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Condition for equality of modules generated by columns of matrices

Let $R$ be a commutative ring with unit. Let $M_A$ denote the submodule of $R^m$ generated by columns of a matrix $A$ with entries in $R$. Suppose we are given two matrices $A,B \in R^{m \times k}$. I ...
Rahul Sarkar's user avatar
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Is it possible to complete a basis for a free module over a finite-dimensional associative unital real algebra?

Let $\mathbb F$ be a finite-dimensional associative unital real algebra. Consider $V:=\mathbb F^n$ and let's say $p \in V$ is good if $xp=0$ only has $x=0$ as solution. Question: If $p_1$ is good, ...
Hugo's user avatar
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14 votes
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Is the discriminant of a free (as a module) $R$-algebra always congruent to a square modulo 4?

Let $R$ be a commutative ring. Let $A$ be an $R$-algebra (i.e., an $R$-module equipped with an $R$-bilinear multiplication map that turns $A$ into a unital ring). We do not require $A$ to be ...
darij grinberg's user avatar
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Isomorphism of matrix ring over ore domain

Let $R_1,R_2$ be (left and right) ore domains. Does $ Mat_n(R_1)\cong Mat_m(R_2)$ implie m=n and $q.f.(R_1)\cong q.f.(R_2)$? An counter example, a proof or a reference is welcomed. Thanks
rrr's user avatar
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A reference on semisimple linear algebra

Is there any literature where the tools familiar from (multi)linear algebra are systematically transferred to the setting of semisimple modules over noncommutative rings? In fact this question is a ...
Alexander Shamov's user avatar
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Algebra - Decomposition of a matrix polynomial

Dear All, This is related with a problem that I'm trying to solve on my PhD dissertation in econometrics, and I thought that some mathmatician can know the answer. What is known about a possible ...
FCX's user avatar
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on existence of matrices X, Y s.t. XAY is diagonal over non-commutative ring

Given $A\in Mat_{n\times n}(R)$ where $R$ is a non-commutative associative ring are there exist any (non-zero) matrices $X, Y\in Mat_{n\times n}(R)$ such that $XAY=diag(a_1, \ldots , a_n)$ for some $...
zroslav's user avatar
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Is there a name for this algebraic structure?

I found myself "naturally" dealing with an object of this form: X is a complex vector space, with a "product" (a,b) → {aba} which is quadratic in the first variable, linear in the second, and ...
AndreA's user avatar
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