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existence of lattice point in polytope

This question was probably asked before but here goes. I have a convex polytope given by $Ax\leq b$ for a specific integer matrix $A$ and integer vector $b$. I need a simple method/result on how to ...
Alex's user avatar
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Why does the LP Formulation of the MST Problem need Topology Constraints?

I am looking for an example that demonstrates the necessity of either subtour-elimination or of connectivity constraints in the LP formulation of the MST In the internet I only could find the LP ...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
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What is the shape of the convex $n$ -gon which gives the maximum of a function?

Supposing that the length of every edge of the convex $n$-gon $P_1P_2$$\cdots$$P_n$ is 1, what is the shape of the $n$-gon which gives the maximum of the following function $B_n$? $$B_n=\sum_{1\le{i}\...
mathlove's user avatar
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A convex curve inside the unit circle

Has this theorem a specific name; and I need some references for general form. Suppose ${\gamma}$ is a convex polygon contained in the interior of the unit circle. then the length of $\gamma$ is not ...
user36162's user avatar
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Rewrite optimization objective

Hi, I wanted to ask, under which conditions can one rewrite the optimization objective $\min_x f(x)\;\;\;s.t.\;\;\;g(x) \leq s$ as $\min_x g(x)\;\;\;s.t.\;\;\;f(x) \leq t$ I have particular ...
rodms's user avatar
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How to determine if two rational cones intersect?

Let $$\displaystyle C_1=C(r_1,...,r_{n_1})=( x\in \mathbb{R^d}|x=\sum_{i=1}^{n_1}\lambda_i r_i, \lambda_i\in \mathbb{R_{>0}})$$ $$\displaystyle C_2=C(t_1,...,t_{n_2})=(x\in \mathbb{R^d}|x=\sum_{i=...
Stephen Sturgeon's user avatar
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Lipschitz parametrization of a symmetric convex curve

Assume that $\gamma$ is a convex curve which is symmetric with respect to two orthogonal lines (the ellipse is such a curve). I want to know if there exists a $(l,L)$-bi-Lipschitz mapping of the unit ...
djoke's user avatar
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Name of operations on two vectors

Suppose we have two vectors $x\in \mathbb{R}^n$ and $y\in \mathbb{R}^m$. I could define the mapping $$ T: \mathbb{R}^n\times \mathbb{R}^m \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^{n\times m} $$ as follows $$ T(x,y) = ( ...
Fedor Nikitin's user avatar
4 votes
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Covering a convex body with its smaller homothetic copies

Given a convex body $C\subset R^d$ and a positive real $\lambda$, any set of the form $\lambda C + x = \{ \lambda c + x \mid c\in C \}$ for some $x\in R^d$ is called a homothetic copy of $C$. The ...
Ram's user avatar
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positive semidefiniteness: a psd matrix substracted by another rank 1 psd matrix

Given that $A$ is a positive semidefinite matrix, $x$ is a vector, $\lambda_0 \in [0, +\infty) $ is a real non-negative number. I want to know the answer to the following optimization problem. $$ \...
Shaohua's user avatar
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Helly's number from biconvex functions

Helly's Theorem states the following. Suppose $X_1,X_2,...,X_N$ are convex sets in $\mathbb{R}^d$, such that for any index-set $I$ with $|I| \leq h(d) := d+1$, we have $\bigcap_{i \in I} X_i \neq \...
user693's user avatar
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Derived categories of toric varieties and convex geometry

Toric varieties and convex polyhedra are intimately connected. Some of this can be found in standard text books (the connection between divisors and mixed volumes seems to be a popular example). One ...
Clemens Koppensteiner's user avatar
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LP constraint enconding

I have an objective function to be maximized $obj(x) = \sum_i \gamma_i x_i$ with $x_i \in \mathbb{R}$ With multiple constraints of the form: $\min_{y \in 0,1} (\sum_{i \in A} \alpha_i x_i + \sum_{i ...
Gecko's user avatar
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Deducing Linear Inequalities

Let $X_1,X_2,\ldots,X_n $ be indeterminates. Denote by $S$ the set of all linear inequalities of the form $X_{i_1}+X_{i_2}+\ldots+X_{i_k} \geq k,$ with $k \in \{ 1,2,\ldots,n \}$ and $1 \leq i_1< ...
user21277's user avatar
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Minkowski's convex body theorem for ellipsoids

Minkowski's theorem states that if $K\subseteq\mathbb{Z}^n$ is a convex compact set, $K=-K$, and $\mathrm{volume}(K)\geq 2^n$, then $K$ contains a nonzero integral vector. Can this bound be improved ...
Marcel Celaya's user avatar
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Arrangements of hyperplanes

Fix $n>0$ and $X\subseteq\mathbb{R}^n$. A function $f:X\longrightarrow\mathbb{R}$ is linear if it is of the form $$ f(\bar{x})=a_1x_1+\ldots+a_nx_n+b $$ for some $a_i,b\in\mathbb{R}$. Suppose we ...
Gabe Conant's user avatar
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What does "Vertex Solution" mean?

Hello! I come across the word "vertex solution" in the context " We can also assume that x and y are vertex solutions,so that the sequence {x,y} remains in a finite set." Could anybody know any ...
tendow's user avatar
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Hilbert metric and cross-ratio of points on simplices

Background and motivation: Consider the cone $C\subset \mathbb{R}^d$ of vectors with non-negative components, and let $\Delta\subset C$ be the simplex of probability vectors (those for which $\sum ...
Vaughn Climenhaga's user avatar
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Big eigenvalues of a special stochastic matrix

Given a matrix $M$ of size $n\times n,$ we write its different eigenvalues by $x_1,x_2,\ldots,x_m$ with $m\leq n$ such that $|x_1|>|x_2|>|x_3|>\cdots|x_m|,$ and call $x_2\doteq |\lambda_2|(M)....
Umberto's user avatar
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A question on the theorem of Minkowski-Hlawka

The Minkowski-Hlawka theorem (as stated by Gruber in his lovely book Convex and Discrete Geometry) says that if $S$ is a Jordan measurable set in $\mathbb{R}^n$ with volume < 1. Then there is a ...
alvarezpaiva's user avatar
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How to find overlap between two convex hulls, along with the overlap area

I have two boundaries of two planar polygons, say, B1 and B2 of polygons P1 and P2 (with m and n points in Boundaries B1 and B2). I want to find out if the polygons overlap or not. If they overlap, ...
Harsha's user avatar
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Diameter-area ratio for affine tranformations.

Consider an convex plane figure $F$. How to prove that there is an affine transformation $a$ such that $\sqrt{3}$ diameter$(a(F))^2\leq 4$ area$(a(F))$? I found only one reference, to "Über einige ...
Nikita Kalinin's user avatar
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Higher dimensional convex hull

Let $CH(S)$ be a convex hull of a finite set $S$ and denote the set of all the vertices of $CH(S)$ as $Vert(S)$. For a vertex $v \in Vert(S)$, it has an associated set $E(v)$ which is defined as $E(v)=...
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non-convex Polytope definition

I have a simple question. I read that given a vector space $N_{\mathbb{R}}$ over $\mathbb{R}$, we can define a convex polytope in the following way: $$P:= \Big\{ \sum_{u\in S} \mu_u u \,\Big| \, \...
Joaquín Moraga's user avatar
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Intersection points of straight line segment with Voronoi diagram

Hi, I need to find the x,y points of intersection of a vertical line with the edges of the Voronoi cells it goes through in a defined, rectangular plane region with a given Voronoi tesselation. Is ...
sparrowhawker's user avatar
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A question on the Mahler conjecture

In its asymmetric version, the Mahler conjecture states that if $K \subset \mathbb{R^n}$ is a convex body containing the origin as an interior point and $$ K^* := \{y \in \mathbb{R}^n : \langle y, x \...
alvarezpaiva's user avatar
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Volume of a convex set

Say $K$ is a $n$-dimensional convex subset of $\mathbb R^n$ around the origin. Say we know $Vol_{n - 1}(\pi_{\theta^{\bot}}) K)$ where $\theta^\bot$ is the linear subspace of $\mathbb{R}^n$ orthogonal ...
pallab1234's user avatar
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Covering points with a convex hull

Consider a set of $n$ points $x_1,\ldots,x_n \in \mathbb{R}^d$, for some $n \gg d$. Suppose $\{x_1,\ldots,x_n\} \subset C \subset \mathbb{R}^d$. Say that a set of points $y_1,\ldots,y_m \in C$ covers $...
Aaron's user avatar
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Surface area of a convex set

In 2D perimeter(P) of a convex set around origin may be written as $P=1/2 \int m(\theta) d\theta$. Where $m(\theta)$ is the diameter of the set in the $\theta$ direction. This is related to Cauchy-...
pallab1234's user avatar
9 votes
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Inverse of a totally unimodular matrix

A unimodular matrix $M$ is a square integer matrix having determinant $+1$ or $−1$. A totally unimodular matrix (TU matrix) is a matrix for which every square non-singular submatrix is unimodular. A ...
qianchi 's user avatar
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Extensions of Carathéodory's theorem

We know about the Carathéodory's theorem which is on the convex bodies of $\mathbb{R}^d$. My question is, how far we can extend it? Is it true for say, any convex object of Banach space, or for convex ...
RSG's user avatar
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Monotonicity of Loewner ellipsoid?

Given two $0$-symmetric convex bodies $K \subset L \subset \mathbb{R}^n$, is it true that the Loewner ellipsoid of $K$ is contained in the Loewner ellipsoid of $L$? I have just finished proving a ...
alvarezpaiva's user avatar
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Maximizing supermodular functions

I have a real supermodular objective function which I want to maximize with constraint. The constraint is on the size, like |A|=k . I am wondering if anyone can give me more information about a ...
Majid Yazdani's user avatar
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Maximal cross sections of the Cartesian product of two planar domains

Let $K$ and $L$ be two two-dimensional convex bodies, and consider their Cartesian product $K\times L\subseteq \mathbb R^4$. Now let $U_\theta\subseteq \mathbb R^4$ be the two-dimensional subspace ...
Yoav Kallus's user avatar
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A question of compactness in the geometry of numbers

Given a star body $S \subset \mathbb{R}^n$ with the origin as interior point, the critical determinant of $S$---usually denoted as $\Delta(S)$---is the infimum of the determinants of all lattices ...
alvarezpaiva's user avatar
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Conditions under which a set of points have a low weight representation under some basis

Let $S \subset R^d$ be a convex polytope in $d$ dimensional real space. Say that $S$ has weight $w$ if there exists some basis $x_1,\ldots,x_d$ such that for every point $v \in S$, we can write $v = \...
Aaron's user avatar
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What is the dual of an semidefinitely representable (SDR) cone?

The Question Let $V\simeq \mathbb{R}^r$ be an $r$-dimensional vector space with the usual Euclidean inner product. Let $\mathcal K\subset V$ be a cone defined as $$ \mathcal K=\Big\{x\in V\ \...
Alex Monras's user avatar
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Put positive polynomial in finite intersection of half-spaces

This is a cross-posting of a MSE question (which did not attract any attention there so far). Denote by $V={\mathcal P}_{n,d}$ the space of polynomials in $n$ variables with degree at most $d$, ...
Ewan Delanoy's user avatar
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Fastest 'Oracle' Algorithm for satisfying a single linear constraint on a convex set?

In this paper by Arora, Hazan, and Kale ( a method is given for using the Multiplicative Weights Update algorithm to quickly solve Linear Programs ...
Sam Stern's user avatar
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Reference Request for Integer factorization with LP/ILP

Have there been attempts to factor integers with Linear Programming? Searching the internet suggests that for Integer Factorization only Number Theoretic algorithms, like sieves, are taken into ...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
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the perimeter of a non-convex set

Let $\Omega$ be an open, bounded set in $\mathbb{R}^n$ with $C^1$ boundary. Is it true that the perimeter of the convex hull of $\Omega$ is smaller or equal the perimeter of $\Omega$ with equality if ...
Daniel's user avatar
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Expected distance of a random point to the convex hull of N other points

Let $X_1, \cdots, X_N$ be i.i.d. $d$-dimensional random vectors, the exact distribution of $X$ is not very important in my application (as long as it continuous) so pick the one that works best, but ...
Fredrik's user avatar
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Does there always exist a self dual polytope that contains a given polytope contained in its dual?

Suppose a polytope $P$ is contained in its dual polytope $\tilde{P}$. Does there always exist a polytope $Q$ that contains $P$ and is self dual $Q=\tilde{Q}$? Is there any bound on the minimal number ...
Huangjun Zhu's user avatar
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Finding a point farthest away from $k$ points in a polygon

There are $k$ points placed inside a polygon and I am interested in finding a point inside the polygon (not necessarily on its boundary) who's minimum distance to any of the $k$ points is maximized. ...
marc's user avatar
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Efficient algorithm finding 'a' solution of system of linear inequalities

I'm working on rational number field $\mathbb{Q}$. Is there an efficient algorithm finding a solution of system of linear inequalities? In many computer algebra systems like Sage or Maple, there ...
Moon's user avatar
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complexity of finding optimal matchings of given fixed size

It is known, that maximal matchings (i.e. matchings with the maximal number of edges) and optimal matchings (i.e. matchings for which the sum of edge weights is optimal) can be calculated in ...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
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Another diameter-perimeter-area inequality

Recently I learnt that $$\DeclareMathOperator{\diam}{diam}\DeclareMathOperator{\per}{per}\DeclareMathOperator{\area}{area} \inf\frac{\diam(C)(\per(C)-2\diam(C))}{\area(C)}=0$$ where the infimum is ...
filipm's user avatar
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Robust optimization in matlab using fmincon [closed]

I am trying to implement the following optimization (from this paper) in Matlab using fmincon: $\min_\omega\omega'\Sigma\omega$ subject to $\min_Ur_p \geq r_0$ where $\Sigma$ is a positive definite ...
Geraldine Bailey's user avatar
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a diameter-perimeter-area inequality for convex figures

Is the following inequality known? I believe it's true, but I could find no reference. For any convex body $C$ in the plane we have $$\left(4-\frac{8}{\pi}\right)area(C)\leq > diam(C)(per(C)...
filipm's user avatar
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Find edge weights that fit given node weights

Let $G = (V,E)$ be a connected simple graph (unweighted, undirected, no selfloops) on $n$ nodes. Let $\mathbf{d} := (d_1, d_2, ..., d_n) \in \mathbb{R}_{>0}^n$ be a vector of arbitrary given node ...
cubic lettuce's user avatar

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