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sparsest cut always has solution

Hi! How to prove that sparsest cut always has an optimal solution which is the cut for some vertex-subset. Looks like it's should be a kind of fundamental theorem for sparsest cut. But I didn't ...
gosm's user avatar
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1 answer

Approximate Set Cover Problem by Rounding

Here is the simple algorithm for approximating set cover problem using rounding: Algorithm 14.1 (Set cover via LP-rounding) Find an optimal solution to the LP-relaxation. Pick all sets $S$ for ...
FiniteAutomata's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Problem regarding subsets that sum to 0

Let $X=\{x_1,...,x_n\}$ be a multiset of $n$ real numbers, and let $x_1+\dots+x_n = 0$. Is there a way to find the maximum number of unique subsets any $X$ can have given $n$, such that each subset ...
Thomas Dybdahl Ahle's user avatar
5 votes
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Algorithmic war

No, not the war on drugs, but the game of War considered in Does War have infinite expected length? As noted in that discussion, the game of war can go on forever, but my question is: can it be ...
Igor Rivin's user avatar
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Are there intuitive/classically algorithmic analogues to Semidefinite programs on networks?

Many network optimization algorithms, including shortest path, push-relabel, augmenting path, etc, actually have an interpretation in terms of linear programming. A famous application of semidefinite ...
DoubleJay's user avatar
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Representing vertices of a cube using linear combination of tensor product of smaller cubes

Let $n,N \in \mathbb{N}$ with $N \ge n^{2}$. Let $F[i] = \square[i]$ refer to the cube which has vertices from $\{-1,0,1\}^{n^{i}}$ ($n^{i}$ tuple of alphabets from $\{-1,0,1\} = \square[0] = F[0]$) ...
1 vote
2 answers

equivalence of NL Definitions

Hi, How to prove that the two definitions of the complexity class NL are equivalent. 1st definition is with a non deterministic logspace TM, and the second is with a deterministic logspace verifier ...
bz beaver's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

Ordinals and complexity classes

What is the least recursive ordinal $\alpha$ such that there is no algorithm in complexity class $\mathsf{P}$ which implements a well-ordering of $\mathbb{N}$ with order type $\alpha$? (where the size ...
Vladimir Reshetnikov's user avatar
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Need help to find an efficient algorithm for the following problem!

Consider $x$ an n-dimensional vector with $x_i$ is integer in the range $[0 \dots k], k\in N$. Given $A_{n\times n}$ is the covariance matrix of $x$. $u$ is a given n-dimensional vector of real ...
chepukha's user avatar
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7 votes
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Distribution of the computable numbers on the real number line

If we order all the positive computable real numbers $r_1,r_2,r_3...$ by their Kolmogorov complexity in some language $L$, then make a histogram plot of the $r_i$ on the real line, and we scale it ...
JON's user avatar
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Lovasz theta function - uses

Lovasz theta function bounds the Shannon capacity of graphs. What are some other uses of the function - especially in asymptotic coding theory and optimization problems?
3 votes
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Partially optimal solutions in integer linear programming

Linear programs with a totally unimodular system matrix are known to have an optimal integer point. They are therefore solvable via relaxing the integer constraints to intervals. An other interesting ...
Ben's user avatar
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9 votes
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Complexity of Membership-Testing for finite abelian groups

Consider the following abelian-subgroup membership-testing problem. Inputs: A finite abelian group $G=\mathbb{Z}_{d_1}\times\mathbb{Z}_{d_1}\ldots\times\mathbb{Z}_{d_m}$ with arbitrary-...
2 votes
2 answers

Enumerating all Hamiltonian Cycles in a Bipartite Vertex Transitive Graph

Hi everyone! This is my first post, apologies if I made any mistakes anywhere. Here goes the question: Consider all length 7 binary sequences. Let $X$ be the set of sequences with hamming weight 3 ...
Ng Yong Hao's user avatar
4 votes
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A regular n,2d graph is a good expander.

Context Reading about Expanders Setup A regular n,2d graph is generated as follows: generate d random permutations of [n] connect the edges; giving a n,2d regular graph ...
anonymous coward's user avatar
6 votes
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Stochastic Matrix: Second largest eigenvalue and second largest absolute value of eigen value

Setup Let $A$ be a stochastic matrix. Let the eigenvalues of $A$ be $1 = \lambda_1 \geq \lambda_2 \geq \lambda_3 ... \geq -1$. Let $\lambda = \max_{x: x \perp 1} \frac{||Ax||}{|| x ||}$ Question: ...
anonymous coward's user avatar
2 votes
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Structure of class P

Hi all, 1. Has there been any work done on trying to distinguish between different Polynomial Time Hierarchies say, O(n) vs O(n^2) problem? May be Turing Machine is too general for that. May be the ...
rajeshsr's user avatar
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Algorithm for the intersection of a vector subspace with a cone of non-negative vectors

Hi, I would like to know whether there is some more effective way of how to compute an intersection of a vector subspace of $\mathbb{R}^{n}$ with a cone of vectors with non-negative entries than the ...
Miroslav Korbelar's user avatar
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Guessing game with guess cost

This is a question about Problem 328 on the website Project Euler. A description of the problem is provided in the previous link. I was wondering if there has been any research done on this question. ...
Alex R.'s user avatar
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Complexity of detecting a convex body in $\mathbb{R}^n$?

Let $K_0$ be a bounded convex set in $\mathbb{R}^n$ within which lie two sets $K_1$ and $K_2$. $K_0,K_1,K_2$ have nonempty interior. Assume that, $K_1\cup K_2=K_0$ and $K_1\cap K_2=\emptyset$. The ...
Han Xiao's user avatar
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15 votes
7 answers

Compressing Graphs (Kolmogorov complexity of graphs)

What is known about compressing graphs? Here, with "compressing", I mean something like "putting a graph into a zip program"; or with a more technical expression, what is know about the Kolmogorov ...
user avatar
13 votes
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Complexity of a weirdo two-dimensional sorting problem

Please forgive me if this is easy for some reason. Suppose given $S$, a set of $n^2$ points in $\mathbb{R}^2$. I want to choose a bijective map $f$ from $S$ to the set of lattice points in $\lbrace ...
JSE's user avatar
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25 votes
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Evidence for integer factorization is in $P$

Peter Sarnak believes that integer factorization is in $P$. It is a well-known open problem in TCS to identify the real complexity class of integer factorization. Take a look at this link for Peter ...
user16007's user avatar
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Pseudorandom Generator vs Constant Depth Circuits / Branching Programs

Hi. I am looking for a survey on the state of the art in pseudorandom generators vs (1) constant depth circuits and/or (2) Branching Programs For (1), is "Anindya De, Omid Etesami, Luca Trevisan ...
anonymous coward's user avatar
6 votes
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P vs NP and OWFS

It is known (simple HW exercise) that: If P = NP, that OWFs (one way functions) can not exist. It is also known that there is a Universal OWF: namely, there is a function f: s.t. if any OWF ...
anonymous coward's user avatar
4 votes
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Complexity of bipartite graphs and their matchings.

My question concerns a hypothetical family of bipartite graphs, $G_i$. Each graph $G_i$ has $2^i$ red nodes and $2^i$ blue nodes - so nodes get labelled by their color and a binary string of ...
David Feldman's user avatar
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Finding a vertex of least distance to all other vertices in a graph

Some background to my question: if $G$ is a (simple) graph of $N$ vertices, labelled by integers $0,1,...,N-1$, the closeness centrality of a vertex $i$, denoted by $C(i)$, is defined to be the ...
3 votes
1 answer

Hermit H-machines

I call an H-machine a machine that can be connected to turing machines and that takes as input a natural integer n and instantly returns the n'th digit of the mathematical constant H. Is there a ...
Hermite's user avatar
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Bounds on reducing from NP to SAT

Let M be a non deterministic turing machine. Suppose M is a TM that runs in T(n) time. Given an instance of x in {0,1}^n, and the question M(x) accepts? We can 1) convert M into an oblivious TM ...
circuits's user avatar
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Linear complementarity problem: principal pivoting algorithm

I'm trying to implement the "Dantzig; van de Panne and Whinston" principal pivoting algorithm for solving symmetric positive semi-definite LCPs from "The Linear Complementarity Problem" book (...
Jay Lemmon's user avatar
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Suppose P = BPP; Pseudorandom Generators vs NP Adversary

Suppose P = BPP. Then we know there exist pseudorandom number generators vs P. Suppose the adversary is NP. Now, any pseudorandom number generator that only uses P will fail. (Since NP can invert ...
circuits2's user avatar
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Mathematical Programming with other Algebras than Linear

Linear Programming is strongly entwined with linear algebra, as are many of its generalizations under the heading of mathematical programming / convex optimization. What analogies are there for ...
DoubleJay's user avatar
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Circuits by Level

Context: googling existing results on Circuit Complexity. I'm aware there are classes like AC, ACC, TC, NC, etc.. Now, suppose I have a circuit, it has the following additional program: The circuit ...
circuits2's user avatar
8 votes
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Turing machines that always halt

Needed for this paper: Here is a possibly more clear version of my question. A Turing machine (with $1$ tape) has sets of tape letters $Y$, state letters $Q$, two symbols $\alpha$ and $\omega$ that ...
user avatar
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Tail Bound on Binomial

Context: circuit complexity argument: How do I show that $$\sum_{i=0}^{n/2- \sqrt{n}} {n \choose i} \geq 2^n/50$$ ? (as n goes to infinity) [This shows up in proving Mod2 is not in ACC(3)]. ...
circuits's user avatar
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Pseudorandom Functions / Pseudorandom Permutations

I'm reading Yao's unpredictability -> pseudorandomness construction and Goldreich/levin's pseudorandom permutation -> pseudorandom generator construction. My question is: is there a direct way to ...
pseudo's user avatar
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Linear programming - uniqueness of optimal solution

Is it possible to build such an objective function for a given set of constraints, so that there will be only one optimal solution? My general problem is to get any vertex of a polytope formed by a ...
Michael's user avatar
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Formal verification in complexity theory

Reading books and papers on complexity theory, I am struck by the extreme degree to which proofs are stated in an intuitive, hand-wavy way. The alternative is to give a lot of details about the coding ...
David Harris's user avatar
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Has Oracles actually provided intuition for proving anything in Complexity Theory?

[EDIT: I realize this question is soft. I realize some people want to close this question. The goal here is trying to answer the following question: So I see these research papers that provide papers ...
bpp oracles's user avatar
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Open?: Bpp VS EXP^NP

Known: BPP vs NEXP is open. BPP is strict subset of EXP^EXP. Question: Is BPP vs EXP^NP open? If so, is there any class between EXP^NP, EXP^EXP concerning which vs BPP it's still open? Thanks! ...
bpp oracles's user avatar
11 votes
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Random Sampling a linearly constrained region in n-dimensions...

Hi, So here is my problem: Given a nonlinear, discontinous, cost function $f(x_1,x_2,..,x_N)$ along with linear constraints $x_n \ge 0, \forall n$ $x_n \le c_n$ and $\sum_{n=1}^N x_n = 1$ find an ...
user1's user avatar
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Polynomial-time complexity and a question and a remark of Serre

My question is about the theory of complexity, but let me first explain my motivation, which comes from number theory or more precisely from trying to understand a question/conjecture of Serre and a ...
Joël's user avatar
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Oracle Separation Results: A^O != B^O yet A = B ?

I know that there exists classes $A$ and $B$ such that: $A^{O_1} = B^{O_1}$, $A^{O_2} != B^{O_2}$. Now, this is my question: do we know of any classes $A$ and $B$ such that $A=B$, yet there is an ...
oracles's user avatar
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Number of breakpoints in parametric maximum flow problems

The parametric maximum flow problem can be formulated as $$f(\lambda) = \min_{x\in\{0,1\}^n} \left( \sum_{i}(a_i + b_i\lambda)x_i + \sum_{i,j}c_{ij}x_ix_j \right), $$ where all $c_{ij}<0$ (so that ...
Ben's user avatar
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14 votes
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Definition of relativization of complexity class

Is there any general definition, for a class $C$ of languages, what is the relativized class $C^A$ for an oracle $A$? Usually, these classes and their relativizations seem to be defined in an ad-hoc ...
David Harris's user avatar
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Inherent complexity of a language --- when does it exist?

For a language $L$, you can talk about the complexity of a Turing machine $M$ which decides $L$. Can you talk about the time complexity of the language $L$ itself, i.e. say $L$ has complexity $f(n)$ ...
David Harris's user avatar
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Oracle Separation Survey

Is there a survey (or a website) somewhere that lists all known separation results? I.e. it has a list of triples: $$ (C_1, C_2, A)$$ where ...
oracles's user avatar
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Hamiltonian paths in subgraphs of rectangular lattice graphs

Is following decision problem NP-hard / NP-complete: Having vertex-induced subgraph of rectangular lattice graph determine if any Hamiltonian path exists Having vertex-induced subgraph of rectangular ...
Grzegorz Jaśkiewicz's user avatar
7 votes
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the complexity of Lanczos method

Hi, all I am working on an algorithm which uses Lanczos method to compute K smallest eigenvalue(and their eigenvectos) of a sparse matrix, just want some information or links about the complexity of ...
rechardchen's user avatar
4 votes
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Survey on Structural Complexity

Alot of the proofs I've been recently reading: IP / PSpace / MIP / NEXP / randomized reductions have a certain flavour involving proofs showing equivalence/relation between various complexity ...
structural complexity's user avatar

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