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5 votes
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Countably compact Boolean algebras versus distributivity

Let us say that a complete Boolean algebra $B$ is: countably distributive when for any sequence $(I_n)_{n\in\mathbb{N}}$ of sets and any elements $(u_{n,i})_{n\in\mathbb{N},i\in I_n}$ of $B$ we have $...
Gro-Tsen's user avatar
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Christoph Benzmüller and Gödel's ontological proof?

Are there any notable mathematical or logical issues within Christoph Benzmüller and Bruno Woltzenlogel-Paleo formalized Gödel's ontological proof (pdf) that has been identified by the community?
Hadibinalshiab's user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

Had this attempt to salvage naïve comprehension been studied before?

Is the following a possible way to overcome inconsistency with naive comprehension: We add an $\in_n$ symbol for each natural $n$ to the signature of this theory, which is a first order theory with ...
Zuhair Al-Johar's user avatar
1 vote
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Minimal Turing machines associated to math statements

It is known that some famous Number Theoretic problems are equivalent to halting of specific Turing machines: Goldbach conjecture holds iff a 47 state TM halts Lagarias' formulation of Riemann ...
0x11111's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

$L(\mathbb{R})$-absoluteness from a proper class of Woodins: source?

For a paper I'm writing I need to use (as a blackbox) the following theorem: if there is a proper class of Woodin cardinals and $G$ is set-generic, then $L(\mathbb{R})$ and $L(\mathbb{R})^{V[G]}$ are ...
Noah Schweber's user avatar
4 votes
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Isomorphism between the reduced C*-algebra of a groupoid and the crossed product of inverse semigroups

In Paterson's book "Groupoids, Inverse Semigroups and their Operator Algebras" he proves that for any r-discrete groupoid $G$ with unit space $G^0$, its full $C^* $-algebra $C^* (G)$ is ...
Tomás Pacheco's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

Whether an isotone bijection from a power set lattice to another sends singletons to singletons

By the work of Paul Cohen (on the continuum hypothesis), one can neither prove nor disprove from the axioms of ZFC that a bijection $f$ from the power set $\mathcal{P}(S)$ of a set $S$ to the power ...
Salvo Tringali's user avatar
5 votes
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Do most semigroups have a zero?

It is widely believed in finite semigroup theory that asymptotically almost all finite semigroups $S$, up to isomorphism, are 3-nilpotent, i.e., they satisfy $\#\{abc\,:\,a,b,c\in S\} = 1$. My ...
user513093's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

Cardinal arithmetic under determinacy

Work in a reasonable theory of determinacy such as $\mathsf{ZF+DC+AD}$. Which of the following identities are true for arbitrary infinite sets? $|A^2|=|A^3|$ (motivated by an MSE question that asks ...
n901's user avatar
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14 votes
2 answers

Are there any non-conjugation "extendible automorphisms" in the category of finite groups?

Let $\mathbf{Grp}$ be the category of groups. Given a subcategory $\mathscr{G}$ of $\mathbf{Grp}$ and $G\in\mathit{Ob}(\mathscr{G})$, a $\mathscr{G}$-extendible map on $G$ will here mean an assignment ...
Noah Schweber's user avatar
6 votes
0 answers

Decidably clarifying ordinals

For a computable$^*$ ordinal $\alpha$ (viewed as an $\{<\}$-structure), say that a first-order sentence $\sigma$ in a relational language $\Sigma\supseteq \{<\}$ decidably clarifies $\alpha$ iff ...
Noah Schweber's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

An infinite hat puzzle variation—if we don't know our place, can we still be almost all correct?

An evil demon is holding uncountably many set theorists captive. He explains to us how he will presently arrange us into a well ordered sequence, with everyone facing the same direction upward in the ...
Joel David Hamkins's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Can a general recursive function be defined by Pr(x)?

In the book Metamathematics of First-Order Arithmetic, I learned that a general recursive function can be defined by a $\Delta_1$-formula. I am curious about another matter: Since we have $Pr_T^\...
Stanley sun's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Can these short set-building expressions of the finite set world extend to the infinite set world?

A formula of the form $\forall \vec{p}\, \exists x \, \forall y\, (y \in x \leftrightarrow \phi(y,\vec{p}))$ is to be named a "set-building" formula. Now, when $\vec{p}$ includes a predicate ...
Zuhair Al-Johar's user avatar
2 votes
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Does $\mathrm{L}_{s_{n+1}}$ contain a surjection from $\omega$ to $\mathrm{L}_{s_n}$?

Let $s_n$ be the least $\Sigma_n-$admissible ordinal, so that $\mathrm{L}_{s_n}$ is a model of Kripke-Platek set theory with $\Sigma_n-$collection and $\Sigma_n-$separation. Does $\mathrm{L}_{s_{n+1}}$...
Frode Alfson Bjørdal's user avatar
16 votes
1 answer

Proving that ZF is Artemov-consistent

As discussed in another MO question, Sergei Artemov has proposed that the standard formalization Con(PA) of "PA is consistent" is flawed, and has proposed a different way to formalize "...
Timothy Chow's user avatar
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Image-catching families in $\omega$

Let $[\omega]^\omega$ be the collection of infinite subsets of the set of nonnegative integers $\omega$, and let $\newcommand{\I}{\cal{I}}\I=$ $\{S\in[\omega]^\omega: (\omega\setminus S)\in[\omega]^\...
Dominic van der Zypen's user avatar
14 votes
2 answers

If every definable class admits a group structure, must global choice hold?

It is a remarkable fact, due to Hajnal and Kertész and explained very well in this MathOverflow answer by user Ashutosh, that the axiom of choice is equivalent to the assertion that every nonempty set ...
Joel David Hamkins's user avatar
2 votes
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The Dirichlet principle and arithmetical induction

Let us consider the Dirichlet principle as follows: for all natural numbers $n > k > 0$, there is no injection from $\{0, \dots, n-1\}$ into $\{0, \dots, k-1\}$. Is it true that in some non-...
Nikolay Kazimirov's user avatar
20 votes
5 answers

Uniqueness results that follow from CH

Recently, Joel David Hamkins presented a historical thought experiment that shows that CH could have been adopted as an axiom if we had been using the hyperreal field $\mathbb{R}^*$ instead of $\...
5 votes
0 answers

Which pseudovarieties have (Eilenberg/Schutzenberger) minimal descriptions?

Suppose $\mathscr{V}$ is a pseudovariety in a countable language $\Sigma$. Say that a minimal description of $\mathscr{V}$ (in the sense of Eilenberg/Schutzenberger rather than Reiterman) is a pair $(...
Noah Schweber's user avatar
2 votes
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Smallest ${\mathbf B}$-function $f:\omega\to( \omega\setminus\{0\})$

Motivation. Every hypergraph $(\omega, E)$ where $E$ is countable and consists of infinite sets has property $\newcommand{\B}{\mathbf{B}}\B$. On the other hand, if the members of $E$ are allowed to be ...
Dominic van der Zypen's user avatar
6 votes
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Measurable functions from logical formulas

Let $A(X, Y)$ be an arithmetical formula with (only) second-order variables $X, Y\subset \mathbb{N}$. Assuming $(\forall X\subset \mathbb{N})(\exists Y\subset\mathbb{N})A(X, Y)$, there is a choice ...
Sam Sanders's user avatar
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1 answer

Is there inconsistency with having countable models of Z with these internalizing properties?

Is there a clear inconsistency with the following? There exists a countable transitive model of Zermelo set theory, such that for all external bijections between sets the images and preimages of sets ...
Zuhair Al-Johar's user avatar
3 votes
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Counting Eilenberg/Schutzenberger-type definitions of pseudovarieties

See Eilenberg/Schutzenberger, On pseudovarieties for background on pseudovarieties. I've phrased things in terms of pairs-of-sets to avoid some annoying language about multisets. Also, I'm aware that ...
Noah Schweber's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Comparing semiring of formulas and Lindenbaum algebra

This is motivationally related to an earlier question of mine. Given a first-order theory $T$, let $\widehat{D}(T)$ be the semiring defined as follows: Elements of $\widehat{D}(T)$ are equivalence ...
Noah Schweber's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Natural functions outside $\sf PA$?

Can theories stronger than $\sf PA$ manage to define functions from the naturals to the naturals, that $\sf PA$ cannot? If so, what are examples of those functions?
Zuhair Al-Johar's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

At what ordinal $\chi$ does $\mathrm{L}_\chi$ contain a surjection from $\omega$ to $\mathrm{L}_{\beta_0}$?

Let $\mathrm{ZF^-}$ be $\mathrm{ZF}$ minus power set, and let $\beta_0$ be the ordinal for ramified analysis so that $\mathrm{L}_{\beta_0}$ is the least $\mathrm{L}$-model of $\mathrm{ZF}^-$. Clearly, ...
Frode Alfson Bjørdal's user avatar
4 votes
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Can one formalize the prevalence of the Big Five systems of reverse math?

Simpson's systems of second order arithmetic turn out to be five in number; to simplify notation let's denote them A, B, C, D, E. What seems to be an empirical observation is that most theorems in ...
Mikhail Katz's user avatar
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5 votes
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Can we see quantifier elimination by comparing semirings?

This question came up while reading the paper Hales, What is motivic measure?. Broadly speaking, I'm interested in which ideas from motivic measure make sense in arbitrary first-order theories (or ...
Noah Schweber's user avatar
1 vote
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Can PA define functions related to higher theories?

Working in $\sf ZFC$ we can define a function $F$ from naturals to naturals such that $F(0) = \, ^\circ\ulcorner r({\sf Z}) \urcorner$, where $r({\sf Z})$ is the Rosser sentence of Zermelo set theory $...
Zuhair Al-Johar's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Large almost disjoint family on $\mathbb{N}$ with property $\mathbf{B}$

Let $\newcommand{\oo}{[\omega]^\omega}\oo$ denote the collection of all infinite subsets of the set of nonnegative integers $\omega$. We say that $\newcommand{\ss}{{\cal S}}\S\subseteq \oo$ ...
Dominic van der Zypen's user avatar
0 votes
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Introductory resources on rewriting logic

Hi I would like to grasp the theory behind Maude [1], [2] Are there any recommended video lecture notes, talks or introductory notes? I have been exposed to Functional Analysis, Topology and some Term ...
Vasileios Anagnostopoulos's user avatar
3 votes
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Nonexistence of short integer program sequence which generates squares

Is there a way to show within an integer program with constant number of variables and constraints of length $poly(\log B)$ (say length $\leq10^{1000000}\log B$), it is not possible for a variable to ...
Turbo's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

How big can function spaces get without extensionality?

In what follows we work in the usual formulation of Martin-Löf Type Theory including Axiom K [1]. Boldface numbers $\mathbf{n}$ denote the usual finite type with $n$ elements. Motivation Postulating ...
Z. A. K.'s user avatar
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15 votes
3 answers

Finite verification for theorems due to Busy Beaver numbers

I recently learned about the Busy Beaver function, and a formulation of it that essentially tells us if a turing machine of $n$ states takes over $BB(n)$ steps, it will never halt. One consequence I ...
Ivan Galakhov's user avatar
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A property of < in Primitive recursive arithmetic

In Primitive recursive arithmetic (PRA), we can introduce $\lt$ by introducing its representing function $K_{\lt}$, where $K_{\lt}(x,y) =sg(x+1-y)$. Here "sg" and "-" are the ...
user532222's user avatar
1 vote
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Reference about cancellation property for semigroups

Have the semigroups with the following cancellation property been studied? Property: Let $S$ be a semigroup and $x,y\in S$ such that $xz=yz,$ for all $z\in S,$ then $x=y$.
Hector Pinedo's user avatar
7 votes
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Is strictness decidable?

Let $\mathcal C$ be an $\infty$-category. We can ask: Q: Is $\mathcal C$ a 1-category? That is, are the hom-spaces of $\mathcal C$ essentially discrete? Roughly, my question is: Proto-Question: Is Q ...
Tim Campion's user avatar
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On "necessary connectives" in a structure

Given a clone $\mathcal{C}$ over $\{\top,\perp\}$, let $\mathsf{FOL}^\mathcal{C}$ be the version of first-order logic with connectives from $\mathcal{C}$ in place of the usual Booleans. Given a clone $...
Noah Schweber's user avatar
8 votes
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Mostowski's absoluteness theorem and proving that theories extending $0^\#$ have incomparable minimal transitive models

This question says that the theory ZFC + $0^\#$ has incomparable minimal transitive models. It proves this as follows (my emphasis): [F]or every c.e. $T⊢\text{ZFC\P}+0^\#$ having a model $M$ with $On^...
Arvid Samuelsson's user avatar
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Can this formalism prove the consistency of ZFC?

Working in bi-sorted first order logic with equality and membership. First sort variables written in lower case range over sets. Second sort variables written in upper case range over classes. Lets ...
Zuhair Al-Johar's user avatar
3 votes
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Are "equi-expressivity" relations always congruences on Post's lattice?

Given a clone $\mathcal{C}$ over the set $\{\top,\perp\}$, let $\mathsf{FOL}^\mathcal{C}$ be the version of first-order logic with (symbols corresponding to) elements of $\mathcal{C}$ replacing the ...
Noah Schweber's user avatar
5 votes
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Negating fundamental axioms

It is commonplace to consider standard axiomatic systems (e.g. $ZF$) with one of the 'less essential' axioms negated, like infinity, 'less essential' here having some ambiguous definition related to ...
Alec Rhea's user avatar
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-4 votes
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Two equivalent statements about formulas projected onto an Ultrafilter

Question 1: In the same language, let $ X $ be a nonempty set, and let $ \{ (\forall x_{x(i)} f(i)) \ | \ i \in X \} $ be a set of formulas. We use $ x(i) $ to denote the index of the variable on ...
Stanley sun's user avatar
6 votes
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Whence compactness of automorphism quantifiers?

The following question arose while trying to read Shelah's papers Models with second-order properties I-V. For simplicity, I'm assuming a much stronger theory here than Shelah: throughout, we work in $...
Noah Schweber's user avatar
8 votes
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Is there a substructure-preservation result for FOL in finite model theory?

It's well-known$^*$ that the Los-Tarski theorem ("Every substructure-preserved sentence is equivalent to a $\forall^*$-sentence") fails for $\mathsf{FOL}$ in the finite setting: we can find ...
Noah Schweber's user avatar
7 votes
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Equivalence of omniscience principles for natural numbers and analytic omniscience principles for Cauchy real numbers

In constructive mathematics, a proposition $P$ is decidable if $P \vee \neg P$, and a proposition is stable if $\neg \neg P \implies P$. We have the following principles of omniscience for the natural ...
Madeleine Birchfield's user avatar
1 vote
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About having one axiom schema for ZFC motivated after the iterative conception of sets?

This posting is related to this posting, and builds its motivation from this answer to it. Define: $\operatorname {History}(x) \iff \\\forall y \in x: y=\{c \mid \exists z : z \in y \cap x \land (c \...
Zuhair Al-Johar's user avatar
2 votes
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Defining fields of characteristic zero in existential second-order logic

Is it possible to define in existential second-order logic (ESO) the class of fields of characteristic zero? An easy compactness argument shows that the class of fields of positive characteristic is ...
Reijo Jaakkola's user avatar