponential map from the Lie algebra $\mathfrak{sl}(2,\mathbb{C})\ltimes_\textrm{ad}\mathfrak{sl}(2,\mathbb{C})$ to its Lie group?

$\DeclareMathOperator\ad{ad}\DeclareMathOperator\Ad{Ad}\DeclareMathOperator\Exp{Exp}\DeclareMathOperator\SL{SL}\DeclareMathOperator\sl{\mathfrak{sl}}$Let $G:=\SL(2, C) \ltimes_{\Ad} \SL(2,C)$, where $\...
NIshant Rathee's user avatar
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Matrix logarithm of unitary factor from polar decomposition of product of positive definite matrices

This question is crossposted from Math Stackexchange here. I crosspost without much edits as I think this is the best way to phrase the question and because I received no feedback on the original post ...
Afham's user avatar
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Exponential of infinite dimensional matrix

Originally posted on Math SE but didn't get any responses. Thus, I thought I would ask here with some more details. I have a matrix originating from Master Equation for birth death process on semi ...
plambda's user avatar
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Is there a nice way to express a matrix exponential when rows are proportionally scaled?

Assume I am given an $n \times n$ matrix $A$ with real or complex coefficients. Its matrix exponential is denoted by $\exp(A)$ and is calculated as usual. Assume further that I want to rescale the ...
tobias's user avatar
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3 votes
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Baker–Campbell–Hausdorff formula for exponential of general Hermitian operators

Let $A$ and $B$ be two anti-Hermitian operators on a finite-dimensional Hilbert space. BCH formula gives an explicit expression for $e^A e^B$ as $e^C=e^A e^B$, for $C$ in the Lie algebra generated by $...
user149918's user avatar
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Does restricting the eigenvalues of Hermitian matrices to the interval $[0,2\pi)$ make the exponential map to the unitary group bijective?

Let $U \in U(n)$ be a generic unitary matrix. Since the unitary group $U(n)$ is compact and connected, I know that the exponential map is surjective, i.e. that every $U \in U(n)$ has the form $U = e^{...
William Schober's user avatar
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Bounding norms of symplectic matrix factorisations and non-separable Hamiltonian flows

Problem setup: Let $e^{hJM}$ be the time-$h$ flow corresponding to the ODE $\dot{x} = JMx$, with $M = \left(\begin{array}{cc} A & C\\ C^T & B\\ \end{array}\right)$ ...
Ben94's user avatar
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Taylor coefficients of the integral of the ordered exponential

Let $A$ be a continuous $2\times 2$ matrix-valued function on $[0,1]$. Define $X_A$ as the solution of $$ X_A'(t) = A(t) X_A(t), \qquad X(0) = I. $$ In other words $X_A$ is the ordered exponential of $...
Pavel Gubkin's user avatar
2 votes
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Growth bounds for the exponential of an operator

Let $X$ be a complex Banach space and $A:X \to X$ a compact operator. It spectrum is the set $\sigma(A)=\lbrace \lambda \in \mathbb{C}, \ A-\lambda I \text{ is not invertible}\rbrace$. Let $L=\sup\...
JULIAN EPSTEIN's user avatar
2 votes
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Random variable matrix exponential

I am trying to find out the distribution of a matrix exponential which is a function of a random variable. My mathematics background is very limited and I hope I can receive some help from here. What ...
Winton's user avatar
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Fiberwise exponential map for vector bundle automorphisms

Let $p:E \to B$ be a smooth vector bundle of rank $n$ over a manifold $B$ and we identify $B$ with the image of the corresponding zero section. For $b\in B$ denote by $E_b = p^{-1}(b)$ the fiber over $...
Sergiy Maksymenko's user avatar
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Inequality of exponentials of Banach operators

(I have moved this question from Stackexchange). Given the operators $\{A_j\}$ in a Banach algebra and a positive integer $p$, let \begin{equation} g=\exp\left(\frac{1}{n}\sum_{j=1}^p A_j\right)\quad\...
user96233's user avatar
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Possible compatible ""structure" on the Lie algebra associated with a Lie group with respect to group structure

For simplicity, let us work on an example. Regard $GL_r(\mathbb C)$ as a Lie group with associated Lie algebra $M_r(\mathbb C)$, then there exists a canonical so called exponential map: $$\exp: M_r(\...
Longma's user avatar
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Matrix exponential with particular structure

Context I'm trying to numerically solve the following differential equation: $\frac{\mathrm{d} u}{\mathrm{d} t} = -Au + f$, where $u$ and $f$ are vectors, and $A$ is an $N \times N$ matrix, with $N &...
MPA's user avatar
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Product of exponentials of matrices

Let $A$ and $B$ be commuting $n\times n$ positive definite complex matrices and let $C$,$D$ be other complex matrices. I wish to think of $C,D$ as small and $A,B$ as any size. Suppose we are looking ...
JRoss's user avatar
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Matrix exponential bounds

Let $A$ be a stochastic matrix, $q\in (0,1)$. How to bound $n$ such that $$q^n A^n e^A \leq e^A$$ Note that here $e^A$ is the matrix exponential, and $\leq$ is taken entrywise. To be clear, what I ...
maomao's user avatar
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