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Find necessary & sufficient conditions for two families of sets to have $m$ pairwise disjoint common partial transversals of given sizes

Let $S$ be a finite set, $I$ a finite index set, $\mathcal A=(A_i:i\in I)$ and $\mathcal B=(B_i:i\in I)$ families of subsets of $S$. For $J\subseteq I$, let $A(J)$ denote $\bigcup_{j\in J} A_j$. A ...
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Can we represent partitions by mutually parallel lines in the plane?

Lately I have become interested in the following idea: Suppose $n$ is a positive integer and $[n]=\{1,2,3,...,n\}$. Suppose we have 3 distinct partitions $b$, $g$, and $r$ of $[n]$. Assume that the ...
David Richter's user avatar
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A Result of Anders Bjorner: Matchings in countably infinite geometric lattices of finite height

Let $L$ be a countably infinite geometric lattice of finite height $r\ge3$. (A geometric lattice of height $r$ is an atomistic semimodular lattice such that every maximal chain has $r+1$ elements.) ...
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