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Lanczos algorithm with thick restart on a dynamic matrix

currently, I'm working on a way to compute the 2 biggest eigenvalues of a real, symmetric, huge and sparse matrix that changes a few entries from time to time. The problem should be solved using an ...
Hubert's user avatar
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Algorithms to compute largest gap between smallest nonzero eigenvalues of sparse symmetric matrix

I am looking mainly for implementations but also for theoretical algorithms to compute gaps between smallest positive eigenvalues of symmetric, singular matrix or real numbers. To be precise, I want ...
user47459's user avatar
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Recovering a linear map from a non-linear approximation

The problem described here is algorithmic. We are given "black box access" to a map $f:R^d\to R^d$. By this we mean that one may query the value of $f(v)$ for an arbitrary $v\in R^d$. We assume that ...
Roberto Imbuzeiro Oliveira's user avatar