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Is the linear production game a convex game?

In cooperative game theory, the linear production game (LPG) is defined by letting the characteristic function have the form of a linear programming problem. Does anyone know if the LPG is a convex ...
philipvn's user avatar
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Convert general optimization problem to LP problem

I am trying to convert the following problem into a linear programming problem: There are $M\times N$ matrix $T$ of real numbers between 0 and 1 and $N\times 1$ vector $w$ of real numbers between 0 ...
Math_manul's user avatar
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Introducton books for ‎$\frak{E}_p(I)$

Are there any good books different from abstract harmonic analysis by hewitt to study ‎$\frak{E}_p(I)$. where ‎$\frak{E}_p(I)$ is: ‎Let $I$ be an arbitrary index set‎. ‎For each $i\in I$ let $H_i$ ...
R.N's user avatar
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The condition number of a scaled Vandermonde matrix

Let $V(x_1,..,x_n)$ be the Vandermonde matrix induced by $x_1,..,x_n$, and let $\tilde{V} := V(\frac{x_1}{h},...,\frac{x_n}{h})$. My intuition says that the condition number should be invariant under ...
gil's user avatar
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Finding the distribution of a random variable numerically with sample data? [closed]

Just a thought that I had recently. Suppose given discrete data points for a random variable, could one numerically generate the probability function values at these discrete values? I tried looking ...
user136693's user avatar
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Upper bound for a ratio of modified Bessel functions

I am looking for an upper bound for the ratio of Bessel I functions $\dfrac{|I_\nu'(z)|}{|I_\nu(z)|}$ where $\nu$ is complex, and $z$ is a positive real number. Do you know any results about it? Thank ...
Analysis's user avatar
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A kind of Discrete Fourier Transform

Given a $z\in \mathbb{C}^N$, the DFT of $z$ is given for every $k\in [0,N-1]_\mathbb{N}$ by $$DFT_z(k)=\frac{1}{N} \sum_{j=0}^{N-1} z_j\, \omega^{-k j}$$ where I have denoted by $\omega$ the $N$-th ...
Kosh's user avatar
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Inner Product of Given Sum Positive Sequence

Let $$A = \Big\{(a_1,a_2,\dots)\ \Big|\ a_i\ge 0, \sum_{i=1}^\infty a_i=1\Big\},$$ $$v(x)=\sup\left(\bigg\{\sum_{i=1}^\infty a_ib_i\ \bigg|\ (a_i)_{i=1}^\infty,\, (b_i)_{i=1}^\infty \in A,\,\sup\...
Hans's user avatar
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Improving Newton's Inequalities using the Taylor Theorem

Newton's inequalities say that if $f(x) = \sum \binom{n}{k} a_k x^k$ is a polynomial with all real roots then $ a_k^2 > a_{k-1}a_{k+1}$. The proof this result uses that if $f(x)$ has all real ...
john mangual's user avatar
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Solution of infinite dimension linear system

Suppose that ${a_n}$ and $b_n$ is decreasing sequence such that $a_0=A$, $lim_{n->\infty}a_n=0$ and $b_0=B$, $lim_{n->\infty}b_n=0$. For fix n, we can construct n dimension linear equation ...
user155214's user avatar
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Approximate solution to large mixed integer programming problem

What are the available approaches to find an approximate solution to a large mixed integer programming problem? I ran my problem in the Gurobi MIP solver. It can find a feasible solution in ...
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Large scale least squares of non symmetric and non square problems

Given a system like $b=Ax$ with an non symmetric and non square $A$ I would like to solve it having many elements in $x$ (lets say $10^7$). There is a large amount of algorithms for symmetric ...
mojovski's user avatar
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generalization from linear programming solution [closed]

I have a series of similar linear programs that depend on an input vector $a\in A$ and whose solution is an output vector $b\in B$. I can solve them individually, but this is wasteful. I suspect that ...
Gecko's user avatar
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About the suboptimality of linear estimators

Let $X$ be a random variable and $N$ a Gaussian noise independent from $X$. We observe $Y=X+N$ and want to estimate $X$ based on $Y$ to minimize the mean square error $mmse(X|Y):=E(\hat X(Y)-X)^2$. ...
EEStudent's user avatar
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eigen-decomposition solution? is it unique?

Assume an N*N covariance matrix (Q) which is a positive definite matrix. The decoder X is assumed to be N*s, where s<=N. X is calculated to be s eigenvectors corresponding to s minimum eigenvalues. ...
asd2014's user avatar
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How to handle a scalar product in an integral?

I am having a problem with a certain inequality I try to understand. I think it's just a basic idia (/trick) I'm missing, but I can't seem to find it. Here's a simplification of the problem: $ \...
john_b_werner's user avatar
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Solving system of nonlinear equations

Dear all, Can anyone tell me all the algorithms that are available for finding all solutions of a system of nonlinear equations? I am particularly interested in solving problems of the form: X1=f1(...
Pat M's user avatar
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Discrete Sobolev space of $R^n$ valued maps

Can some one tell me the reference or any idea how to take the Discrete Sobolev space work defined for a scalar valued map to the space of maps which are vector valued.Let's say $f:\Omega \...
user26265's user avatar
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solving non linear equations

When solving non-linear equations via Newton's method, load increments are often used to improve convergence. In mechanics for example, if the final load in 90N, one could choose 3 load steps of 30N ...
Uri's user avatar
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Ease of calculation of norm

I have SPD matrix A and two vectors z and b. Is there exist a norm where I can calculate $||A^{1/2}b-z||$ without having to calculate $A^{1/2}b$ explicitly ?
arbitUser1401's user avatar
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Convergence of Fourier series for $C^p$ functions

Let $f \in C^p[0,2\pi]$ and periodic. Denote $\omega_p$ as the moduli of continuous of $f^{(p)}$. Then $ |f - S_Nf| \le K \frac{\log{N}}{N^p}\omega_p(2\pi/N), $ where $S_N$ is the Fourier partial sum ...
Tan Bui's user avatar
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SDP Algorithms/ maximally complementary solutions

Hello, I was wondering if there are algorithms for (linear) Semidefinite Programs (SDP) out there, that converge towards a maximally complementary solution, even if strict complementary does not hold. ...
Charles's user avatar
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$\ell_o$ Minimization (Minimizing the support of a vector)

I have been looking into the problem $\min: \|x \|_0$ subject to$: Ax=b$. $\|x \|_0$ is not a linear function and can't be solved as a linear (or integer) program in its current form. Most of my time ...
Clark's user avatar
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Continuity of Lexicographic Minimum Solution of a parametrized LP problem

Given a parametrized LP problem find x, that minimizes F*x such that Ax <=Bt+D where t is a parameter. And suppose C(t) is a set of all optimal solutions of LP with parameter t. Let x_L(t) be ...
user23812's user avatar
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Regular Perturbation Series soln to eqn

I want to find the a 3 term perturbation soln of (i) $(1+x)^3 = ex$ where $e\ll1$ Direct substitution of the regular perturbation series $x = x_0 + ex_1 + e^2x_2$ into (i) does not work I ...
Matt Brenneman's user avatar
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Differences between the Poisson's and elliptic Monge-Ampere equations?

I am working with a numerical application where some known techniques solve $\Delta u=\rho$ for $\rho(x,y)\geq0$ defined on a planar rectangle (given as the density of a large pointset). Since the ...
Igor Markov's user avatar
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Numerical solution to Fisher-Kolmogorov equation

Can you use the Crank-Nicolson method to get a numerical approximation to the fisher-kolmogorov equation? If not what would be the easiest way to model the equation using matlab? Thanks and sorry its ...
Tony Flowers's user avatar
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Minimum distance between two data sets

Suppose we have two sets of data, $X$ and $Y$, each of which contains $10$ positive numbers. Now let us order the data sets $X=\left\{ x_{1},\cdots,x_{10}\right\}$, $x_{1}\ge\cdots\ge x_{10}>0$ and ...
user20276's user avatar
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Need help to find an efficient algorithm for the following problem!

Consider $x$ an n-dimensional vector with $x_i$ is integer in the range $[0 \dots k], k\in N$. Given $A_{n\times n}$ is the covariance matrix of $x$. $u$ is a given n-dimensional vector of real ...
chepukha's user avatar
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Comparing iterative methods for linear systems

For a tridiagonal matrix of the from \begin{bmatrix} a & -b & \newline -b & a & -b \newline & \ddots & \ddots & \ddots \newline & & & & -...
user19431's user avatar
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Solving 5 eqns with 6 unknowns in a 2x3 contingency matrix, is there a unique solution? [closed]

Background I have the following equations: $$a+b+c=6$$ $$d+e+f=15$$ $$a+d=5$$ $$b+e=7$$ $$c+f=9$$ This is a 2x3 matrix $[a b c, d e f]$ where the marginal totals are fixed. In addition, all of the ...
David LeBauer's user avatar
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Delta notation used for describing numerical stencil

While reading some papers translated from the Russian literature, I've noticed that a delta symbol can be used to denote a FDTD stencil that discretizes a PDE. For example, in [1], a fourth order ...
Nicholas Kinar's user avatar
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Newton method for polynomials with random starting points

I know that this question exists, but unfortunately it doesn't cover my issue sufficiently. Assume that we have a polynomial $p(x)$ of degree $n$ with real coefficients, we can assume that all its ...
Oleksandr  Kulkov's user avatar
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Complexity of evaluation of analytic functions

Given an analytic function $f(x)$ (say as combination of elementary functions and operators), is it possible to compute $n$ first bits of the value of the function on the whole interval $[a, b]$ ...
roignoirewg's user avatar
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Easy instance of set cover

I am trying to prove that a natural greedy algorithm solves the following instance of the set cover problem: for a set of elements $e\in U$ with a set of weights $w_e$, we define the cost of a subset ...
Tom Solberg's user avatar
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Numerical computation of spectral abscissa of operator

I would like to numerically compute the spectral abscissa of an unbounded linear operator $A$ on a Hilbert space. To give you an idea my operator has the form: $$Af(x,y) = a(y) \partial_x f(x,y) - b(x)...
toaster's user avatar
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A question on a quantitative form of Farkas' lemma

Suppose A is an $m \times n$ matrix whose entries are non-negative integers and $\mathbf{b}$ is a vector with rational entries. A version of Farkas lemma implies that if the equation $$A\mathbf{x}=\...
Keivan Karai's user avatar
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How to deal with minimizing a flat objective function

Problematic (Debiased Sinkhorn barycenter, proposed by H.Janti et al.): Let $\alpha_1, \ldots, \alpha_K \in \Delta_n$ and $\mathbf{K}=e^{-\frac{\mathrm{C}}{\varepsilon}}$. Let $\pi$ denote a sequence ...
Tung Nguyen's user avatar
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Interpolating points and orthogonal polynomials on varying intervals

In general, a Lebesgue-Stieltjes integral, $\int (\cdot) \, d \alpha(x)$, that defines an inner product on the space of polynomials establishes a notion of orthogonality. Suppose we have a sequence of ...
NewUser's user avatar
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Finding measure representation for rank 2 moment matrices

Assuming the following equation has a solution, I'm interested in finding any concrete values of $x_{1},\dots x_{n},y_{1},\dots y_{n},c_{1},c_{2},R$ that fulfills it. $$ \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 1 \\ ...
patchouli's user avatar
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Simulation of Markov processes with exponential timestepping

Let $(Y_t)_{t\ge0}$ be a time-homogeneous Markov process with transition semigroup $(\kappa_t)_{t\ge0}$. Numerical simulation of $(Y_t)_{t\ge0}$ can be done in the following way: Choose an initial ...
0xbadf00d's user avatar
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Software for computing polytopes

As can be inferred from the title, I want to do some computation on the facets representation of the polytopes given the vertices. My advisor recommended me Polymake, which is indeed useful even with ...
AlexiosF's user avatar
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Probability of being inside a convex n-dimensional polytop

I am currently conducting some post-grad research about wireless transmissions with uncertain transmission delays. As part of the research, each individual transmission is modelled using a probability ...
Florian Bauer's user avatar
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Peak search for NLS equation solutions

By solving the initial value problem of the NLS equation, I can get a matrix of numerical solutions. I hope to perform a peak search on the matrix of this numerical solution, that is, there are ...
miao zhengwu's user avatar
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Initial guess in shifted QR algorithm

I'm comparing timings of two implementations of algorithms for the computation of Gauss-Legendre nodes. 1 - The first is a Newton algorithm to find the roots of the Gauss-Legendre polynomials. Quite ...
G. Fougeron's user avatar
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Galerkin scheme in $H^s_0(G)\subset L^2(G)\subset H^{-s}(G)$ ($s>0$)

What basis functions are usually choosen if one attempts to conduct a Galerkin finite element method given an evolution triplet $H^s_0(G)\subset L^2(G)\subset H^{-s}(G)$. Where $G$ is a sufficiently ...
Perelman's user avatar
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Antiderivatives via Taylor series and the FT of Calculus

If $f$ is a real function on an interval $[a,b]$ such that $f$ is computationally tractable on $[a,b]$: you can calculate $f(x)$ to $n$ bits of precision using an algorithm which is polynomial in $n$ ...
Joe Shipman's user avatar
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Interpolation polynomials with constraints

Lets consider a collection of $n$ points $\{Z_i\}_{i=1}^n\subseteq \mathbb{D}^k(1)=\{(z_1,\ldots,z_k)\in\mathbb{C}^k:\forall j\leq k, |z_j|\leq 1\}$. Let $h: \{Z_i\}_{i=1}^n \to \mathbb{D}^1(1)$ be a ...
JustSomeGuy's user avatar
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Concentration of bilinear forms

This is a bit vague so I'll begin by indicating the motivation. I am looking for ways to [do something interesting or useful] with the self-attention in transformer models. Ultimately the self-...
Felix Goldberg's user avatar
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Max-flow modeling with unified vehicle and commodity variables

I am working on a network flow problem that involves routing through a time-space network. The network consists of: A single source node and a single demand node. A fleet of vehicles with specified ...
graphtheory123's user avatar