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Homometric $\Rightarrow$ isometric?

Suppose you know that there is a mapping between two Riemmanian manifolds $M_1$ and $M_2$ such that, for each $x_1 \in M_1$, the (codimension-1) measure of the set of points at distance $d$ from $x_1$ ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
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To what extent is the Nash embedding not unique?

Consider a smooth Nash embedding, $f$, of a Riemannian manifold $Σ$ into Euclidean space $\mathbb R^n$. To what extent is this embedding not unique? It is clear that the set of all such embeddings ...
dennis's user avatar
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Good resources that talk about geodesically convex sets for riemannian manifolds?

Are there any good resources that talk about geodesically convex sets, and in particular convex hulls, for riemannian manifolds? I’ve been wanting to learn more about them, their geometry and ...
Spencer Kraisler's user avatar
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Classifying singularities of the Ricci flow

Context: A solution $(M^n, g(t))$ of the Ricci flow is said to encounter a Type III Singularity if $g(t)$ is defined for all $t \geq 0$ and: $$ \sup _{\mathcal{M}^{n} \times[0, \infty)} \|\...
Matheus Andrade's user avatar
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Geometric intuition behind definition of $\delta$-necklike points of the Ricci flow

In "The Ricci Flow: An Introduction", the authors define a $\delta$-necklike point of the Ricci flow as a point $(x, t)$ where $$\|\text{Rm} - R (\theta \otimes \theta)\| \leq \delta \|\text{...
Matheus Andrade's user avatar
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Domain of definition of a certain mapping

Suppose we have a compact smooth riemannian manifold $(M,g)$ and a $\mathcal{C}^2$ diffeomorphism $f$ of this manifold. I am studying the mapping $$\tilde{f}(x)= \exp_{f(x)}^{-1} \circ f \circ \exp_x \...
Giuseppe Tenaglia's user avatar
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Vector bundle endomorphism diffeomorphism invariant?

Let's say we have a vector bundle $V$ on a compact Riemannian manifold $M$ (of dimension $m$, with metric $g$). Given a differential operator $P$, acting on the sections of $V$, of the form: $$P = \...
phydev's user avatar
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Einstein submanifold of Einstein manifold - References

Is there any work in which the conditions under which an Einstein manifold admits an Einstein submanifold are studied? If yes, can you give me the references?
MathDG's user avatar
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