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Questions tagged [matrix-exponential]

The matrix exponential is a matrix function on square matrices analogous to the ordinary exponential function.

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13 votes
4 answers

exponential/logarithm for unipotent algebraic groups

Let $k$ be a field (of possibly positive characteristic), let $U_n$ denote the space of all $n \times n$ unipotent upper triangular matrices over $k$, and let $G$ be an algebraic subgroup of $U_n$ (...
Mike Crumley's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Approximating sum of entries of $\exp(A-B)$ for diagonal $A$ and rank-$1$ $B$?

I have non-negative $d\times d$ matrices $A$, $B$ and need a tractable way to compute the sum of all entries of $\exp(-t(A-B))$ where $A$ is diagonal and $B$ symmetric rank-$1$. IE $$f(t)=\langle\exp(-...
Yaroslav Bulatov's user avatar
63 votes
7 answers

How to prove this determinant is positive?

Given matrices $$A_i= \biggl(\begin{matrix} 0 & B_i \\ B_i^T & 0 \end{matrix} \biggr)$$ where $B_i$ are real matrices and $i=1,2,\ldots,N$, how to prove the following? $$\det \big( I + e^...
Lei Wang's user avatar
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11 votes
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What properties characterize the function $L(x) = x+\exp(x) \log(x)$?

As might be known, the function $L(x) = x+\exp(x)\log(x)$ plays a prominent role in the Lagarias formulation of the Riemann hypothesis: $$\sigma(n) \le H_n + \exp(H_n) \log(H_n)$$ My question is, ...
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5 votes
3 answers

Integral of the entrywise square of the exponential of a matrix

Note: I posted my question on math.stackexchange but got no answer. That is why I am asking it here. Let $A$ be a $n\times n$ square matrix such that the real part of all eigenvalues are negative. ...
N. Gast's user avatar
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