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Maximizing a piecewise-linear convex function

Crossposted on Operations Research SE. I am working on an optimization problem where some of the terms of the objective function to maximize are expressed as a piecewise linear function of variables: ...
lovasoa's user avatar
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Distinguishable knots (with constraints) over polyhedra

I'm trying to find the number of distinguishable knot projections over certain convex regular polyhedra according to the following constraints. On each face on the polyhedron the knot will have a ...
David G. Stork's user avatar
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Finding Motzkin's original paper on copositive quadratic forms

I am currently in the process of writing my thesis about copositive matrices and would like to write a chronological narrative about the ascent of these matrices to the prominent place they have today ...
IAnemaet's user avatar
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Classification of pseudoregular polyhedra

In contrast to a regular polyhedron, which has one orbit of flags, I’ve been studying what I call pseudoregular polyhedra, which have two orbits of flags interchanged by conjugation (explained here). ...
Daniel Sebald's user avatar
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Decomposition of Polyhedral - An example

There is no doubt that clear examples consolidate the understanding of concepts being learnt. I am new to finding the structure and decomposition of a polyhedra. Suppose that we have the system $$ \...
holala's user avatar
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A question on graph partitioning

Given a connected un-directed simple graph $G=(V,E)$, is there a polynomial time algorithm to find the smallest subset $S$ of $V$ such that each node in $V \setminus S$ has at least 50% of its ...
DSM's user avatar
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Is the space of Euclidean polyhedra with a fixed $1$-skeleton connected?

Let $\mathcal{A}_\Gamma$ be the space of convex (non-degenerate) Euclidean polyhedra with $1$-skeleton a certain polyhedral graph $\Gamma$. This space can be seen as a subset of $\mathcal{Gr}_2(\...
Giulio Belletti's user avatar
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Check if a point is in the interior of the convex hull of some other points in high dimensions, and lower-bounding the largest enclosed ball [closed]

Given $m$ points $P=\{p_0, p_1, ..., p_m\}$ in high dimensions (e.g. 100), it is known that computing (or even representing) their convex hull $\text{conv}(P)$ is generally intractable due to the ...
Dazheng's user avatar
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Additional symmetries of the Traveling Salesman Polytope

Given the complete graph $K_n=(V,E)$, the Traveling Salesman Polytope is a convex polytope in $\Bbb R^E$ obtained as the convex hull of the indicator vectors of (edge-sets of) Hamiltonian cycles in $...
M. Winter's user avatar
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Constructing representations of probability revision functions

Let $P$ be a probability distribution over a finite Boolean algebra $\mathfrak{B}$, and fix a parameter $t_{P} \in (\frac{2}{3}, 1)$. Define the `revision function of $P$', $R_{P}: \mathfrak{B}\...
King Kong's user avatar
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Duality argument for elliptic regularity

M. Dauge proved in [1] the regularity property "$\Delta u \in (W^1_{p'})^*$ $\Rightarrow$ $u \in W^1_p$" for Dirichlet and Neumann problem in domains with piecewise smooth boundaries, for $p&...
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Allowing an "OR" option between equations in a linear program

I am looking for a way to express an "or" option in a system of linear inequalities for a linear program I am working on. I will explain what I mean precisely: Lets say I have a set of ...
Eric_'s user avatar
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Are there centrally-symmetric self-dual polytopes in dimension $d> 4$?

A convex polytope $P\subset\Bbb R^d$ is centrally symmetric if $-P=P$. It is self-dual (or better, self-polar?) if its polar dual $P^\circ$ is congruent to $P$, that is, there is a map $X\in\mathrm O(\...
M. Winter's user avatar
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What is the expected value of the volume of a tetrahedron inscribed in the unit sphere?

Four (non-coincident) points on the unit sphere determine a tetrahedron. What is the expected value of the volume of such a tetrahedron--the volume of the sphere itself being $\frac{4 \pi}{3} \approx ...
Paul B. Slater's user avatar
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Clustering of vertices in an $n$-dimensional cube

Consider the vertices of an $n$-dimensional cube. The distance between two vertices is measured as the minimum number of edges between the two vertices. Now consider a subset of these vertices. If we ...
Vaisakh M's user avatar
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Two questions on the permutohedron

The $n$-dimensional permutohedron $P_n$ is the polytope given by the convex hull of all the possible permutations of the vector $(1,2,\dots,n+1)\in\mathbb{R}^{n+1}$. So it has $(n+1)!$ vertexes. I ...
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Minesweeper as a linear algebra problem

I've written a computer program to generate and solve minesweeper games. Once I've eliminated the obvious mines and safe squares I look at each remaining connected setsin turn and formulate a linear ...
Alan Swindells's user avatar
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Convex optimization under asymmetric loss in infinite dimensional space

The following problem is common in financial economics $$ \min_{m \in L^2} \mathbb{E}[ \phi(y(\theta)-m)] \quad \text{s.t. } \mathbb{E}[ mx ]= q $$ That is, given a random variable $y(\theta)$ ($\...
Dejan Evisal's user avatar
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Do Bernoulli polynomials know about face vectors?

This question is grounded firmly in numerology. It originates in an observation about some Bernoulli polynomials and the regular icosahedron. Let $F_{k+1}(n)=\sum_{i=1}^n i^k$ be the sum of the ...
David Richter's user avatar
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Minimum number of distinct triangles for tesselating the sphere

Consider sequences of tesselations of the sphere. For instance, one such sequence might start with an icosahedron and proceed by subdividing each triangle face into 4 triangles and projecting the new ...
Arthur B's user avatar
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linear programming with $n$ choose $r$ variables

Given parameters $r < n$, define $m = {n \choose r}$ and let $A$ be the $n\times m$ matrix whose columns are all the vectors with $r$ $1$'s and $n-r$ $0$'s. Let $b$ be a positive $n$-vector. Is ...
David T.'s user avatar
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What are the known convex polyhedra with congruent faces?

Note: I originally asked this question on math.SE here, where I posted a bounty on the question but received no answers after a week despite apparent interest in the problem. I'm hoping MathOverflow ...
RavenclawPrefect's user avatar
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Integer solution of optimal transport

Let us consider two vectors $\mathbf{a}=(a_1,...,a_n)$ and $\mathbf{b}=(b_1,...,b_m)$ so that each quantity is an integer $a_i,b_j \in \mathbb{N}$. It represents for example supply and demand. Let $\...
Titouan Vayer's user avatar
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How to correctly state Cauchy's rigidity theorem?

Cauchy's rigidity theorem is often stated briefly as Any two (convex, 3-dimensional) polyhedra with pairwise congruent faces are themselves congruent. As a more formal generalization to general ...
M. Winter's user avatar
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How to minimize l1-norm constrained by "infinity norm"

Let $A \in \mathbb{R}^{m \times n}$ and $b \in \mathbb{R}^m $. I have the following two problems: P.1. \begin{equation} \underset{x\in\mathbb{R}^n}{\text{minimize}} \| Ax-b \|_1 \\ \text{s.t. } \| x \...
Paul Goyes's user avatar
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An otherwise linear matrix equation with the presence of a signum function : reference request

Consider the equation $$\pmb{c}+\text{sign}(G\pmb{c}) = L$$ $\pmb{c}$ is a $n\times1$ matrix. $G$ is a $n\times n$ matrix which is also positive definite. matrices $G$ and $c$ are real. $L$ is a $n\...
Rajesh D's user avatar
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Convex optimization upper bound for a non-linear optimization

Is there any good convex optimization problem based upper-bound for the following non-linear optimization problem? \begin{align} \max_{x_1,\ldots,x_N}&\quad \sum_{n=1}^{N} \log(1+\frac{x_n}{1+\...
Math_Y's user avatar
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Solutions to matrix equations in the non-negative integers

For an integer matrix $S$, and an integer vector $y$, I'm looking for solutions to $xS = y$ where the entries in $x$ are in the non-negative integers. I've been doing this with Sage's mixed integer ...
JonHales's user avatar
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Fundamental regions in convex programming

In linear programming, the fundamental regions are polyhedra, since those are the intersection of half-spaces defined by linear inequalities. In semidefinite programming, the fundamental regions are ...
Turbo's user avatar
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Is Sydler's theorem concerning Dehn invariants constructive?

Sydler proved something of a converse to Dehn's negative resolution of Hilbert's 3rd problem. To quote Wikipedia, Sydler showed that "every two Euclidean polyhedra with the same volumes and Dehn ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
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Convergence of infinite linear programming

Suppose we have the following linear program (LP1), $$\min_{f \in \mathcal{C}} \int_{\mathbb{R}} f(t) \cos(2 \pi x_0 t) dt \\ \text{subject to } \int_{\mathbb{R}}f(t)dt = 1 \\\forall x\in [0,1]: \int_{...
Ernie's user avatar
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How to solve MILP problem on several linear subspaces

I have a set of close mixed-integer programming problems. More exactly, all the problems share the same set of (binary and continuous) variables, the same set of linear inequality constraints, and the ...
Nikolay's user avatar
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Notion of distance between linear programs

Consider the linear programming problem \begin{align} \max_{x}&~c^Tx \\~s.t.~~a^Tx &\leq B~,~0\leq x_i \le1 \end{align} where $c$ and $a$ are $n \times 1$ given non-negative vectors. $B$ is a ...
dineshdileep's user avatar
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Find tetrahedron vertex given 3 vertices of a face and the 3 opposite angles

I have the following tetrahedron: which I know the coordinates of $P$, $Q$ and $R$ and the value of angles $\theta_0$, $\theta_1$ and $\theta_2$. I need to find the coordinates of vertex $E$. Is that ...
Duloren's user avatar
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What is the relation between different generalizations of linear programming?

Linear programming subsumed by each of Semidefinite programming (SDP) Convex programming (CXP) SOS programming (SSP) Is there any relation between each pair in the three? Are all three equivalent in ...
VS.'s user avatar
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Classification of space-filling (by identical copies) convex polyhedra in R^3

Is the classification of space-filling (by identical copies) convex polyhedra in R^3 is known ? There are only 5 "parallelohedra" - filling by translation. But if relax that property to ...
Alexander Chervov's user avatar
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Reference for the algorithm to find the intersection between a subspace and positive orthant

I came across this algorithm, in this question Algorithm for the intersection of a vector subspace with a cone of non-negative vectors ; Is there any reference for the algorithm described in the ...
Marcelo Pedro's user avatar
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Linear programming with exponential inequalities and rational variables

If we are given a set of real linear inequalities then using elimination theory or just linear programming we can decide. If the program also has inequalities of form $2^x\leq g$ in addition to linear ...
VS.'s user avatar
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Intersection of a vector subspace with a cone

Given a set of vectors $S=\{v_1, v_2,...,v_d\} \subset \mathbb{R}^{N}, \, N>d$, is there any algorithm to decide if there exist a vector with all coordinates strictly positive in the generating ...
Marcelo Pedro's user avatar
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What are the corners of this polytope?

Let $f$ be a non-negative function on the positive integers such that $f(s+t)\geq f(s) + f(t)$ for all $s,t\in\mathbb{Z}^+$. Consider the polytope consisting of all $x\in \mathbb{R}^n$ such that $$\...
Bob Mullins's user avatar
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How to define and compute the degree of congruence of two rigid polyhedra in same type with knowing vertex coordinates?

If I have two sets of points in 3-dimensional space, each sets of points are the coordinates of vertices of a polyhedron. The two polyhedra have same type, so we don't need to consider the topological ...
DNQZ's user avatar
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Do continuous motions of the vertices of convex polyhedra that maintain local convexity imply global convexity? (Reference request)

A convex polyhedron has all of its internal dihedral angles in $(0, \pi)$. However, if I start with an abstract polyhedron $P$, let's say a triangulated one, so I don't have to worry about planarity ...
John's user avatar
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Tilings of lattice polytopes by transformations of lattice polytopes

A quasi-lattice polytope is a polytope obtained by reflections, translations, and rotations of lattice polytopes. In a tiling of a lattice polytope by quasi-lattice polytopes, are all quasi-lattice ...
Display name's user avatar
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Untruncate permutohedron of order 5

I would like to understand commutation classes of reduced expressions of the longest element in $S_5$ a little better. For this, it makes sense to look at the permutohedron of order 5. Since I am only ...
Bipolar Minds's user avatar
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Visualization of higher Bruhat order B(5,2)

I made the following images of the higher Bruhat order B(5,2) (in the sense of Manin/Schechtman) with vZome: image 1 image 2 image 3 Unfortunately, in vZome its not possible do have regular octagons,...
Bipolar Minds's user avatar
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Pyramids whose volume can be computed by simple cutting and glueing

Since this question remained without answers even after a bounty, I thought it might be time to ask it here. For which pyramid can you compute the volume from simple cut-and-glue processes? The Dehn ...
ARG's user avatar
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Fractional values in linear programming

Consider the linear programming problem \begin{align} f^* = \max_{x}&~p^Tx~\\~&A^Tx\leq b~,~0\leq x_i\leq 1 \end{align}where $p$ is a $n\times 1 $ vector, $A$ is a $n\times c$ matrix and $b$ ...
dineshdileep's user avatar
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Sub optimal algorithm for linear programming

Consider the linear programming problem \begin{align} f^* = \max_{x}&~p^Tx~\\~&A^Tx\leq b~,~0\leq x_i\leq 1 \end{align}where $c$ is a $n\times 1 $ vector, $A$ is a $n\times c$ matrix and $b$ ...
dineshdileep's user avatar
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An exponential integral over a closed convex polytope

For any $T\geq 2$, let us define the polyhedron $S$ given by \begin{align*} S:=\{\underline{t}:=(t_0,t_1,t_{2},t_{3},t_{4},t_{5},t_{6},t_{7})\in [0,+\infty)^{8}:A\underline{t}\leq (\log T)\textbf{1}\} ...
The Number Theorist's user avatar
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Proving the existence of a dual for an infinite linear program

I am concerned with proving the existence of the dual of an infinite linear program. In addition to the writings of Rockafellar, Luenberger, and Boyd & Vandenberghe on: subdifferentials, Legendre-...
teddy's user avatar
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