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Generalizations of a theorem of Edmonds/Tutte on existence of a perfect matching in a graphs

It is well known that for a bipartite graph $G$ with bi-adjacency matrix $A$, then $\det A \neq 0$ (as a polynomial) iff $G$ has a perfect matching (there is a similar result for general graphs with ...
Agile_Eagle's user avatar
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Hall theorem with non-saturating matching

Hall's marriage theorem states that given a bipartite graph $G=(X+Y,E)$, if there is no $X$-saturating matching, there there exists $W\subseteq X$ such that $|W|>|N_G(W)|$. Is the following ...
user137692's user avatar
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Matchings in infinite, not necessarily bipartite, graphs

Aharoni, Nash-Williams, and Shelah have extended the famous marriage theorem for finite bipartite graphs due to Hall to arbitrary graphs. Is there a similar generalization of Tutte's theorem on ...
Dominic van der Zypen's user avatar
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Tutte's Reduction of Minimum Weight d-Factors to Matching

I am currently interested in minimum weight regular d-spanners (i.e. d-factors) of complete graphs. When searching the internet for related articles, I came across this one, which is concerned with ...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
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Non-adjacent Pair of Edges with Minimal Weight Sum

Given an weighted, undirected Graph $G(V,E)$ without loops or parallel edges, what is the complexity of determining a pair of non-adjacent edges, whose sum of weights is w.l.o.g. minimal? is that ...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
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Probabilistic many-to-one matching

Let $p<1$ be a constant. Consider two sets $A,B$ with $n$ and $nf(n)$ vertices, respectively, where $f(n)$ is an integer. For each pair $(a,b)\in A\times B$, the edge between $a$ and $b$ appears ...
Alexi's user avatar
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Matching with probabilistic edges

Let $p<1$ be a constant. Consider two sets $A,B$, each with $n$ vertices. For each pair $(a,b)\in A\times B$, the edge between $a$ and $b$ appears with probability $p$, independently of the ...
Alexi's user avatar
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Maximum cardinality general factor of a graph

Given a graph $G=(V,E)$ and a set of integers $B(v)$ associated to each vertex, a general factor of $G$ is a set of edges $F\subseteq E$ such that the degree of each vertex $v\in V$ in the graph $(V, ...
George Octavian Rabanca's user avatar
30 votes
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An unfair marriage lemma

I am looking for a citeable reference to the following generalization of Hall's Marriage Theorem: Given a bipartite graph of boys and girls. In addition to gender difference, they are divided into ...
Sergei Ivanov's user avatar
5 votes
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Reference sought for Conway's observation on stable matchings

Looking for a reference on the observation that the set of stable matchings form a distributive lattice. This is attributed to Conway by Knuth in "Marriages Stables" but I would like an explicit ...
user16317's user avatar