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Uncomplete argument in Nishioka book

In Nishioka book "Mahler functions and transcendence" in the proof of Theorem 4.2.1, Nishioka asserts the following: For a matrix $A=(a_{i,j})_{1\le i\le m}$ with coefficients in $K[z]$ ($K$ ...
joaopa's user avatar
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How to efficiently replace the Paterson-Stockmeyer algorithm and reduce non-scalar multiplications

Paterson-Stockmeyer algorithm If we need to compute a high-degree polynomial expression, such as: $$ P(y) = \sum_{k=0}^{B} a_k y^k $$ the Paterson-Stockmeyer algorithm can process the powers in ...
AC.PR's user avatar
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Only special permutations result in a constant expression when permuting coefficients in a sum involving binomials?

Fix $n\geq 1$ and let $p_k(x) := x^k(x-1)^{n-k}$. Suppose $\pi$ is a permutation on $\{0,1,\dotsc,n\}$, such that $$ \sum_{k=0}^n (-1)^k \binom{n}{k} p_{\pi(k)}(x) \text{ is a constant}. $$ Must it be ...
Per Alexandersson's user avatar
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The linear independence and linear elimination of non-crossing matching polynomials

Consider the polynomial set: $$ f_{ij} = (t_i - t_j)x_i x_j + x_i - x_j, \quad (1 \leq j < i \leq 2n) $$ where $ t_1, t_2, \dots, t_{2n} $ are pairwise distinct. Let's look at the non-crossing ...
dzp's user avatar
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Closed form of coefficients of a finite field polynomial

I want to find a valid polynomial for a finite field $\mathbb{Z}_p[x]_{f(x)}$ with $d=deg(f(x))$. For this definition to hold, it can be deduced that $p$ must be prime and the polynomial $f(x)$ ...
Cardstdani's user avatar
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Literature containing basic knowledge of homogeneous functions

Let $D$ be a nonempty open subset of $\mathbb{R}\times\mathbb{R}$ and $f:D\to\mathbb{R}$ be a function of two variables. For all $(x,y)\in D$ and $t>0$ such that $(tx,ty)\in D$, if the equality $f(...
qifeng618's user avatar
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Bounding the length in a module of evaluated skew polynomials

Let $R$ be a finite principal ideal ring, $S$ a Galois extension of $R$ of degree $m$ (so in particular $S$ is a free $R$-module of rank $m$, and we have an $R$-module isomorphism $S^n \cong \...
JBuck's user avatar
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Rank of Hadamard product of column-wise polynomial evaluations and row-wise exponential evaluations

Consider the Hadamard product $A \odot B$ between two special matrices $A,B \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times m}$. The columns of $A$ are evaluations of polynomials, while the rows of $B$ are evaluations of ...
user31127's user avatar
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Guess the next polynoms in the sequence (MO vs. AI :), count anticommuting $F_p$-matrices, P. Hrubeš conjecture

Here is a sequence of polynoms - (presumably) counting N-tuples of ANTI-commuting 2x2 matrices over $F_p, p>2$. (That is just the case of 2x2 matrices, and (surprisingly) it is not so easy to see a ...
Alexander Chervov's user avatar
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Why is this polynomial factorizable? [closed]

I met a curious problem on factorizing a homogenerous polynomial of degree 9. Problem: Show that the following polynomial can be divided by $(a_1+a_2+a_3)$: \begin{align} &\quad\left| \begin{array}...
LichenSDU's user avatar
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Solving a recursion for polynomials defined by a matrix product

Define the polynomial $p_n(X) \in \mathbb{Z}[X_1,...,X_n]$ as the top left entry in $A^n$ for the $(d \times d)$ matrix \begin{align*} & A = \left(\begin{matrix} X_1 & \dots & \...
Ben Deitmar's user avatar
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Quick calculation of a symmetric product with two indices

Say I have a product $\prod_{1\le i \le N-1}\prod_{i<j\le N-1} (1+t_i t_j a_{ij})$, where $a_{ij}$s are real number. I want to calculate the coefficient of $\prod_{0 \le i < N} t_i$. Is there an ...
pallab1234's user avatar
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Loss of degree for polynomials

Let $q$ be a power of a prime $p$, $m$ be an integer greater than $0$. Does there exist polynomials $P_0,\cdots,P_m$ of $\mathbb F_q[T]$ not all in $\mathbb F_q$ such that there exist polynomials $Q_0,...
joaopa's user avatar
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Does an instance of this generalisation of the determinant exist?

Let $n$ be composite, $d$ a divisor greater than $1$ and $m=n/d$. Does anybody know if there is a general mapping $T$ from $n×n$ matrices to $m×m$ matrices that preserves the determinant? Over a field ...
Maarten Havinga's user avatar
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Can non-periodic discrete auto-correlation be inversed?

I'm trying to understand whether discrete auto-correlation can be reversed. That is, we are given $t_0, \dots, t_n \in \mathbb C$ and a set of equations $$ t_{k} = \sum\limits_{i=0}^{n-k} b_i b_{i+k}, ...
Oleksandr  Kulkov's user avatar
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Closed form solutions to polynomial operator equations

To the best of my knowledge the problem at hand is a generalisation of monic matrix polynomials. Can a closed form solution to the following equation be found, $$u_3A_3X^3B_3 + u_2A_2X^2B_2 + ...
Septimus Boshoff's user avatar
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Eigenvalues of a subset of matrix semigroup

My apologies for slightly longer post but I wanted to explain lower dimensional cases and their proofs before asking the actual question, which starts after the phrase The general case below. A two-...
Maulik's user avatar
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Can this system of equations about Newton's formula have concrete result?

Try to solve this system of equations: $$ S_1=x_1+\dots+x_n=a;\\ S_2=x_1^2+\dots+x_n^2=a;\\ {}\cdots\\ S_n=x_1^n+\dots+x_n^n=a; $$ And find the value of $S_{n+1}=x_1^{n+1}+\dots+x_n^{n+1},a\in\mathbb{...
Er Bu's user avatar
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Functional continuity of eigenvalues?

We have the following theorems! Corollary VI.1.6 [Bhatia: Matrix Analysis]: Let $a_j(t)$, where $1\leq j \leq n$ be continuous complex valued functions defined on an interval $I$. Then there exists ...
VSP's user avatar
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Minimal number of linearly dependent rank-1 projectors

What is the minimal number of linearly dependent rank-1 projectors $\vec v \vec v^t$ in dimension n, under the condition that every set of n column vectors $\vec v$ is linearly independent. PS: the ...
Alm's user avatar
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Monomials of linearly independent polynomials remains independent?

I met with a very elementary question on linear algebra which turns out to be quite resistant when I work on it. Any comments or references on either solutions or the possible value of the question ...
LichenSDU's user avatar
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When is the sum of matrices (circulant + [super upper triangular]) not diagonalizable?

By the circulant matrix $C \in M_n(\mathbb{R})$, we mean that $$ C = \left[\begin{array}{c|c|c|c} e_n & e_1 & \cdots & e_{n-1} \end{array}\right] $$ where $e_1,\dots,e_n$ are the standard ...
ABB's user avatar
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Convolutions of (m)-associahedra and (m)-noncrossing partition polynomials--combinatorial proofs?

I'm looking for combinatorial proofs of the convolutional identity COP below and its specializations I) and II). (Edit 6/2/2023: A combinatorial proof is sketched in a blog post by Mike Spivey of a ...
Tom Copeland's user avatar
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Can the equation $1+z^p+z^q+z^r=z^n$ have multiple complex roots $z$?

The math overflow post asks whether the equation $1+z^p+z^q=z^n$ can have multiple complex roots where $p<q<n$ (On the irreducibility of certain trinomials and quadrinomials). Q. Let us ...
ABB's user avatar
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Can the equation $1+z+z^q=z^n$ have multiple complex roots $z$?

It is proved here that the equation $1+z+z^2=z^n$ have no multiple complex roots. Q. Let us consider the equation $1+z+z^q=z^n$ where $q$ and $n$ are natural numbers with $1<q<n$. Any ...
ABB's user avatar
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A numerical matrix of power sum polynomials

Let $p_i=x_1^i+x_2^i+\cdots+x_m^i=\sum_{k=1}^mx_k^i$ be the power sum polynomials. Then, the determinant of the $m\times m$ Hankel matrix $M_m=(p_{i+j-2})$, for $1\leq i,j\leq m$, has a neat ...
T. Amdeberhan's user avatar
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q-polynomials in terms of a basis

Consider the polynomials $$f_n(q)=\prod_{j=1}^n(1+q^j) \qquad \text{and} \qquad g_m(q)=1+q+q^2+\cdots+q^m.$$ I'll list a few examples to motivate my question. Direct calculations show that $$f_1=g_1, \...
T. Amdeberhan's user avatar
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Efficiently finding solutions to the Rainbow cryptosystem using quotient spaces

Repost of a mathematics stackexchange question here as this concerns my research and it went unanswered on there. In this paper, Ward Beullens gives another way to look at the Rainbow cryptosystem. In ...
Saegusa's user avatar
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Irreducibility of polynomials associated to binomial coefficients

Let $n \geq 2$. Let $M_n$ be the $(n+1) \times (n+1)$ matrix with entries $\binom{l}{k}$ for $0 \leq l,k \leq n$ and $U_n=M_n + M_n^T$ and let $f_n(x)$ denote the characteristic polynomial of $U_n$. ...
Mare's user avatar
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Vandermonde matrix with polynomials

Let us consider the simple Vandermonde matrix $V_n$ with $V_{ij} = \omega^{(i - 1)(j - 1)}$ where $\omega = e^{2i\pi/n}$. Its well known that for a column vector $A$, $VA$ is equivalent to evaluating ...
Aditya Jain's user avatar
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Decomposition of a determinant

Let $M$ be a $4\times 4$ symmetric matrix whose entries $m_{i,j}$ for $i,j =1,\dots,4$ are homogeneous polynomials of degree $2$ in $3$ variables. Assume that $m_{1,1} = 0$. Does there exist a ...
Puzzled's user avatar
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How to decompose a matrix over a ring $F[X_1,\ldots,X_k]$ as a product of two matrices

Let $F$ be a field. Assume any reasonable conditions if needed, such as $F=\mathbb R$, $F=\mathbb C$, $F$ is a finite field, or $F$ has a specific characteristic, etc. Let $C$ be an $n\times1$ matrix ...
zxcv's user avatar
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Dimension of a general partial derivative of a linear subspace of polynomials

Let $U \subseteq \mathbb{C}[x_1,\dots, x_n]_d$ be a linear subspace of the vector space of homogeneous degree-$d$ polynomials (including zero). I would like a proof or counterexample of the claim that ...
Ben's user avatar
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Lifting module homomorphisms imposing conditions on characteristic polynomials

Suppose that we are in the setting described in the first two paragraphs of this MSE post. My question wants to deal with an instance of the study of the amount of freedom that the choice of the ...
Hvjurthuk's user avatar
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Resultant of linear combinations of Chebyshev polynomials of the second kind

The Chebyshev polynomial $U_n(x)$ of the second kind is characterized by $$ U_n(\cos\theta)=\frac{\sin(n+1)\theta}{\sin(\theta)}. $$ It seems that $$\operatorname*{Res}_x \left( U_n(x)+tU_{n-1}(x),\...
W. Wang's user avatar
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On well separated circular regions in the Riemann sphere and complex polynomials

It started with a conjecture I had, see A statement on complex polynomials, which was false for $n \geq 3$, as shown by Noam D. Elkies in his answer there. The present post is an attempt to salvage ...
Malkoun's user avatar
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A statement on complex polynomials

I have a feeling the following is true. Assume that there are $n$ mutually disjoint closed disks $D_i$ in the complex plane and $n$ complex polynomials $p_i(z)$ of degree $n - 1$, with both types of ...
Malkoun's user avatar
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Values of the determinants $\det[(j-k)^m+\delta_{jk}]_{1\le j,k\le n}\ (m=1,2,3,\ldots)$

For positive integers $m$ and $n$, let $D_m(n)$ denote the determinant $\det[(j-k)^m+\delta_{jk}]_{1\le j,k\le n}$, where the Kronecker delta $\delta_{jk}$ is $1$ or $0$ according as $j=k$ or not. ...
Zhi-Wei Sun's user avatar
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Invertible linear transformation on the space of polynomials

Let $\mathbb{F}[x]$ be the polynomial ring over the field $\mathbb{F}$. Let us assume $\operatorname{char}\mathbb{F}$ is not $2$. Then the $\mathbb{F}$-linear transformation $$\mathscr{A}:\mathbb{F}[x]...
Zhihua Chang's user avatar
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Derivative of characteristic polynomial of a graph and derivative of characteristic polynomial of a vertex-deleted subgraph have a common root

Let $G$ be a simple graph and $G-i$ be one of its vertex-deleted subgraphs. Let $\phi(G,x)$ and $\phi(G-i,x)$ be the characteristic polynomials of $G$ and of $G-i$ respectively, with respect to their ...
baronbrixius's user avatar
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Can one deduce the fundamental theorem of algebra from real calculus and linear algebra?

Motivation: let $A\in\mathbf{R}^{n\times n}$ be symmetric. Then by the method of Lagrange multipliers, a maximum of $x\mapsto x^tAx$ on the compact unit sphere $\mathbf{S}^{n-1}$ must be an ...
tomm's user avatar
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Why do these polynomials split almost in the middle?

Start with a palindromic sequence of integers $(a_0, a_1, \ldots, a_{n+1})$, i.e. $a_j=a_{n+1-j}$, and put $a_j:=0$ for $j<0$ and $j>n+1$. You may readily guess that the choice of the binomial ...
Wolfgang's user avatar
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Characteristic polynomial of a simple matrix: Chebyshev?

In my recent MO question, Darij Grinberg mentioned a closely related (structure-wise) determinant, that is, $$\det\left(x_{\min\{i,j\}}\right)_{i,j}^{1,m}=x_1(x_2-x_1)(x_3-x_2)\cdots(x_m-x_{m-1}).$$ ...
T. Amdeberhan's user avatar
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A determinant of perfect square polynomials

Usually, I like working with determinants related to the Vandermonde matrix, i.e. $$\det(x_j^{i-1})=\prod_{i<j}(x_j-x_i).$$ However, I run into some unusual matrix and its determinant. Define the $(...
T. Amdeberhan's user avatar
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The inverse of a symbolic matrix (with reciprocal binomials) has Laurent entries

Recalling the $q$-binomials (Gaussian polynomials). Let $[n]_q!=\prod_{j=1}^n\frac{1-q^j}{1-q}$ and $\binom{n}k_q=\frac{[n]_q!}{[k]_q!\cdot[n-k]_q!}$. Now, consider the $n\times n$ matrix $\mathbf{M}...
T. Amdeberhan's user avatar
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On a variation of the Vandermonde matrix

The ubiquitous Vandermonde matrix, of entries $(x_i^{j-1})_{i,j}^{1,n}$, and its determinant $$\prod_{i<j}^{1,n}(x_j-x_i)$$ have found many utilities in Combinatorics and Physics, among other ...
T. Amdeberhan's user avatar
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Interpret this matrix and its determinant

Let $n\geq1$ be an integer. Take the matrix $M(n)$, with entries, $M_{i,j}(n)=\sin\left(\frac{(i+j)\pi}2\right)$ if $i\neq j$ and $M_{i,i}(n)=x_i$. I wish to ask (this question has been modified from ...
T. Amdeberhan's user avatar
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Combinatorial proof of a matrix equation

I'm looking for combinatorial proofs (using, e.g., trees) of the following particular matrix equation $(I)$ and also combinatoric operational analogs of its solution via matrix inversion and/or Cramer'...
Tom Copeland's user avatar
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Polynomial representation with shared root

Let $R$ be a polynomial quotient ring of the form $F_3[x_1,x_2,...,x_n]/\langle \{x_i^3-x_i\}_{1\le i\le n} \rangle$ and $\{f_i\}_{1\le i \le m}$ be elements of $R$, where $m > n$. We know that the ...
Changmin Lee's user avatar
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Unit polynomial vector fields on the sphere

Let $\mathbb{S}^3 \subset \mathbb{R}^4$ be the unit $3$-sphere. Is there a classification available for $3$-homogeneous polynomial, unit norm, vector fields on $\mathbb{S}^3$? More explicitly, a $3$-...
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