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11 votes
3 answers

Are the rings $\mathbb{C}[X]/\langle X^2- c \mathrm{Tr}(X) X \rangle$ isomorphic when $c$ ranges over a neighborhood of 0?

Let $X=(X_{IJ})_{I,J=1,\ldots,N}$ be a family of $N^2$ indeterminates and consider the ring $$ R_{N,c}=\mathbb{C}[X] / J_c,\quad J_c=\langle X^2 -c \mathrm{Tr}(X) X \rangle . $$ Here the notation ...
Yuji Tachikawa's user avatar
11 votes
6 answers

Are submodules of free modules free? [closed]

Are all submodules of free modules free? I would like a reference to a proof or counterexample please.
Mihail Matrix's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

Is a scheme Noetherian if its topological space and its stalks are?

Is a scheme being Noetherian equivalent to the underlying topological space being Noetherian and all its stalks being Noetherian?
G.-S. Zhou's user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

Does completion commute with localization?

Suppose $A$ is a Noetherian (not necessarily local) ring and $\mathfrak{m}\subset A$ a maximal ideal. Then is it true that $$\hat{A}_{\hat{\mathfrak{m}}}=\widehat{A _{\mathfrak{m}}},$$ where hats ...
ashpool's user avatar
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2 answers

Valuations on tensor products

Let $A$ be a commutative ring, $B$ (resp. $C$) be a commutative $A$-algebra endowed with a valuation $v$ (resp. $w$), not necessarily of rank 1. Assume that $v$ and $w$ induce equivalent valuations on ...
Weizhe Zheng's user avatar
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1 answer

geometric interpretation and differences of Gorenstein rings, Complete intersections and regular rings

Let $R$ be a local Noetherian ring. What is the geometric interpretation of: 1- Gorenstein rings 2- Complete intersections 3- Regular rings? and how can I realize differences by geometric ...
user 1's user avatar
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A closed formula for $A_n(X)=\sum\limits_{i=0}^n X^{i^2}$

I want to know if there exists a closed formula for sum $A_n(X)=\sum \limits_{i=0}^n X^{i^2}$. I have found if $n$ is odd then $(X^n+1)\text{ | } A_n(X)$, but I don't have found a closed formula.
Dattier's user avatar
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1 answer

A local ring not a quotient of a regular local ring

In his book Commutative Ring Theory, Matsumura proves that if a local ring is equidimensional, and a quotient of a regular local ring, then its completion is equidimensional. What is an example of a ...
user1594's user avatar
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Commutative algebras with modules of small complexity

Let $A$ be a finite dimensional commutative algebra. We can assume that it is local. Question: Which such $A$ have the property that every finite dimensional $A$-module has complexity at most 1? (...
Mare's user avatar
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Toward a cyclotomic Riemann hypothesis

For an integer $n \ge 3$, consider the function $$u(n) = \frac{\sigma(n)}{n \log \log n}$$ with $\sigma$ the divisor function. Now consider the sequence (bounded below and decreasing) $$v_n = \sup_{m&...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
10 votes
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Is $k(\!(x,y)\!)$ a topological field?

More generally, let $(R,m)$ be a Noetherian local domain with fraction field $K$. The $m$-adic topology turns $R$ into a topological ring. When $R$ is a discrete valuation ring, this topology extends ...
Laurent Moret-Bailly's user avatar
10 votes
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Irreducibility of a class of polynomials

This question is directly inspired by this question. Consider polynomials of the form $$p(x) = \prod_{i=1}^n(x-i)^2 - d.$$ For which values of $n$ and $d$ is $p(x)$ irreducible? There is a theorem of ...
Igor Rivin's user avatar
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Is Illusie's generalization of the cotangent complex to arbitrary ringed toposes necessary in algebraic geometry?

André and Quillen both gave constructions of the relative cotangent complex for commutative rings, so pretty immediately that gives us that we understand the cotangent complex for affine schemes. ...
Harry Gindi's user avatar
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2 answers

Formal completion of the normal bundle

Let me for simplicity start with affine case. If $X=\operatorname{Spec}(A)$ is an affine variety $Z \subset X$ is a closed affine subvariety $Z=\operatorname{Spec}(A/I)$. What conditions are ...
Sasha Pavlov's user avatar
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What does Hilbert's 90 theorem tell us about Galois fixed points in projective space?

Consider the following statement: If $K\subseteq L$ is a Galois extension of fields with Galois group $G$ and $x \in \mathbb{P}^n(L)$ is such that $\sigma(x)=x$ for all $\sigma\in G$, then $x \in \...
Gro-Tsen's user avatar
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Formally smooth morphisms, the cotangent complex, and an extension of the conormal sequence

I'm reading Daniel Quillen's paper "Homology of commutative rings," in which he proves: A finitely presented morphism of rings $A \to B$ is Formally etale iff $L_{B/A}$ (this denotes the cotangent ...
Akhil Mathew's user avatar
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3 answers

Irreducible/prime/indivisible elements

in what follows all the rings are commutative, nontrivial, with unit. Recall the following definitions: 1) $\pi\in A$ is prime if $(\pi)$ is a nonzero prime ideal 2) $\pi\in A$ is irreducible if $\...
GreginGre's user avatar
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How do you tell if a system of linear inequalities has a solution?

A naive solution would be to optimize a dummy variable via linear programming and see if a result is returned. I imagine there must be a more direct way.
user21816's user avatar
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When is tensoring with a module representable by a scheme?

Consider the following: Let $A$ be a commutative ring, let $M$ be an $A$-module. When is the functor from $A$-algebras to Sets given by $R \mapsto R \otimes M$ representable by an $A$-scheme? Unless ...
Dinakar Muthiah's user avatar
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Network flows with capacities on pairs of edges

Take a standard network flow problem: a directed graph with nonnegative capacities on each edge, a source $s$, a sink $t$. We all know how to find the maximum flow from $s$ to $t$. Now add edge-pair ...
Brendan McKay's user avatar
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Lifting $G$-invariants from characteristic $p\gg 0$ to characteristic 0 for a reductive algebraic group $G$

Let $S\subset \mathbb{C}$ be a finitely generated ring, let $R$ be a finitely generated commutative ring over $S$. Let $G$ be a linear algebraic group over $S$, such that $G_{\mathbb{C}}$ is reductive....
Akk's user avatar
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What is the etale fundamental group of Spec Z((x))?

I know the etale fundamental group of $\mathbb{Z}$ is trivial. For algebraically closed fields $K$, the etale fundamental group of $K((x))$ is $\hat{\mathbb{Z}}$, since all covers in this case are ...
Will Chen's user avatar
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henselization and completion

This might not be a question appropriate for this forum, I apologize in this case... Is it true that any element of the completion of a valued ring $R$ that is algebraic over the field of fractions of ...
seli's user avatar
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2 answers

Generalization of finitely generated, finitely presented modules?

Let $R$ be a commutative ring and $M$ an $R$-module. The module $M$ is finitely generated iff there is an exact sequence $R^{k_0} \to M \to 0$. Similarly, $M$ is finitely presented iff there is an ...
eb80's user avatar
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10 votes
4 answers

Strongly Noetherian property. When is the tensor $A\otimes_{k}B$ Noetherian for Noetherian rings $A$ and $B$?

Let $k$ be a field. It is well-known that $A\otimes_{k}B$ is not necessarily Noetherian even if $k$-algebras $A$ and $B$ are Noetherian. For example $\mathbb{R}\otimes_{\mathbb{Q}}\mathbb{R}$. When ...
user2013's user avatar
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3 answers

Degree of generators of irreducible components

Let $V$ be a Zariski-closed subset of $\mathbb{A}^n_k$, where $k$ is an algebraically closed field. Assume that $V$ may be defined by polynomials of degree at most $d$ (or to put it otherwise $V$ is ...
Jérôme Poineau's user avatar
10 votes
3 answers

What's the number of solutions of the quadratic equation $x_1^2+\dots+x_m^2=0$ over finite ring $\mathbb{Z}/p^n$?

I want to calculate the number of solutions to the quadratic equation $$x_1^2+\dots+x_m^2=0$$ where $m$ is odd (a given number) and $x_i\in\mathbb{Z}/p^n$ for a given prime number $p$ and a given ...
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9 votes
3 answers

Punctured spectrums of local rings

Let $A$ be a local ring with the unique maximal ideal $\mathfrak{m}$. The punctured spectrum of $A$ is the open subset $\text{Spec}(A)\setminus \{\mathfrak{m}\}$. I have seen many papers (for ...
Fei YE's user avatar
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Tensor product of rings of Witt vectors

Let $A$, $B$, and $C$ be commutative rings such that $A\otimes_C B$ makes sense. If $W_n(A\otimes_C B), W_n(A), W_n(C),$ and $W_n(B)$ are the length $n$ Witt vectors of the rings $A,B,C,$ and $A\...
AJ Stewart's user avatar
9 votes
5 answers

Alternative proof of unique factorization for ideals in a Dedekind ring

I'm writing some commutative algebra notes, but I'm facing a difficulty in organizing the order of the topics. I'd like to have the topics about factorization before speaking of integral closure. This ...
Andrea Ferretti's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Factorial Rings and The Axiom of Choice

It is shown in Lang's Algebra (and many other books I assume) that: if A if a principal entire ring, then A is a factorial ring. The proof uses Zorn's Lemma. Is this theorem equivalent to the axiom ...
Daniel Barter's user avatar
9 votes
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Uniform sampling from general simplex with a twist

This is part of a question I had asked elsewhere, and then some of the links redirected me to CS stack exchange. Given $0\leq a_1\leq\dots\leq a_D\leq1$ (all strictly positive), I want to draw points ...
Juanito's user avatar
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First-order UFD (factorial ring) condition / pre-Schreier rings

All rings in this post are commutative and with $1$. Everyone knows the definition of a factorial ring, a. k. a. unique factorization domain (UFD). I have been wondering about some variations ...
darij grinberg's user avatar
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Is the class of commutative generalized Euclidean rings stable under quotient and localization?

Let $R$ be an associative ring with identity and let $E_n(R)$ be the subgroup of $GL_n(R)$ generated by matrices obtained from the identity matrix by replacing an off-diagonal entry by some $r∈R$. Let ...
Luc Guyot's user avatar
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3 answers

Is $k[x_1, \ldots, x_n]$ always an integral extension of $k[f_1, \ldots, f_n]$ for a regular sequence $(f_1, \ldots, f_n)$?

The elements of a regular sequence in $k[x_1, \ldots, x_n]$ are algebraically independent over $k$ (see for example Matsumura ex. 16.6), and so for a length n regular sequence $(f_i)$ of homogeneous ...
Dave M's user avatar
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Standard reference/name for "initial ideals $\Leftrightarrow$ associated graded rings"

Let $R$ be commutative ring with a $\mathbb Z$-grading $\deg$ and let $I\subset R$ be an ideal. On one hand, we may consider the initial ideal $\mathrm{in}_{\deg}(I)$. That is the space spanned by ...
Igor Makhlin's user avatar
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Are local, Noetherian rings with principal maximal ideal PIR?

A question asked by a friend. I believe it's false, but lack a decisive counterexample. This question shows that it is true for valuation rings, but I know too little about them. In the wider ...
Andrew Homan's user avatar
9 votes
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Projective & injective dimensions

$A$ a Noetherian local ring, $M\neq 0$ a finite $A$-module. I'm not quite sure about the relation between finiteness of projective and injective dimensions of $M$. Does the finiteness (or infiniteness)...
ashpool's user avatar
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Rings with all non-prime ideals finitely generated

Motivated by this question, I would like to ask: If all non-prime ideals in a ring are finitely generated, then is the ring Noetherian? Can we at least say anything in the local case? Note that ...
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When is the rank 2 free metabelian group of exponent $n$ center free?

Let $M_n$ be the rank 2 free metabelian group of exponent $n$. For which $n$ is $M_n$ center-free? The abelianization $M_n^{ab}\cong C_n\times C_n$, so the commutator subgroup $M_n'$ is a cyclic $(\...
stupid_question_bot's user avatar
9 votes
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Finite index free subgroups of $\mathrm{SL}(3,\mathbb{Z})$

Does $\mathrm{SL}(n,\mathbb{Z})$ have a free subgroup of finite index for some $n \geq 3$? I know that $\mathrm{SL}(3,\mathbb{Z})$ has many free subgroups and that in the case of $\mathrm{SL}(2,\...
burtonpeterj's user avatar
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Hensel's lemma, Bezout's identity, and the integers

Factorization in the ring $\mathbb{Z}[x]/(x^2+1)\mathbb{Z}[x]\cong \mathbb{Z}[i]$ is well known. For instance, $5$ and $13$ (and any prime $\equiv 1\pmod{4}$) are no longer prime. The factorization ...
Pace Nielsen's user avatar
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A series that is rational?

Let $k=\mathbb F_q(T)$. Can one prove (or disprove) that the series $\sum_{n\ge0}(1-TX^{q^n})Y^{q^n}\in k[[X,Y]]$ belongs to $k(X,Y)$? At first, it looked like it was simple. But in fact, I have no ...
joaopa's user avatar
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Global obstructions for being a quotient of a rank $d$ vector bundle

In this recent question (which now has an answer), Richard Thomas asked whether any projective $k$-scheme $X$ of (local) embedding dimension $d(X)$ can be embedded in a smooth $k$-scheme of dimension $...
R. van Dobben de Bruyn's user avatar
9 votes
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Bézout ring with non-trivial Picard group?

[I asked this on stackexchange here a few weeks ago to no response] A ring is called Bézout when its finitely generated ideals are principal. Q: Is there a nice example of a Bézout ring $R$ with ...
Badam Baplan's user avatar
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Conceptual proofs for the computation of the structure sheaf

The following lemma in commutative algebra is important for the foundations of algebraic geometry: If $A$ is a commutative ring, $U \subseteq A$ is a finite subset generating the unit ideal, then ...
Martin Brandenburg's user avatar
9 votes
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Algebraic power series of finite order

Apologies if the question is too elementary/something well-known. I believe it is a well-known fact that the rational formal power series $F(z)=\frac{P(z)}{Q(z)}$ which have finite order under ...
Sam Hopkins's user avatar
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Definition of packing property

Definition 1: A clutter $C$ is said to have the packing property if $C$ and all of its minors satisfy the König property. where, vertex cover of $C$ is a set of vertices that have non-empty ...
user177523's user avatar
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Is reflexivity an open condition?

Is the condition that a module is reflexive an open condition? That is, if $X$ is a smooth projective complex variety, $T$ a quasi-projective variety, and $F$ a finitely presented module on $X \...
jlk's user avatar
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Localization and intersection

It is very well known that if $\mathfrak p_1, \ldots,\mathfrak p_n$ are prime ideal of an integral domain $A$, then we have the equality$$S^{-1}A=\bigcap_{i=1}^n A_{\mathfrak{p}_i},$$ where $S:=A\...
Vincenzo Zaccaro's user avatar

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