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Questions tagged [locally-convex-spaces]

Topological vector space with a locally convex topology, i.e. induced by a system of seminorms.

5 questions from the last 365 days
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Exercise on bounded sets in locally convex metrizable spaces [migrated]

I'm stuck with the following exercise: Let $(E,\mathcal{P})$ be a metrizable locally convex space. Show that for each sequence $(A_{n})_{n}$ of bounded subsets in $E$ there is a sequence of positive ...
Vicent Miralles's user avatar
4 votes
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Topology on the space of compactly supported functions

Let $X$ be a locally compact Hausdorff topological space, and let $C_c(X)$ be the space of compactly supported $\mathbf{R}$-valued continuous functions. It is a well-known fact that this space is not ...
jfhk's user avatar
  • 43
3 votes
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Is compact-open topology stable with respect to injective limits?

Let $X$ be a locally convex space, and $\{Y_i;\ i\in I\}$ a covariant system of locally convex spaces over a partially ordered set $I$, i.e. a system of linear continuous mappings is given $\sigma^j_i:...
Sergei Akbarov's user avatar
3 votes
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Is the exponential map of a locally compact group a local homeomorphism?

We consider a locally compact abelian group $G$. We equip the real vector space $A(G)$ of continuous group homomorphisms $\mathbb{R}\to G$ with the topology of uniform convergence on compact subsets ...
Hans's user avatar
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Colimits of locally convex spaces in the categories of topological vector spaces vs locally convex spaces

Let $S$ be a set and let $V_s$ be a family of locally convex topological vector spaces (LCSs) indexed by $s \in S$. Let $V$ be a vector space (without topology) and let $T_s:V_s \to V$ be a family of ...
James Tener's user avatar