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Distribution of the first occurrence of a maximum (record) run of zeros in the digits of a normal number (say $\pi$)

If the question was stated to appeal to the general public, it would be something like this. For a number such as $\pi$ or $\sqrt{2}$, the digits in base $b$ appear to be randomly distributed. We are ...
Vincent Granville's user avatar
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Randomized version of Turán's theorem II

$\newcommand{\om}{\omega}$Let $\om(G)$ denote the number of vertices in a largest clique of an (undirected) graph $G$ with the set $[n]:=\{1,\dots,n\}$ of vertices. Then \begin{equation} \om(G)\ge\...
Iosif Pinelis's user avatar
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How tight is the bound $P(\|X\|^2 \ge t |\langle a,X\rangle|) \ge 1 - t\sqrt{\frac{2}{m-1}}$, where $X \sim N(0, I_m)$ and $\|a\| = 1$?

Let $X$ be a random vector in $\mathbb R^m$ with iid $N(0,1)$ coordinates and let $a$ be a fixed unit vector in $\mathbb R^m$. In another post (SE link here
dohmatob's user avatar
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Component properties in Euclidean graphs with distance threshold

In the context of Euclidean graphs with vertices randomly embedded in either a 2D plane (for instance square with length $L$) or in 3D (similarly, cube of side $L$), where an edge between two given ...
user929304's user avatar
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Maximization of a total variation distance subject to another total variation distance in Markov chain

Suppose two dependent random variables $X$ and $V$ from finite alphabets $\mathcal{V}$ and $\mathcal{X}$ with known joint and marginal distributions are given. Let $P_{XV}$ and $P_X$ and $P_V$ are the ...
math-Student's user avatar
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Law of the iterated logarithm in Hilbert space

The standard law of the iterated logarithm expresses that if $X_1, X_2, \ldots$ are iid real random variables with mean zero and variance $\sigma^2$, $$ \limsup_{n \to \infty} \frac {X_1 + \cdots +...
Wolfgang's user avatar
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Show that $\sup_{\|g\|\leq \delta_n}\left| \frac{1}{\sqrt{n}}\sum_{i=1}^n g(Z_i)\right|\rightarrow_{\text{a.s.}}0.$ when $\delta_n\rightarrow 0$?

UPDATE: The result below can be understood as an almost sure stochastic equicontinuity condition. I don't know of any result establishing primitives of almost sure stochastic equicontinuity. If you ...
Caetano's user avatar
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2 answers

Expected maximum of Laplacian random variables

Let $X={x_1, x_2,...,x_n}$ be Laplacian iid random variables with mean zero and scale $b$. Let $Y = \max(X)$. Is there a closed-form expression for the expectation $E(Y)$? If not, is there any non-...
Ron Banner's user avatar
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If $g$ is differentiable, how can we show that $z\mapsto1\wedge e^{g(z)}$ is differentiable except on a countable set

If $g:\mathbb R\to\mathbb R$ is differentiable, how can we show that $$h(z):=\min\left(1,e^{g(z)}\right)\;\;\;\text{for }z\in\mathbb R$$ is also differentiable, except at a countable number of points, ...
0xbadf00d's user avatar
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Estimating the variance of error in empirical approximation to a distribution

Let $X_1,X_2,\ldots,X_n$ be i.i.d. random variables in $\mathbb{R}$ with common cumulative distribution function (CDF) $F(x)$. The empirical approximation to $F(x)$ is defined as follows: $$\hat{F}...
Bullmoose's user avatar
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Probability distribution optimization problem of distances between points in $[0,1]$

Let $\mathcal{D}$ be a probability distribution with support $[0,1]$. Let $X, Y, Z$ three i.i.d. random variables with distribution $\mathcal{D}$, and $T$ a random variable uniformly distributed in $[...
Penelope Benenati's user avatar
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Weak convergence of probability measures on weak versus strong dual

The space of temperate distributions $S'(\mathbb{R}^d)$ is often equipped with the weak-$\ast$ or with the strong topology. When defining the notion of a probability measure on $S'(\mathbb{R}^d)$, ...
Abdelmalek Abdesselam's user avatar
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Is there a Bayesian theory of deterministic signal? Prequel and motivation for my previous question

This is a prequel to my question: What's the probability distribution of a deterministic signal or how to marginalize dynamical systems? (functional integrals in probability theory) Clearly my ...
Fabrice Pautot's user avatar
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Prove / disprove: If $1 \le n < N$ and $A$ is an $N \times n$ matrix with iid from $\mathcal N(0,1)$, then $s_\min(A) \ge c\sqrt{N}$ w.p $1-2e^{-N}$

Let $1 \le n < N$ be integers and $A$ be a random $N\times n$ matrix with iid entries from $\mathcal N(0,1)$. This paper (Rudelson and Vershynin) claims in the paragraph just before formula (3.4) ...
dohmatob's user avatar
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Two kinds of invariance of full conditional probabilities

Given a field $F$ of subsets of $\Omega$, we can define full conditional probabilities to be a function $P:F\times (F-\{ \varnothing \}) \to [0,1]$ such that: $P(-|B)$ is a finitely-additive ...
Alexander Pruss's user avatar
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Finding a point farthest away from $k$ points in a polygon

There are $k$ points placed inside a polygon and I am interested in finding a point inside the polygon (not necessarily on its boundary) who's minimum distance to any of the $k$ points is maximized. ...
marc's user avatar
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A question on the partial sum of infinite doubly stochastic matrix

Let $A=(a_{ij})$ be an infinite doubly stochastic matrix. Is the following statement true ? $$ \lim_{n\to\infty}\frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n\sum_{j=1}^na_{ij} >0 $$ Any reference or comment on this is ...
user118240's user avatar
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Prove or disprove a mutual information inequality

I have $n$ IID Bernoulli random variables denoted by $X_1,X_2,\ldots X_n$ with parameter $p$. I am interested in knowing if the following inequality involving mutual information holds : $\boxed{\max_{...
wanderer's user avatar
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Power series of ratio of Gamma functions

Let $a>1$ and define $G_a(x)=\sum\limits_{n=0}^{+\infty} \frac{\Gamma(\frac{2n+1}{a})}{\Gamma(2n+1)\Gamma(\frac{1}{a})}x^n$ where $\Gamma$ is the Gamma function. This series is convergent on $\...
velicci's user avatar
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Imprecise Definition of a $\sigma$-algebra

I'm reading some works on the hierarchical model in statistical mechanics and I came across an strange definition, which I need to clarify. Consider a finite set $\Lambda \subset \mathbb{Z}^{d}$. The ...
JustWannaKnow's user avatar
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Sum of Square of the Eigenvalues of Wishart Matrix

Let $A\in\mathbb{R}^{m\times d}$ matrix with iid standard normal entries, and $m\geqslant d$, and define $S=A^T A$. I want to have a tight upper bound for $\sum_{k=1}^d \lambda_k^2$, where $\...
hookah's user avatar
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Is the set of multiple points of the Brownian path $W[0, \infty)$ dense in the plane almost surely?

Let $d = 2$. With probability $1$, is the set of multiple points of the Brownian path $W[0, \infty)$ dense in the plane?
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Upper bound Wasserstein distance by $\chi^2$ distance

Given two random variables $X,Y$ which are both $\mathbb{N}$-valued and have the same expected value (which is some fixed positive constant), and denote their probability mass functions by ${\bf p} = (...
Fei Cao's user avatar
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Resolvent (Green's function) of this random matrix

I have a matrix $A$ as follows: $$ A=\begin{pmatrix} 0 & \boldsymbol{W} \\ \boldsymbol{W}^{\dagger} & \boldsymbol{H} \end{pmatrix} $$ where $H$ and $W$ are a random Hermitian $N\times N$ ...
Guoqing's user avatar
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Reachability for Markov process

Let $X$ be a Markov process (in continuous or discrete time) and define an event $$ R(T,A) = (\exists t\leq T: X_t \in A). $$ I have seen in one paper that $$ \Pr[R(\infty,A)] = \sup\limits_{\tau} \...
SBF's user avatar
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Dependence between direction and magnitude of multivariate normal random vector

Suppose that $x\sim N(0, V)$ is $p$ dimensional with $V$ diagonal having elements $v_i^2$. Then \begin{align} f_x(x) & \propto \left(\prod_p v_i\right)^{-1} \exp\left(-\frac{1}{2}\sum_p \frac{x^...
JMS's user avatar
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More natural example of measurable but not progressive process

All examples of measurable but not progressive processes I have ever seen seemed to be based on the huge difference between $\mathcal{F}$ and $\mathcal{F}_\infty$. Here is what I mean. Consider ...
tsnao's user avatar
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How balanced can abc triples be?

I was looking at the $241$ known "good" abc triples (i.e. with quality $\geqslant1.4$), wondering how frequently $a$ and $b$ would have more or less the same order of magnitude. The outcome is not ...
Wolfgang's user avatar
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Can we pass to the limit in Poincaré-Jaynes-Bretthorst interpolation and deconvolution?

In Science and Hypothesis, chapter XI, The calculus of probabilities, Henri Poincaré deals informally with the fundamental problem of interpolation. He concludes (see
Pascal Orosco's user avatar
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Can we find such $k$ so that the following inequality holds?

I found this question: Chernoff style concentration bound for ratio of variables. I want to ask if we get similar thing for the ratio of the sum and the one Gaussian variable. Given i.i.d. Gaussian ...
Hermi's user avatar
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Reference for representation of heat equation with Neumann boundary condition on smooth domain using reflected Brownian motion

We know that the solution of the heat equation $\partial_tu=\frac 12\Delta u$ with Dirichlet boundary condition $u\rvert_{\partial\Omega}=g$ is $u(t,x)=\mathbb{E}[g(B_\tau)\mid B_t=x]$, with $\tau$ ...
MikeG's user avatar
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Can we get that $ P(N^{2/3}(\lambda_N-\lambda_{N-1})\le c)\ge 1-\epsilon$?

Following this question: Can we apply the continuous mapping theorem for the limiting joint distribution of the Tracy-Widom law?. We know that $$ \lim_{N\to\infty}P(N^{2/3}(\lambda_N-2)\le s_1,\dotsc,...
Hermi's user avatar
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5 answers

Random walk on a two-dimensional uniform grid

Hi, consider the following random walk on the lattice $\{0,\dots,n\}^2$. It starts at $(0,0)$ and then move either up or right, with probability respectively $p$ and $1-p$. Once it reaches the right ...
Seb67's user avatar
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Probability a Brownian particle with an exponentially distributed lifetime hits a sphere before vanishing

Imagine I have a point source $p_0 = (x_0,y_0,z_0)$ that releases a point-like Brownian particle with a lifetime given by an exponentially distributed rate parameter $\lambda$. When the particle's ...
Ari's user avatar
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Bayes statistics precisely formulated

I am trying to learn something about Bayesian statistics, however, I am struggling already with the simplest equations and, moreover, with the very basic questions: What are we given? What is our goal?...
Fabian Werner's user avatar
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Almost sure convergence of a recursively defined sequence

Let $(X_k)_{k\ge 1}$ be a sequence of i.i.d. positive random variables of exponential distribution $\mathcal E(1)$, i.e. $$\mathbb P[X_k>x]=e^{-x},\quad \forall x\ge 0.$$ Fix some $s\ge 0$. For ...
Fawen90's user avatar
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Handling sums of correlated random variables with a directed path structure

Recently, I've been seeing random variables with the following correlation structure based on directed paths on a graph. For example, there are $16$ directed paths "directed downwards from the ...
user196574's user avatar
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Random variables with same distribution

Consider probability space W with pair of random variables having same distribution. On how much this variables distinct in terms of W symmetries? Namely, let's talk about automorphism as measure-...
Bad English's user avatar
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Diagonalizability of Gaussian random matrices

Let $X$ be an $n\times n$ matrix whose elements are i.i.d. sampled from a normal distribution of zero mean and unit variance. Is $X$ diagonalizable over $\mathbb{C}$ with probability 1? Is there a ...
user50394's user avatar
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Reference Request for Couplings with Conditions

I have two discrete (integer-valued) random variables $A,B$, with $1\le A\le n$ and $1\le B$. A coupling is a joint distribution of $A,B$ with marginal distributions $A,B$. I know there are several ...
The Substitute's user avatar
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Concentration inequality for maximum of gaussians

Let $Z_1,\ldots, Z_n$ be standardized Gaussian random variables and denote $\rho_{ij}=\mathbb{E}Z_iZ_j$. Can one give an asymptotically sharp bound for $$\mathbb{P}\,(\max_{1\leq i\leq n}Z_i>x), \...
TOM's user avatar
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Upper-bound for spectral norm of the covariance matrix of a certain Gaussian vector with correlated entries

Let $n$ and $m$ be large positive integers. Let $x=(x_1,\ldots,x_n)$ be a vector of independent random variables from $N(0,1)$. It is clear that the covariance matrix of $x$ is $I_n$, the identity ...
dohmatob's user avatar
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Range of $a$ such that $w \leftarrow w-a x \langle w, x \rangle$ converges almost surely?

Suppose $x_i$ come from 2-d standard Normal centered at 0. What is the range of $a$ for which the following iteration converges almost surely? $$w_{i+1} = w_i-a x_i \langle w_i, x_i \rangle$$ For 1-d, ...
Yaroslav Bulatov's user avatar
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Show that the absolute value of this function is twice differentiable except on a set of Lebesgue measure $0$

Let $f\in C^3(\mathbb R)$ with $f>0$ and $$\int f(x)\:{\rm d}x=1\tag1$$ $g:=\ln f$ and assume that $g'=\frac{f'}f$ is Lipschitz continuous (note that this implies that $f'(x)\xrightarrow{|x|\to\...
0xbadf00d's user avatar
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Examples of amenable groups other than finite groups

I'm reading about amenable groups. What are explicit examples of nonabelian discrete amenable groups other than finite groups? Perhaps a group presentation or matrix representation would be useful.
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Independent decomposition of coordinate distribution

Let $\mathbf{x}$ be a random Gaussian vector in $\mathbb{R}^n$, i.e. $\mathbf{x}\sim\mathcal{N}(\mathbf{0},\mathbf{I}_n)$. Then for any fixed unit vector $\mathbf{u}$, one has $\mathbf{u}\mathbf{u}^\...
Wuchen's user avatar
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Law of large numbers for a continuum of Bernoullis

Suppose I have a family of $n$ independent Bernoulli random variables described by a vector of parameters $(p_i)_{i=1}^n$. As it is well known, the number of successes within this family is a random ...
Francesco Bilotta's user avatar
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$L^p$-convergence of submartingale

Let $p\geq1.$ Consider a $\mathcal{F}_k$-submartingale $(X_k)_k$ in $L^p.$ We can prove easily that $(X_k)_k$ converges in $L^p$ if and only if $(|X_k|^p)_k$ is uniformly integrable. If $(X_k)_k$ was ...
Kurt.W.X's user avatar
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Probability of 4 Points being in Convex Configuration

Background of my question is, that I would like to implement a parallel preprocessing for a constructing the convex hull of very huge number of points in the euclidean plane; the idea is to process 4-...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
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Jacobian of changing of variables to singular value decomposition

It is well known that changing variables from a symmetric matrix to its eigenvalue decomposition involves a Jacobian which is just the Vandermonde determinant of the eigenvalues. Now suppose I have a ...
valle's user avatar
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