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Product of exponentials of matrices

Let $A$ and $B$ be commuting $n\times n$ positive definite complex matrices and let $C$,$D$ be other complex matrices. I wish to think of $C,D$ as small and $A,B$ as any size. Suppose we are looking ...
JRoss's user avatar
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Does the equation $\mathbf{I} = \sum_{k=1}^{m} \mathbf{U} \mathbf{B}_k \mathbf{U}^T\mathbf{A}_k$ have a special name or solution?

I have encountered the equation $\mathbf{I} = \sum_{k=1}^{m} \mathbf{X} \mathbf{B}_k \mathbf{X}^T\mathbf{A}_k$, recently. All matrices are of dimension $n \times n$. Is it assigned a special name? ...
Hadi Asheri's user avatar
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Low-rank approximation of sub-sampled matrix

Considering a large data matrix $X$ with zero-centered columns that is assumed to be approximately low-rank, it is common to do PCA and project the data onto the top few principal components, and use ...
user310374's user avatar
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On Hochschild cohomology

Let given a ring $A$ without zero divizors and torsion free as $\mathbb{Z}$- module. Let also given $M~-$ $A~-$ bimodule which is torsion as module over $\mathbb{Z}$. Is it true that if $A$ has ...
solver6's user avatar
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Orthonormal basis of matrices

I am asking if somebody knows how to do or is aware of the following construction: Let $n \in \mathbb{N}$ be given, then take an arbitrary matrix $A \in \mathbb{C}^{n \times n}$. Then, there are maps ...
Luka Tinska's user avatar
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Classification of irreducible complex representations of $\mathbb{H}_\mathbb{Z}^\times$ up to isomophism?

Let $G$ be the multiplicative group of the ring of integral quaternions. Question. What is the classification of irreducible complex representations of $G$ up to isomorphism?
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Evaluating a hopeless algorithm for recovering sparse solutions to $Ax=b$ over a finite field

Given a matrix $A \in F^{n \times m},$ $m>n,$ with rank $n$ and in row-reduced echelon form and a nonzero vector $b \in F^n$: (1) Perform elementary row operations to obtain $b_1 \not = 0$ and $b_k=...
Thomas Rasberry's user avatar
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Center of matrices

I encountered a neat problem in a problem in particle physics So given $n$ skew symmetric matrices $A_1,...,A_n$ in $\mathbb{C}^{d \times d}.$ I would like to call this the commutator property: $...
Theophile1987's user avatar
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Significance of Tikhonov matrix

I am looking for a tutorial on Tikhonov matrix, in the sense what it can do or it cannot do. The definition of the matrix can be obtained in the wikipedia link.
lordOfTheRings's user avatar
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Maximizing the ratio of largest eigenvalues

Let $K$ be a real stable matrix; more specifically, $$ K=\left(\begin{array}{rrrrr} 0&1&0&\ldots&0\\ 0&0&1&\ldots&0\\ \vdots&\vdots&\vdots&\ddots&\vdots\...
AVK's user avatar
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When can a binary matrix be transformed into a certain form

I have a $k \times n$ matrix $G$ over ${\mathbb F_2}$ that's full rank. This can always be put in systematic form : $G \sim [I_k \mid P]$ where $I_k$ is a $k \times k$ identity matrix and $P$ is a $k \...
unknown's user avatar
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Does this graph structure on a ring have any known uses, and/or is it studied anywhere?

Every ring $R$ becomes a graph as follows: given $a,b \in R$, an edge between $a$ and $b$ is, by definition, a non-zero idempotent of $R$ that when added to $a$ yields $b$. This is always a simple ...
goblin GONE's user avatar
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On the Lowener-Heinz inequality

I know that for two symmetric positive semi-definite (non-diagonal) matrices $A,B$, the inequality asserts that the following does not hold for all $p > 1$ $$A \succeq B \succeq 0 \Rightarrow A^p \...
user97064's user avatar
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Quantifying how much a vector gets turned toward the expanding direction of an $\mathrm{SL}(2,\mathbb R)$ matrix

Consider a matrix $B\in \mathrm{SL}(2,\mathbb R)$. Let $s$ be a vector that is pointing in the most contracted direction of $B$, and let $u$ be the image under $B$ of a unit vector pointing in the ...
Darren Ong's user avatar
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determine the existence of positive semi-definite matrix

Given a $d\times d$ complex matrix subspace $S$, we are asking whether there is some finite integer $n$ such that there exists a non-zero positive semi-definite matrix is orthogonal to $S^{\otimes n}$....
gondolf's user avatar
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4-D lattices and quaternion

It is easy to prove that there are only 2 extensions $\mathbb{Q}(a)$, with $|a|=1$, of $\mathbb{Q}$ where $\mathbb{Z}[a]$ becomes a lattice(discrete free abelian subgroup of rank 2) in the complex ...
user94475's user avatar
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Number of Asymmetric, Balanced Permutation Matrices

let $\mathcal{ABP}$, the set of "asymmetric, balanced permutation matrices", be defined as the set of permutation matrices, that aren't equal their transpose but, for which the number $1$s below the ...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
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Binary operations on graphs

Are there "binary operations" on graphs like in (, which make the set of all graphs ("under consideration") a (abelian) group or a (commutative) ring or a ...
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Computing intersection of Weyl algebra ideal with certain subring

Let $D=k [x_1,\ldots, x_n, \partial_1,\ldots, \partial_n] $ be the nth Weyl algebra over the characteristic zero field $k $. Set $\theta_i=x_i\partial_i $. Let $I $ be a left ideal in $D $. Is there a ...
Avi Steiner's user avatar
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Negative eigenvalue of Toeplitz Hermitian matrix?

I am working on estimation of a covariance matrix and I know that the matrix is Toeplitz. The desired matrix should not produce negative eigenvalues at all. However, sometime my estimation leads to a ...
Creator's user avatar
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when a prime ideal is maximal differential ideal in a UFD

Is the prime ideal $\langle X^{2}+Y^{2}-1\rangle$ a maximal differential ideal in differential ring $\mathbb{Q}[X,Y]$ with derivatives $D(X)=Y, D(Y)= -X$? I know there are maximal ideals like $\...
yash's user avatar
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Transitivity for algebraic extensions of integral domains?

I'm trying to prove the following result. Let $R_1\subseteq R_2\subseteq R_3$ be integral domains such that $R_1\subseteq R_2$ and $R_2\subseteq R_3$ are algebraic extensions (note: I do not want to ...
Drew Armstrong's user avatar
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The projective resolution of a direct summand

For an $R$-module $M$ fix a projective resolution $P^\bullet\to M$. If $N$ is a direct summand of $M$, that is there is $L$ such that $M=N\oplus L$, then is there a projective resolution of $N$ which ...
George C. Modoi's user avatar
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Asymptotic determinant of $2\times 2$ Toeplitz matrix

The problem that I am dealing with is to compute the determinant of a $2\times 2$ Toeplitz matrix[1] (in general I would like to generalize to a more general case, but let's consider the easiest case ...
user3209698's user avatar
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Complex conjugate and unitary complex conjugate

Definition: Let V be complex finite dimensional inner product space Complex Conjugate: $J$ is called complex conjugate on V iff $(i) J$ is antilinear $(ii) J^2 =I$ Definition: Anti-unitary Complex ...
Sushil's user avatar
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Roots of matrices in $G_2(Z)$

Let $G_2$ denote the exceptional Lie group $G_2$ as a $\mathbb{Q}$-algebraic group. Suppose that is also given a matrix representation $\rho : G_2\rightarrow SO(7)$. Let $M$ be a matrix with integral ...
junior's user avatar
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Boundary of pseudospectra

Suppose: $B_i \in \mathbb{C}^{n \times n}$, $0<w_i\in \mathbb{R}$ $(i = 0,1,2,\ldots,m)$ ${\rm P}(x) ={\rm{B}_m} x ^m + \cdots + B_1 x + B_0$ is a matrix polynomial, and $x $ is a complex ...
R.T MAN's user avatar
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A property of minimal prime ideals in rings with finite chromatic number

Let $R$ be a commutative ring with identity. There are so many ways to associate a graph to $R$. Consider this: take the elements of $R$ (All elements including zero) as vertices an two distinct ...
Mark 's user avatar
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the linear span of all matrix coefficients is $C(G,\mathbb{C})$ where $G$ is a finite group

Theorem. Let $\{(R_{\alpha},V_{\alpha})\}$ be a complete set of inequivalent irreducible finite dimensional representations of a finite group $G$. Let $V_{R_{\alpha}}$ be the subspace generated by all ...
Ergin Süer's user avatar
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Primitivity of $AA^\top$

Let $A\in\mathbb{R}^{n\times n}$ be a non-negative and irreducible matrix. Consider $B:=AA^\top$. It can be proved (I can post a proof if needed) that the following condition is necessary and ...
Ludwig's user avatar
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Let $M = \frac{1}{2}(A + {A^T})$ be real symmetric nonnegative matrix. Why does $\rho (A) \le {\lambda _{\max }}(M)$?

Let $A \in M_n$ be nonnegative, and consider the real symmetric nonnegative matrix $M = \frac{1}{2}(A + {A^T})$. Why does $\rho (A) \le {\lambda _{\max }}(M)$?
1_1's user avatar
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How can I filter the effects of a variable from a correlation matrix?

I have a correlation matrix (it contains 500 columns and 500 rows) and I would like to make an other correlation matrix in which one variable (and its influences) is filtered from the initial matrix. ...
david86's user avatar
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Dimension of the center of a subalgebra of a simple algebra

Let $F$ be a field. Let $A$ be a simple (associative unital) $F$-algebra with center reduced to $F$. Let $B$ be a $F$-subalgebra of $A$; assume that $A$ is can be generated as left $B$-module by $n$ ...
tom's user avatar
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Keshavan-Montanari-Oh matrix completion — clearing step

I am trying to implement the algorithm for matrix completion proposed by Keshavan, Montanari and Oh (2009). It consists of three steps: Trimming which nulls some rows and columns to make the high ...
J. Doe's user avatar
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The normalizer problem for group rings

I recently studied about The Normalizer problem (NP) which states that given an integral group ring $\Bbb{Z}G$, $N_{\cal{U}}(G)=G\frak{z}$ where $\frak{z}$ denotes centre of $\cal{U}$ = $\cal{U}$$(\...
Bhaskar Vashishth's user avatar
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Expected value of minimum rank of random matrices

I have $n$ random vectors ${\bf r}_i$ for $i=1,2,\dots,n$, each with dimension $1 \times m$, and $n$ random matrices ${\bf S}_i$ for $i=1,2,\dots,n$, each with dimension $M \times m$. The elements of $...
mhsnk's user avatar
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Lower bound on the value $\textbf{1}^Tx$ such as $Ax\geq b$

The problem may be formulated as follows: We are given a set of $m$ positive numbers $\{b_1,...,b_m\}$ and a set of $n$ positive numbers $\{v_1,...,v_n\}$. We have $v_j\leq K$, $j=1,...,n$, for a ...
user2370336's user avatar
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Embedding of fields in central simple algebras over number fields

Let $K$ be a non-real CM number field of degree $2d$, with maximal totally real subfield $K_0$, and let $A$ be a central simple algebra over $K$, so that $A\simeq M_n(E)$, the $n\times n$ matrix ring ...
Tommaso Centeleghe's user avatar
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Projectivity of a faithfully balanced self-orthogonal bimodule

Let $_RT_S$ be a faithully balanced self-orthogonal bimodule over a pair of noncommutative rings $(R,S)$, if $_RT$ is projective as a left $R$-module, can we say $T_S$ is also projective as a right $S$...
TmobiusX's user avatar
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For of a special case of $Ax>=b$, are there always integer solutions?

The input consists of two integers $n\geq 2$ and $K\geq 2$, and a vector of positive integers $b$ of size $n$. We assume that $\sum_i b_i$ is a multiple of $K$. The output is a matrix $A(n\times n)$ ...
user2370336's user avatar
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Product of elementary divisors

Let $A$ be an $(m \times n)$ integer matrix (if it helps, we can assume that a is a square matrix). Let $d_i,\ldots,d_s$ be the elementary divisors of $A$. I am interested in the product $\prod_{i=1}^...
Martin's user avatar
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Log convexity for the norm of a vector-valued function

Log convexity of various functions defined on the space of Hermitian matrices plays an important role in matrix analysis and probability theory. Given $v \in \mathbb{C}^n$, $D$ a diagonal matrix with ...
user2700's user avatar
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notation for vector product in the space

The notation for vector (a.k.a. cross) product in $\mathbb{R}^3$ I usually see is $\times$. However, some places use $\wedge$ instead, which IMHO creates a lot of confusion, as $\wedge$ usually is ...
Dima Pasechnik's user avatar
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A simple Lie algebra with modules of a particular type

I’m trying to copy the following construction of P. Forster in group theory for Lie algebras. He takes a non-abelian simple group E which has an FpE-module V such that R = Rad(V ) is faithful and ...
David Towers's user avatar
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On triangular Toeplitz matrices

Let $R(x)$ be the upper triangular Toeplitz matrix with first row $x$, so that $R_{ik}=x_{k-i+1}$ if $i\le k$ and $R_{ik}=0$ otherwise. Let $N(n)$ be the smallest number $N$ such that there exist $u_j,...
Arnold Neumaier's user avatar
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Extremal roots of Bernstein-Sato polynomials

Let $f \in \mathbb{C}[x_1,\ldots,x_n]$. Consider $D[s]$, where $D$ is the ring of polynomial coefficient differential operators in $n$ variables, and $s$ is an additional formal variable. Suppose $P(...
user78523's user avatar
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An identity satisfied by "Differentiation"

I asked this question in MSE but I did not received any answer. So I repeat it here: Assume that $C$ is a coalgebra with comultiplication $\Delta:C \to C\otimes C$. The higher order ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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Possibility of Disconnected Subgraphs of a $k$ Connected $r$ regular Graph under a given condition

Context: Given a adjacency matrix A of a $r$-regular graph $G$ (not complete graph $K_{r+1}$) . $G$ is $k$ connected. The matrix A can be divided into 4 sub-matrices based on adjacency of vertex $x ...
Michael's user avatar
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Complexity of reordering a matrix which consists independent sub matrices

Introduction: Given a matrix A of a $k$ regular graph G. The matrix A can be divided into 4 sub matrices based on adjacency of vertex $x \in G$. $A_x$ is the symmetric matrix of the graph $(G-x)$, ...
Michael's user avatar
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Minimum rank of certain matrices

Let $\mathscr{M}[n]$ be collection of $n\times n$ matrices with real entries from $\{0,1\}$ such that every row is distinct and every column is distinct. What is minimum real rank of matrices in $\...
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