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Time complexity of finding the GCD of a set S as a function of sum(S)

The algorithm to be used is: Sort the set into ascending order $x_1 = s_1$ $x_i = gcd(x_{i-1},s_i)$ $GCD = x_n$ What I'm looking for is expected run time as a function of $\sum_{i\in S}i$ As a ...
BCS's user avatar
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Any idea of solving an optimization problem with cubic constraints?

I have the following optimization problem with cubic constraints, which is hard to solve. Are there any ideas, or related references, of solving such a problem? $$ \begin{array}{ll} \underset {y, z} {\...
Erik's user avatar
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Constrained linear optimization problem on $C^1$

I am dealing with a problem of the form ($a<b$) $$ \displaystyle \max_{v \in C^1([a, b])} \int_a^b v(x)~\mathrm{d}x, \quad \mathrm{s.t.} \int^b_a \big(-o'(x)v(x)-v'(x)o(x)\big)f(x)~\mathrm{d}x \...
Hyperbolic PDE friend's user avatar
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Is there a redundant constraint in linear programming? [closed]

From wikipedia: But... Why do we need the $x\ge 0$ part? We can instead do $-x\le 0$, and thus saving a line in the definition (which is not a big deal but nevertheless nice). (In order to do that, ...
Bipolo's user avatar
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$\mathrm{ILP}$-formulation for Minimum Maximal Matching (MMM) Problem

Despite some online searching I couldn't find examples of dedicated Integer Linear Programs ($\mathrm{ILP}$s) for determining smallest matchings, that are not contained in a larger one. It seems that ...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
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Computationally intractable orbit of a monoid action on a finite set

Suppose for each integer $n\geq 1$ we have a submonoid $M_n\subset \mathrm{Self}(\{1, \dots, n\})$ of self-maps of $\{1, \dots, n\}$. A characterization of $M_n$ is an algorithm that takes an integer $...
westlon's user avatar
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Is minimum weight vertex cover problem NP-easy? [closed]

I think that Minimum weight vertex cover problem is NP-easy. However I don't know how to prove that. Does anyone know how to prove it?
Yuhang Bai's user avatar
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What is the computational complexity of the calculation of $ \Psi(x) $?

What is the computational complexity of the calculation of $ \Psi(x) $ described below: Let $\left\{ f_i : \{0,1,\dots,m\} \to \mathbb{R} \right\}_{i=1}^n$. For each $x \in \{0,1,\dots,m\}$ we ...
José María Grau Ribas's user avatar
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Complexity of solving linear equations plus disequality constraints $a \ne b$

Let $K$ be ring and $S$ linear homogeneous system with $n$ variables $x_i$ over $K$. Add to $K$ linear disequalities of the form $x_k \ne x_l$ and let the final system be $S'$. If $K=\mathbb{F}_2$, $...
joro's user avatar
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An otherwise linear matrix equation with the presence of a signum function : reference request

Consider the equation $$\pmb{c}+\text{sign}(G\pmb{c}) = L$$ $\pmb{c}$ is a $n\times1$ matrix. $G$ is a $n\times n$ matrix which is also positive definite. matrices $G$ and $c$ are real. $L$ is a $n\...
Rajesh D's user avatar
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Limited sum for whole sum approximation

Let $d_n, n\in\{1,2,\cdots,N\}$ be $N$ realizations drawn independent and identically from uniform distribution on $(0,L)$ where $L=\gamma\sqrt{N}$ with constant $\gamma$. Suppose that we need to ...
Math_Y's user avatar
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Computing discrete optimal transport

I am trying to find a combinatorial approach to solve the following optimization problem. \begin{align} &\max_{x_{ij}} C_{ij} x_{ij}, \\ &\text{such that},\\ &\sum_{j} x_{ij} \leq r_i~\...
Soumya Basu's user avatar
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Finding dual of a scheduling LP formulation

Suppose I have an LP formulation as such: $\min\ \ \sum\limits_{i,j,t}\ w_{ij}x_{ijt} (\frac{t-r_j}{p_{ij}}+0.5)$ $\sum\limits_{i,t}\frac{x_{ijt}}{p_{ij}}=1\,\forall\ j$ $\sum\limits_{j}x_{ijt}\leq ...
user_1_1_1's user avatar
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Variant of the linear programming problem

Good afternoon, my experience in mathematical programming is low. I would like to know if there is any general method to address the following problem: $$\text{Minimize }\sum_{i=1}^n d_i(x_j)$$ $$s.a....
Rusbert's user avatar
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Is there any solution that currently exists for the graph automorphism problem in the general case?

I was reading the Wikipedia pages on the graph automorphism, but I could not find any solution to the problem (Not even a brute force one). So, is it indeed true that no solutions exist for the ...
J.M.W Turner's user avatar
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How to solve this optimization problem efficiently? [closed]

Let, $D\in\mathbb{C}^{1\times M}$ is a row vector with $M$ elements $V\in\mathbb{C}^{3^M\times M}$ is a given matrix $T$ is a scalar (real and $>1$) $\textbf{The problem at hand is as follows:}$ ...
dipak narayanan's user avatar
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Is an exact violated inequality constraint met as equal constraint in optimal solution?

We have a solution which does not satisfied exactly one inequality constraint in linear program. The corresponding dual solution is also feasible. Is it correct this constraint is in equal form in the ...
A.R.S's user avatar
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Modification of the subset sum problem - "perfect coverage" of the set with good solutions

I have a problem. We have a set. $S = (a_1, a_2 ... a_k)$ and an integer $x$. We know that there is a sum of elements to $x$ in it. We also know that: if there is only one sum to $x$ then it must ...
Aurelio's user avatar
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algorithms and tools available for a particular polytope computation

Let me define each half space i as: $${H_i}:{c_i}{\bf{x}} \le {b_i}$$ The intersection of all such ${H_i}$ gives a polyhedron (bounded or not). Suppose I am interested in if ${H_i}$ is active (...
user40780's user avatar
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Recursive linear programming on a linear subset of a simplex

The problem I am working on is: Given an $n$ dimensional vector $r \in \mathcal{R}^n$, and a convex set $G=\{\mu \in \mathcal{R}^n | \mu_i \ge 0, ~ \mu^T \mathbf{1}=1, ~ A\mu =0 \}$ where $\mathbf{1}...
Sungjoon Choi Samuel's user avatar
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Is the linear production game a convex game?

In cooperative game theory, the linear production game (LPG) is defined by letting the characteristic function have the form of a linear programming problem. Does anyone know if the LPG is a convex ...
philipvn's user avatar
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Convert general optimization problem to LP problem

I am trying to convert the following problem into a linear programming problem: There are $M\times N$ matrix $T$ of real numbers between 0 and 1 and $N\times 1$ vector $w$ of real numbers between 0 ...
Math_manul's user avatar
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Introducton books for ‎$\frak{E}_p(I)$

Are there any good books different from abstract harmonic analysis by hewitt to study ‎$\frak{E}_p(I)$. where ‎$\frak{E}_p(I)$ is: ‎Let $I$ be an arbitrary index set‎. ‎For each $i\in I$ let $H_i$ ...
R.N's user avatar
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Inner Product of Given Sum Positive Sequence

Let $$A = \Big\{(a_1,a_2,\dots)\ \Big|\ a_i\ge 0, \sum_{i=1}^\infty a_i=1\Big\},$$ $$v(x)=\sup\left(\bigg\{\sum_{i=1}^\infty a_ib_i\ \bigg|\ (a_i)_{i=1}^\infty,\, (b_i)_{i=1}^\infty \in A,\,\sup\...
Hans's user avatar
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Function that dominates everything in little o

I have a function $f(n)$ that satisfies the following property: for any function $g(n) = o(n^{-2})$, we have $f(n) = \Omega(g(n))$ (the implied proportionality constant in the $\Omega$ expression ...
J. B. Cardinale's user avatar
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Solution of infinite dimension linear system

Suppose that ${a_n}$ and $b_n$ is decreasing sequence such that $a_0=A$, $lim_{n->\infty}a_n=0$ and $b_0=B$, $lim_{n->\infty}b_n=0$. For fix n, we can construct n dimension linear equation ...
user155214's user avatar
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Approximate solution to large mixed integer programming problem

What are the available approaches to find an approximate solution to a large mixed integer programming problem? I ran my problem in the Gurobi MIP solver. It can find a feasible solution in ...
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Large scale least squares of non symmetric and non square problems

Given a system like $b=Ax$ with an non symmetric and non square $A$ I would like to solve it having many elements in $x$ (lets say $10^7$). There is a large amount of algorithms for symmetric ...
mojovski's user avatar
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generalization from linear programming solution [closed]

I have a series of similar linear programs that depend on an input vector $a\in A$ and whose solution is an output vector $b\in B$. I can solve them individually, but this is wasteful. I suspect that ...
Gecko's user avatar
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About the suboptimality of linear estimators

Let $X$ be a random variable and $N$ a Gaussian noise independent from $X$. We observe $Y=X+N$ and want to estimate $X$ based on $Y$ to minimize the mean square error $mmse(X|Y):=E(\hat X(Y)-X)^2$. ...
EEStudent's user avatar
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eigen-decomposition solution? is it unique?

Assume an N*N covariance matrix (Q) which is a positive definite matrix. The decoder X is assumed to be N*s, where s<=N. X is calculated to be s eigenvectors corresponding to s minimum eigenvalues. ...
asd2014's user avatar
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SDP Algorithms/ maximally complementary solutions

Hello, I was wondering if there are algorithms for (linear) Semidefinite Programs (SDP) out there, that converge towards a maximally complementary solution, even if strict complementary does not hold. ...
Charles's user avatar
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$\ell_o$ Minimization (Minimizing the support of a vector)

I have been looking into the problem $\min: \|x \|_0$ subject to$: Ax=b$. $\|x \|_0$ is not a linear function and can't be solved as a linear (or integer) program in its current form. Most of my time ...
Clark's user avatar
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Continuity of Lexicographic Minimum Solution of a parametrized LP problem

Given a parametrized LP problem find x, that minimizes F*x such that Ax <=Bt+D where t is a parameter. And suppose C(t) is a set of all optimal solutions of LP with parameter t. Let x_L(t) be ...
user23812's user avatar
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Bounding 2nd Eigenvalue of a Pseudo-Rotation-ish matrix

Let $p,q$ be arbitrary primes. Let $N = p * q$. Let $I$ be the $N * N$ identity matrix. Let $R$ be the $N * N$ matrix defined as follows: $R[x_0 * p + y_0, x_1 * p + y_1]=1$ if and only if $x_0+1 ...
user22209's user avatar
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Minimum distance between two data sets

Suppose we have two sets of data, $X$ and $Y$, each of which contains $10$ positive numbers. Now let us order the data sets $X=\left\{ x_{1},\cdots,x_{10}\right\}$, $x_{1}\ge\cdots\ge x_{10}>0$ and ...
user20276's user avatar
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Need help to find an efficient algorithm for the following problem!

Consider $x$ an n-dimensional vector with $x_i$ is integer in the range $[0 \dots k], k\in N$. Given $A_{n\times n}$ is the covariance matrix of $x$. $u$ is a given n-dimensional vector of real ...
chepukha's user avatar
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Derandomize on nondeterministic assumptions

Is there anyone prove the results such like the follows? If $NP\not\subseteq BP(2^{\Omega(n)}),$ then $BPP\subseteq P^{NP}$ In summary, my question it that, can we get some derandomized results ...
Jiapeng's user avatar
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Existence of a pseudo-polynomial time algorithm for a counting problem.

Let T={1,...,n} be a set of tasks. Each task i has associated a non negative processing time p_i and a deadline d_i. A feasible schedule of the tasks consists of a permutation of n elements pi, such ...
Gerardo's user avatar
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Complexity of evaluation of analytic functions

Given an analytic function $f(x)$ (say as combination of elementary functions and operators), is it possible to compute $n$ first bits of the value of the function on the whole interval $[a, b]$ ...
roignoirewg's user avatar
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Easy instance of set cover

I am trying to prove that a natural greedy algorithm solves the following instance of the set cover problem: for a set of elements $e\in U$ with a set of weights $w_e$, we define the cost of a subset ...
Tom Solberg's user avatar
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Klondike Solitaire as an NP-complete game

I am not a mathematician. I am trying to understand if the paper "The complexity of solitaire" that shows this game is NP-complete also has a implicit assumption that a given hand can only ...
Syl's user avatar
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Does the same hardness with access to different oracles imply equivalent oracles?

If $\textrm{coNP}^{\textrm{NP}}=\textrm{coNP}^{L}$ for $L\in\textrm{NP}$, then does that make $L$ NP-complete?
Rincewind's user avatar
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Understanding "A Note on a Theorem by Ladner"

I'm reading A Note on a Theorem by Ladner by Balcazar and Diaz, trying to understand the proof of Theorem 2.1. I don't know if it's just old notation, but I'm having quite a bit of trouble. In step (...
Rincewind's user avatar
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Is it in theory possible to create a subexponential algorithm for solving discrete logarithms in multiplicative subgroups or within an Integer range?

As far I understand, when it comes to finite fields, Pollard rho and Pollard’s lambda are still the best algorithm for solving discrete logarithms in a multiplicative subgroup/suborder… Index calculus ...
user2284570's user avatar
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A question on a quantitative form of Farkas' lemma

Suppose A is an $m \times n$ matrix whose entries are non-negative integers and $\mathbf{b}$ is a vector with rational entries. A version of Farkas lemma implies that if the equation $$A\mathbf{x}=\...
Keivan Karai's user avatar
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Software for computing polytopes

As can be inferred from the title, I want to do some computation on the facets representation of the polytopes given the vertices. My advisor recommended me Polymake, which is indeed useful even with ...
AlexiosF's user avatar
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Algorithm that can solve or approximate the solution to a combination problem

I have a computational problem on my hands and I would like your help. Here is my problem (simplified) Let $X = \{x_1, x_2, \ldots, x_n\}$ represent a set of $n$ values. Each value $x_i$ has a ...
econ's user avatar
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Prove the NP-hardness of the following problem: Whether there exists a partition for a set of data points

Can anybody help me prove the NP-hardness of the following question: Given $x_0, x_1, ..., x_m \in \mathbb{R}^n$, determine whether there exists a partition $S\cup [m]\backslash S$, such that $x_0 \in ...
Robeto Leo's user avatar
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Some new questions on Rademacher complexity

For $A\subset R^n$,$A=(a_1,a_2,\dots, a_n)$, $\sigma_i$ are Rademacher random variable. Is $|\mathbb{E}_\sigma \inf_{a\in A}\sum_{i=1}^n\sigma_ia_i| \le |\mathbb{E}_\sigma \sup_{a\in A}\sum_{i=1}^n\...
Hao Yu's user avatar
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