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14 votes
2 answers

The flip graph of triangulations

A polygon $P_k$ divided by $k-2$ diagonals into triangles is called a polygonal triangulation. These are the vertices of the triangulation graph $\mathcal P_k$. Two vertices are connected by an edge ...
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1 answer

Kolmogorov Complexity and Proof Techniques

I'm interested in examples of theorems that employ the proof techniques that are utilized in the proof of the undecidability of Kolmogorov Complexity. Definition:(Sipser) Let x be a binary string. ...
CAL's user avatar
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Minimum tiling of a rectangle by squares

Given the $n\times m$ rectangle, I want to compute the minimum number of integer-sided squares needed to tile it (possibly of different sizes). Is there an efficient way to calculate this?
didest's user avatar
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6 answers

Which model of computation is "the best"?

In 1937 Turing described a Turing machine. Since then many models of computation have been decribed in attempt to find a model which is like a real computer but still simple enough to design and ...
Tatiana Starikovskaya's user avatar
13 votes
3 answers

Undecidable infinite analogs of NP-complete problems?

In the paper Some undecidable problems involving edge-coloring of graphs, Burr proves that a certain k-coloring problems for certain infinite graphs (however, with finite descriptions - here "...
13 votes
4 answers

Quantum algorithms for dummies

I want to try my hand at designing quantum algorithms to solve certain problems. I feel like I understand (for example) how Grover's algorithm and Shor's algorithm work, and I'm excited to apply the ...
Dustin G. Mixon's user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

A language complete for NP intersection co-NP

Hi, Is there any language $L$ know to be complete for $NP \cap co-NP$, i.e. any language $L^{\prime} \in NP\cap co-NP$ reduces in polynomial-time to $L$ and it is known that $L\in NP\cap co-NP$? ...
Opt's user avatar
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2 answers

Complexity of a weirdo two-dimensional sorting problem

Please forgive me if this is easy for some reason. Suppose given $S$, a set of $n^2$ points in $\mathbb{R}^2$. I want to choose a bijective map $f$ from $S$ to the set of lattice points in $\lbrace ...
JSE's user avatar
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2 answers

What is known in general about the liquid transfer problem?

In several puzzle books, I have seen the following kind of a problem: there are several containers that can hold up to certain amounts of liquid (these liquids are assumed to be infinitely divisible). ...
Favst's user avatar
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1 answer

Can we compute the first $n$ digits of $\pi$ in $F(n)$ time?

I've seen various fast algorithms for computing the first few, or directly the $n$-th, digits of $\pi$. However, it seems to me that all these algorithms assume (see last sentence here) that there are ...
domotorp's user avatar
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2 answers

How hard (P, NP, NP-hard) is it to compute Schur norms of matrices (as multipliers)?

Given a matrix $A\in M_n(\mathbb{C})$, I will denote by $||A||_\infty$ the operator norm of $A$, as seen acting on the Hilbert space $\mathbb{C}^n$. This makes $M_n(\mathbb{C})$ into a Banach space (...
Alin Galatan's user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

Can more polynomial time compensate for less polynomial memory?

I'm wondering what is known about the relation between time and memory for polynomial-time algorithms (which are necessarily also polynomial-space). In particular, I would like to learn what is known ...
Franka Waaldijk's user avatar
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6 answers

A decision problem in graph coloring

It'll be great to get a pointer or answer to the following question: What is the complexity of the following problem? Given an unweighted and undirected graph, can we have a proper (not necessarily ...
Muse's user avatar
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1 answer

An efficient isomorphism between finite fields

Let $p$ be a prime number. Let $f$ and $g$ be irreducible polynomials over $\mathbb{F}_p$, both of degree $n$. We know that factor-rings $\mathbb{F}_p[x]/(f)$ and $\mathbb{F}_p[x]/(g)$ are isomorphic ...
Alexey Milovanov's user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

Convergence of the sequence $s_{n+1}=s_n^2-s_{n-1}^2$

$s_{n+1}=s_n^2-s_{n-1}^2$, $s_0=\sqrt{x}$, $s_1=x$ This sequence seems simple, but is pretty confusing. If you try it with integers, you might think that it always diverges to infinity, but if you try ...
look at me's user avatar
13 votes
1 answer

Real numbers with given complexity

This may be an easy question or it may be related to a well known open problem in Computer Science. Let $\alpha>0$. We say that $\alpha$ is computed in time $T(n)$ if there is a Turing machine ...
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13 votes
1 answer

Would efficient factoring have any *other* useful applications?

This question is certainly somewhat opinion-based, but hopefully not hopelessly so. The granddaddy of all applications for an efficient period finding or factoring capability (e.g. Shor's algorithm) ...
tparker's user avatar
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3 answers

Famous theorems that are special cases of linear programming (or convex) duality

The max flow-min cut theorem is one of the most famous theorems of discrete optimization, although it is very straightforward to prove using duality theory from linear programming. Are there any ...
13 votes
1 answer

Erdős multiplication problem revisited

This is a well-known problem and is about counting the number of distinct numbers in the $n \times n$ multiplication table. The very problem has been discussed in-depth and, as such, I require no ...
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Space Bounded Communication Complexity of Identity

$\bf Definition.$ We define the space bounded communication in the following way. A and B are supernatural beings capable of computing anything but they only have a limited amount of memory and that ...
domotorp's user avatar
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Most computationally efficient Littlewood-Richardson rule

There are many, many different versions of the Littlewood-Richardson rule: the original characterization via Yamanouchi words, Remmel's version, a description via the Poirier-Reutenauer bialgebra, the ...
Zach H's user avatar
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1 answer

Does every feasible partial order relation on the natural numbers extend to a feasible linear order relation?

It is well known that every partial order on a set can be extended to a linear order on that set. That is, for every partial order $\lhd$ on a set $X$, there is a linear order $\prec$ on $X$ such that ...
Joel David Hamkins's user avatar
13 votes
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The hardness of computing inverse

Say we have a one-to-one (total) function $f:\mathbb{N}\to\mathbb{N}$ and a Turing-machine $T_f$ that computes it. Suppose further that $T_f$ runs in polynomial time wrt. length of the input. Are ...
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1 answer

Two-player independent set game

Let $G = (V, E)$ be a finite graph, and $S \subseteq V$ initially be an empty set. Alice and Bob play a game, making moves in turns starting with Alice. A move consists of choosing a vertex $v \in V \...
Mikhail Tikhomirov's user avatar
13 votes
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Primitive recursive and feasible presentations for nonstandard models of arithmetic

Let us define a countable model $\cal{M}$ = $(M,+_M ,\cdot_M, <_M)$ of $Q$ (Robinson arithmetic) to have a (primitive) recursive presentation if $\cal{M}$ is isomorphic to $(\omega, \oplus, \...
Ali Enayat's user avatar
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Regular languages of matrices and their generating functions

My question is somewhat related to this question. Let us fix natural numbers $k$ and $C$. Let $A$ be an automaton whose alphabet consists of $k\times k$ matrices with integer coefficients of ...
Łukasz Grabowski's user avatar
13 votes
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How can an approach to $P$ vs $NP$ based on descriptive complexity avoid being a natural proof in the sense of Raborov-Rudich?

EDIT: This question has been modified to make it a stand-alone question. Feel free to retract your votes for the previous version. Here are Vinay Deolalikar's paper, and Richard Lipton's first post ...
Kaveh's user avatar
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12 votes
5 answers

Characterize P^NP (a.k.a. Delta_2^p)

What can you say about the complexity class $\text{P}^{\text{NP}}$, i.e. decision problems solvable by a polytime TM with an oracle for SAT? This class is also known as $\Delta_2^p$. Obviously $\text{...
Liron's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

Testing whether two elements of $\text{SL}(2, \mathbb{F}_{2^n})$ generate the entire group

Given two elements $A,B \in \text{SL}(2, \mathbb{F}_{2^n})$, is there a (computationally inexpensive) test one could perform to check whether together they generate the entire group?
DoomMuffins's user avatar
12 votes
2 answers

Is the solution bounded Diophantine problem NP-complete?

Let a problem instance be given as $(\phi(x_1,x_2,\dots, x_J),M)$ where $\phi$ is a diophantine equation, $J\leq 9$, and $M$ is a natural number. The decision problem is whether or not a given ...
R Hahn's user avatar
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2 answers

What is the probability a random Turing machine is isomorphic to a DFA?

This is a sort of Chaitin/Omega constant type question, and so I do not expect this probability to be computable to arbitrary precision. However, it is also a very practical thing to know from the ...
Mikola's user avatar
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2 answers

Connections between Complexity Theory & Set Theory

Inspired by Joshua Grochow and Iddo Tzameret's answers in a post on , I would like to get more references on possible connections between complexity theory and set ...
Morteza Azad's user avatar
12 votes
2 answers

NP not equal to SPACE(n)

Exercise 3.2 of Computational Complexity, a Modern Approach states: Prove: NP != SPACE(n) [Hint: we don't know if either is a subset of the other.] I don't know how to solve this problem. It's in ...
LowerBounds's user avatar
12 votes
2 answers

Can the Legendre symbol be calculated in polynomial time?

Is there an algorithm which on input "$(a,p)$" (where $0\leq a<p$ are integers) takes time polynomial in $\log p$ and outputs "NOT PRIME" if $p$ is not prime and otherwise outputs the Legendre ...
Dustin G. Mixon's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

Closest 3D rotation matrix in the Frobenius norm sense

Given a 3 by 3 matrix $M$ I would like to find the rotation matrix $R$ minimizing the Frobenius norm: \begin{equation} \|R-M\|_F \end{equation} Is there a closed form solution for $R$, or is it ...
Alex Flint's user avatar
12 votes
2 answers

Fold-and-cut problem in three dimensions

The fold-and-cut theory states that "Any shape with straight sides can be cut from a single (idealized) sheet of paper by folding it flat and making a single straight complete cut. Such shapes include ...
ARi's user avatar
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2 answers

What impact would P!=NP have on the characterization of BQP?

Many complexity theorists assume that $P\ne NP.$ If this is proved, how would it impact quantum computing and quantum algorithms? Would the proof immediately disallow quantum algorithms from ever ...
user8347's user avatar
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4 answers

reversible Turing machines

Hello, Let T be a Turing machine such that 1) it operates on the alphabet {0,1}, 2) its set of states is A 3) the language it accepts is $L$ . Does there exists a Turing machine S which also ...
Łukasz Grabowski's user avatar
12 votes
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Harvey Friedman's strict reverse mathematics vs. Cook-Nguyen's V$^0$

Harvey Friedman posted several manuscripts [1] proposing a program for "strict" reverse mathematics, in the sense that the base theory should be mathematically natural and coding-free. In them he ...
Kevin Watkins's user avatar
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2 answers

Drawing 3-configurations of points and lines with straight lines

It is well-known that the black-and-white coloring of the Heawood graph on 14 vertices determines a combinatorial 3-configuration with 7 "points" and 7 "lines", known as Fano plane....
Tomaž Pisanski's user avatar
12 votes
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Permutation search problems with no known $o(n!)$ algorithms

I am looking for problems for whose solution no known subfactorial algorithms are known. I am particularly interested in questions of isomorphism; that is, is there a permutation that converts one ...
Bryce Sandlund's user avatar
12 votes
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Faster multiplication with a restricted set of multiplicands?

Let $A$ be a set of $k>1$ distinct elements from a semigroup. We wish to compute the product $$ p=b_1 b_2 \cdots b_n$$ where each $b_i\in A$. Clearly $n-1$ multiplications suffice to compute $p$; ...
Bill Bradley's user avatar
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Techniques for proving relaxed one-wayness of functions

Existence of one-way functions is a widely accepted conjecture in complexity theory. A function is one-way if it is computable in polynomial-time but not invertible in polynomial-time (this is ...
Mohammad Al-Turkistany's user avatar
12 votes
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Seeking references for finding primes infinitely often

I've been pondering this weakened version of the finding primes problem for a while: Is there an algorithm which given $k$ outputs a prime $p > 2^k$ in time $F(\log_2(p))$? This differs from ...
Dan Brumleve's user avatar
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Are there very strongly pseudorandom permutations?

A pseudorandom permutation can be defined formally as a function $\phi$ from $\{0,1\}^k\times\{0,1\}^n$ to $\{0,1\}^n$ such that for every $x\in\{0,1\}^k$ the function $\phi_x:y\mapsto\phi(x,y)$ is a ...
gowers's user avatar
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Computing exponential sums rapidly?

I am looking at sums of the form $\sum_{N\le n \leq N+M} e(P(n))$ where $P\in R[x]$ is a polynomial of bounded degree. Let's say $M\sim c N$ (and $N$ is large). The question is - when can one ...
H A Helfgott's user avatar
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Known obstruction for efficient computation of Stable homotopy groups?

Computation of stable homotopy groups (for example of sphere) is hard, but still, not as hard as unstable ones. For unstable homotopy groups there are some results showing that there cannot be ...
Simon Henry's user avatar
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Geometric complexity theory for finite fields

Geometric complexity theory (GCT) is an approach via algebraic geometry and representation theory towards the P vs. NP problems and related problems Ketan D. Mulmuley. More precisely, the idea is to ...
Alexey Milovanov's user avatar
12 votes
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Primes and Parity

This problem is motivated by the polymath4 project. There, the aim was to find an efficient deterministic algorithm for finding a prime larger than $N$. The hope was to find a polynomial algorithm in $...
Gil Kalai's user avatar
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11 votes
4 answers

Computational complexity of finding the smallest number with n factors

Given $n \in \mathbb{N}$, suppose we seek the smallest number $f(n)$ with at least $n$ distinct factors, excluding $1$ and $n$. For example, for $n=6$, $f(6)=24$, because $24$ has the $6$ distinct ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar

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