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Where does $V$ from the spectral decomposition $A = VDV^*$ lie, if $A$ has only imaginary entries?

The spectral theorem says that for every Hermitian matrix $A \in \mathbb{C}^{n \times n}$ there is a unitary matrix $V \in U(n)$ and a diagonal matrix $D \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times n}$ such that $A = ...
Ben Deitmar's user avatar
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A is a nonnegative matrix; the only principal submatrix having spectral radius above 1 is A itself

Let $\rho(M)$ denote the spectral radius (modulus of the largest eigenvalue) of a square matrix $M$. I am looking for a characterization or anything else interesting about the set of matrices $A$ ...
Ben Golub's user avatar
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Morse index and permutation of diagonal entries of a symmetric matrix

Do there exist results concerning preservation or not of the Morse index of a symmetric matrix $A$, after permuting its diagonal entries, and keeping fixed the off--diagonal ones? Thanks!
Emil's user avatar
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Are these $L_2$-spectral radii approximations strictly increasing?

Suppose that $V$ is a finite dimensional complex Hilbert space. Let $L(V)$ denote the collection of all linear mappings from $V$ to $V$. Let $A_1,\dots,A_r:V\rightarrow V$ be linear operators. Then ...
Joseph Van Name's user avatar
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Lower-bounding the eigenvalues of a certain positive-semidefinite kernel matrix, as a function of the norm of the input matrix

Let $\phi:[-1,1] \to \mathbb R$ be a function such that $\phi$ is $\mathcal C^\infty$ on $(-1,1)$. $\phi$ is continuous at $\pm 1$. For concreteness, and if it helps, In my specific problem I have $\...
dohmatob's user avatar
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Spectral theorems for generalized Hermitian matrices

Let $k$ be a field, and let $\sigma$ be a nontrivial involutory automorphism of $k$. Let $A$ be a square matrix with entries in $k$, such that $(A^{\sigma})^T = A$; here $A^\sigma$ means the matrix $(...
THC's user avatar
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Relation between nullity of components to its parent graph

Let $G$ be an undirected graph and the corresponding adjacency matrix be $A$. Let $v$ be a cut-vertex of $G$. Let $G_1, G_2,\dots, G_k$ are the connected components of the induced graph $G-v$ ( the ...
Ranveer Singh's user avatar
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Interlacing Suleĭmanova spectra

A set of real numbers $\{\lambda_1, \dots, \lambda_n \}$, $n \geq 1$, is called a Suleĭmanova spectrum if it contains exactly one positive value and $\sum_{i=1}^n \lambda_i \geq 0$. (It is well-known ...
Pietro Paparella's user avatar
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basis representation of a special sinc kernel

I have a functional map from $(x,y) \in \mathbb{R}^2$ to another function $f_{x,y}(z,w) \in \mathbb{C}$. (Variables $z,w $ range from $-\infty$ to $\infty$.) That is, for any pair $x,y$, I get a ...
F researcher's user avatar
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Bounding the largest Singular value

D is a $n \times n$ diagonal matrix whose diagonal entries lies in $(0,1]$. B is any $n \times n$ n.n.d. matrix. What will be the sharpest upper bound on the largest eigenvalue of: $(D+B)^{-1}D^2(...
Gourab Mukherjee's user avatar
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Unitary transformation of a Hermitian indefinite pencil to a real non-symmetric pencil

Given a Hermitian indefinite pencil $(A-\lambda B)$ where both $A=A^H$ and $B=B^H \in \mathbb{C}^{n\times n}$ are possibly indefinite, it is straightforward to show that the eigenvalues are either ...
Victor Liu's user avatar
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Distribution of a signal covariance matrix

A common estimation problem in signal processing assumes the following signal model \begin{equation} \mathbf{r} = \sum_{i=1}^{Q}\alpha_i\mathbf{s}\left(w_i\right)+\mathbf{n} \end{equation} where $\...
mermeladeK's user avatar
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An optimization problem on the sphere

Let $S$ be a sphere centered at origin in $\Bbb R^{2n}$ of radius $\sqrt{2n}$. Let $D$ be a diagonal matrix. Let $U$ be an orthogonal matrix. Let $r\in\Bbb Z_+$ be a fixed integer. Let vector $v\in\...
Turbo's user avatar
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Possible diagonal values of a product of matrices with some specific characteristics

Hello all, This is a question that might or might not be related to my previous one. Imagine you have two matrices: Matrix $\mathbf{\Phi}=[\Phi_1,\ldots,\Phi_M]\in\mathbb{R}^{L\times M}$ where $M\...
mermeladeK's user avatar
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iterated characteristic polynomials

If I have $N$ $M\times M$ symmetric positive definite matrices $A_i$ and an $N\times N$ positive semi-definite symmetric matrix B, let the $N\times N$ matrix $C_{ij}(\lambda)=B_{ij}$ for $i\ne j$ and $...
mifune's user avatar
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Are these particular kinds of matrices well known?

Given two positive integers $n$ and $a \leq \frac{n}{2}$ consider a $n \times n$ matrix $A$ such that, all the diagonal entries are either $a$ or $a+1$ all the non-zero off-diagonal entries are $\pm ...
user6818's user avatar
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When is a $2$-lift of a graph connected? [closed]

Let $\ (V\ E)\ $ be a graph, i.e. $\ E\subseteq\binom V2.\ $ A $2$-lift pattern of a graph is a function $\ e:E\rightarrow\{-1\,\ 1\}.\ $ The induced 2-lift is defined as the graph $\ V\times\{-1\,\ ...
user6818's user avatar
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On sum of matrices

Suppose we have a matrix $M\in\Bbb Q^{n\times n}$ with no $0$ elements and we write as sum of two matrices $M_1$ and $M_2$ on following constraint. $M_{1,ij}=M_{ij}$ and $M_{2,ij}=0$ or $M_{1,ij}=0$ ...
Turbo's user avatar
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Perturbation theory for matrices

I encountered the following problem. Since this is somewhat not related to what I normally do, I wanted to know what the best estimates in this field are. Let $A \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times n}$ be a ...
Michel's user avatar
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Characterisation of a matrix ordering property

Let $n$ be a positive integer; we consider all matrices mentioned henceforth to be $n$-by-$n$ matrices. Let $A$ and $B$ be matrices wherein all entries are nonnegative (such matrices will be called ...
Liam Baker's user avatar
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Computing the eigenvalues of $A+E$ where $A$ is an upper triangular matrix whose diagonal entries are all zero and $E$ is a rank one matrix

Let us consider the backward-shift matrix $B=(b_{ij})\in M_n(\mathbb{R})$ whose entries are given by $b_{k,k+1}=1$ and the other entries are all 0. We also consider $X=(x_{ij})\in M_n(\mathbb{R})$ ...
ABB's user avatar
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Necessary and sufficient conditions for $\mbox{trace}(A^{-1/2}e^{-tB} (AB+BA) e^{-tB}A^{-1/2}) \ge 0$ for all $t$

Let $A$ and $B$ be positive-definite matrices of the same size. For any $t \ge 0$, define $$ u(t) := \mbox{trace}(A^{-1/2}e^{-tB} (AB+BA) e^{-tB}A^{-1/2}). $$ Question. What are necessary and ...
dohmatob's user avatar
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Perturbing a normal matrix

Let $N$ be a normal matrix. Now I consider a perturbation of the matrix by another matrix $A.$ The perturbed matrix shall be called $M=N+A.$ Now assume there is a normalized vector $u$ such that $\...
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"Almost orthogonalizing" matrices using a signature matrix

Suppose $A$ and $B$ are two real symmetric $n \times n$ matrices (If simpler, consider $A$ and $B$ to be 0/1 matrices, say, adjacency matrices of d-regular graphs). Then $||AB||_{op} \leq ||A||_{op}||...
BharatRam's user avatar
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Global solution for spectral clustering

I used spectral clustering for directed graphs suggested by Dengyong Zhou paper to partition the graph.I selected the eigen vectors corresponding to k largest eigen values and then I use kmeans or FCM ...
Fatime's user avatar
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Which operators other than self-adjoint operators have no purely imaginary eigenvalues? [closed]

Given an operator mapping between suitable spaces, what is the condition that guarantees all eigenvalues have nonzero real part? Obviously self-adjointness implies all eigenvalues are real, but how ...
Tobi's user avatar
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sum of positive definite matrix

sum of positive definite matrix $A+B $is positive definite. I want to look at the spectrum of $C=A+B$ can we say the ith largest eigenvalue of $C$ is no less than the ith largest eigenvalue of $A$ i....
jason's user avatar
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Does $\|(I-A)^{-1}\|_{2} \leq 1/(1-\|A\|_{2})$ holds for matrices with spectral radius smaller then 1?

Given a symmetric positive semidefinite matrix matrix $A$, if its spectral radius $0<\rho(A)<1$, does the inequality $\|(I-A)^{-1}\|_{2} \leq 1/(1-\|A\|_{2})$ hold true? $\|A\|_{2}$ denotes ...
Rohit Shukla's user avatar

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