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Possible diagonal values of a product of matrices with some specific characteristics

Hello all, This is a question that might or might not be related to my previous one. Imagine you have two matrices: Matrix $\mathbf{\Phi}=[\Phi_1,\ldots,\Phi_M]\in\mathbb{R}^{L\times M}$ where $M\...
mermeladeK's user avatar
3 votes
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A spectral radius inequality

Define $\rho(A)$ to be the spectral radius of a square matrix $A$. Let $S$ and $T$ be two non-negative square matrices and $h$ a real number such that $\rho(S+T) < h$. Show that $\rho((hI-S)^{-1}T) ...
Hans's user avatar
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spectral radius monotonicity

I encountered an inequality when reading a paper. Can someone help to show how to prove it? Let be the spectral radius of matrix $A$ or $\rho(A)=\max\{|\lambda|, \lambda \text{ are eigenvalues of ...
Hans's user avatar
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Global solution for spectral clustering

I used spectral clustering for directed graphs suggested by Dengyong Zhou paper to partition the graph.I selected the eigen vectors corresponding to k largest eigen values and then I use kmeans or FCM ...
Fatime's user avatar
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Eigenvalues of principal minors Vs. eigenvalues of the matrix

Say I have a positive semi-definite matrix with least positive eigenvalue x. Are there always principal minors of this matrix with eigenvalue less than x? (Here "semidefinite" can not be taken to ...
Ran's user avatar
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11 answers

real symmetric matrix has real eigenvalues - elementary proof

Every real symmetric matrix has at least one real eigenvalue. Does anyone know how to prove this elementary, that is without the notion of complex numbers?
marjeta's user avatar
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A is a nonnegative matrix; the only principal submatrix having spectral radius above 1 is A itself

Let $\rho(M)$ denote the spectral radius (modulus of the largest eigenvalue) of a square matrix $M$. I am looking for a characterization or anything else interesting about the set of matrices $A$ ...
Ben Golub's user avatar
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Effects of unitarian multiplication into the spectrum of a finite matrix.

I am interested in the following problem: Let $P$ be a $n\times n$ complex finite matrix such as $PP^\dagger =W$. Given $W$, what can I say about the spectrum of $P$? This matrix "square-root" has ...
Ricardo Marino's user avatar
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Morse index and permutation of diagonal entries of a symmetric matrix

Do there exist results concerning preservation or not of the Morse index of a symmetric matrix $A$, after permuting its diagonal entries, and keeping fixed the off--diagonal ones? Thanks!
Emil's user avatar
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Has the largest-to-rest eigenvalue ratio of real symmetric matrices been researched before?

I'm investigating the eigenvalue ratios $$ \frac{\lambda_1}{\sum_{j=2}^N\lambda_j} \quad\mbox{and}\quad \frac{\sum_{j=1}^N\lambda_j}{\sum_{j=2}^N\lambda_j} $$ of the NxN matrix $B=AA^T$. $\lambda_1$ ...
Anna's user avatar
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Eigen-decomposition perturbation

Let $A$, $B$ and $A_k + B$ be symmetric matrices with eigenvalues $\sigma_1 \geq \sigma_2 \ldots \geq \sigma_n$, $\rho_1 \geq \rho_2 \ldots \geq \rho_n$ and $\lambda_1 \geq \lambda_2 \ldots \geq \...
cdhanjal's user avatar
18 votes
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Minimum off-diagonal elements of a matrix with fixed eigenvalues

I am an engineer working in radar research. I came accross a problem on which I cannot seem to find literature. I can ask it in two different ways. Perhaps depending on the reader, the alternative ...
mermeladeK's user avatar
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Generalizing the spectral radius of a unistochastic matrix

Consider a square matrix $A$, and from it construct $B$ whose entries are the squared magnitudes of those in $A$. What can we say about the spectral radius of $B$? I know that for a unitary matrix $A$,...
Victor Liu's user avatar
16 votes
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Interesting relationships between Cholesky decomposition and diagonalization

Let $\Sigma$ be a hermitian positive definite matrix and $L$ be its Cholesky decomposition so that $LL^\ast=\Sigma$. Furthermore, let's diagonalize $\Sigma$ as $\Sigma = P\Lambda P^\ast$. $\Lambda$ is ...
Arthur B's user avatar
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Bounding sum of first singular values squared for Kronecker sum of traceless matrices

Let $A$ and $B$ be $4\times4$ traceless matrices with Hilbert-Schmidt norms summing up to $1/4$, i.e. $$\text{Tr}\left[ A\right]=\text{Tr}\left[ B\right] = 0,\qquad\text{Tr}\left[ A^\dagger A + B^\...
Piotr Migdal's user avatar
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0 eigenvalue for a symmetric tridiagonal matrix

Let $T\in \mathbb{R}^{n\times n}$ be a symmetric tridiagonal matrix having the off--diagonal entries equal to -1. The diagonal entries are all positive, $a_i>0$, $i=\overline{1,n}$, and there ...
Andreea's user avatar
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Spectral Properties of $A(I-A)^{-1}$

I am working with a class of matrices $A$ which are non-negative-definite, not symmetric, and have maximum eigenvalue less than 1. I am interested in the spectral properties of the matrix $H = A(I - ...
Tom LaGatta's user avatar
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Efficiently computing a few localized eigenvectors

Let $H = \triangle + V(x) : \mathbb{R}^2 \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^2$. I am interested in domain decomposition for an eigenproblem involving $H$. The lowest 1000 eigenfunctions of $H$, $ \psi_i $, can ...
dranxo's user avatar
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Generalization of eigenvalues/vectors to modules?

What is the generalization of eigenvalues/vectors to modules? To be specific, given a "vector" v in a module over some ring, and a linear "operator" O from the module to itself (please feel free to ...
Gregory Crosswhite's user avatar
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Singular values of differences of square matrices

Suppose $A, B \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times n}$. Let $\sigma_1(A),\ldots,\sigma_n(A)$ be the singular values of $A$, and let $\sigma_1(B),\ldots,\sigma_n(B)$ be the singular values of $B$. If I know these ...
Aaron's user avatar
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dominant eigenvector

Hi, everyone! Is there any efficient way to simplify the following tensor product $X \otimes X + X^T \otimes X^T$, where $X$ is a square $n \times n$ matrix. My goal is to efficiently compute the ...
person's user avatar
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Eigenvalues of an "oblique diagonal" matrix

I am looking for guidance about the behavior of powers of a particular matrix (call it $A_n$ for $n\ge2$), which has come up in a counting problem about quantum knot mosaics (a good reference for ...
Russell May's user avatar
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Perron-Frobenius "inverse eigenvalue problem"

The Perron-Frobenius theorem says that the largest eigenvalue of a positive real matrix (all entries positive) is real. Moreover, that eigenvalue has a positive eigenvector, and it is the only ...
Gene S. Kopp's user avatar
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Combinatorial proof of (a special case of) the spectral theorem?

The spectral theorem for a real $n \times n$ symmetric matrix $A$ says that $A$ is diagonalizable with all eigenvalues real. If $A$ happens to have non-negative integer entries, it can be interpreted ...
Qiaochu Yuan's user avatar
22 votes
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Fast Fourier transform for graph Laplacian?

In the case of a regularly-sampled scalar-valued signal $f$ on the real line, we can construct a discrete linear operator $A$ such that $A(f)$ approximates $\partial^2 f / \partial x^2$. One way to ...
TerronaBell's user avatar
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Matrix logarithms are not unique

In my ODE class, we proved that if $\exp(L) = \exp(L')$ then the eigenvalues are congruent mod $2 \pi i$. Here, $L$ and $L'$ are two $n \times n$ matrices. I wanted to know if something more precise ...
john mangual's user avatar
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iterated characteristic polynomials

If I have $N$ $M\times M$ symmetric positive definite matrices $A_i$ and an $N\times N$ positive semi-definite symmetric matrix B, let the $N\times N$ matrix $C_{ij}(\lambda)=B_{ij}$ for $i\ne j$ and $...
mifune's user avatar
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spectral radius of a matrix as one element changes

Here's my question -- Let $A$ be an $n \times n$ real matrix, and suppose that the spectral radius $\rho(A)$ is less than one (spectral radius = max eigenvalue). Let's choose some $1 \leq i \leq N$ ...
hal iii's user avatar
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