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Cauchy matrices with elementary symmetric polynomials

$\newcommand{\vx}{\mathbf{x}}$ Let $e_k(\vx)$ denote the elementary symmetric polynomial, defined for $k=0,1,\ldots,n$ over a vector $\vx=(x_1,\ldots,x_n)$ by \begin{equation*} e_k(\vx) := \sum_{1 \...
Suvrit's user avatar
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16 votes
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Is there a "natural" proof of the equality $4^2=2^4$?

This question, or rather any answer that it might receive, would probably belong to the realm of Awfully sophisticated proof for simple facts. Still, I claim that I have quite serious motivation for ...
მამუკა ჯიბლაძე's user avatar
13 votes
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A Dynkin type classification result in linear algebra

Let $G$ be a finite directed acyclic graph. The Cartan matrix $C_G=C$ of $G$ is defined as the matrix with rows and colums indexed by the vertices of $G$ and $c_{i,j}$ counts the number of paths from $...
Mare's user avatar
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12 votes
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Combinatorial proof of invertibility of a symmetric matrix associated to the ring of matrices over a finite field

Let $F$ be a finite field of $q$ elements with characteristic $p$. Let $M_n(F)$ be the ring of $n\times n$ matrices over $F$. We define a $q^{n^2}\times q^{n^2}$ symmetric matrix $L$ over the ...
Benjamin Steinberg's user avatar
9 votes
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Intersection of Springer fibre and Schubert cell

Let us consider intersections of Springer fibres and Schubert cells in type A. Let $ Y : \mathbb C^n \rightarrow \mathbb C^n $ be a nilpotent operator. Let $$ F_Y = \{ V_0 = 0 \subset V_1 \subset \...
Joel Kamnitzer's user avatar
8 votes
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Image of multiplication map in tensor powers of finite-dimensional ring

Let $R$ be a (commutative, unital) ring of dimension $n$ over a field $k$. Assume the characteristic of $k$ is greater than $n$. Then $R^{\otimes n}$ has a natural ring structure, together with an $...
Will Sawin's user avatar
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7 votes
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Decomposing an endomorphism as a tensor product

$\DeclareMathOperator\End{End}$Let $f$ be an endomorphism of the finite-dimensional vector space $V$, over the field $K$. The question of whether $f$ is decomposable, that is, whether $V$ can be ...
Pierre's user avatar
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A homological algebra approach to the Union-closed sets conjecture

I noted a while ago that there is a nice homological formulation using incidence algebra of the Union-closed sets conjecture ( It might just ...
Mare's user avatar
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7 votes
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Certain Fourier transforms involving Whittaker function and Bessel functions

I recently meet the following two weird "Fourier transform" questions. (I), Suppose that $F$ is a $p$-adic field (the same question can be asked over any local field, including $\mathbb{R}$ ...
Q-Zh's user avatar
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mean distance between subspaces

Consider the Haar measure $\mu$ on the Grassmannian $G(n, k)$ of $k$-dimensional subspaces in $\mathbb{R}^n.$ Now, pick pairs of subspaces uniformly at random with respect to $\mu,$ and compute their ...
Igor Rivin's user avatar
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6 votes
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Monomial base change and the Vandermonde

Denote the falling factorials by $(x)_k=x(x-1)\cdots(x-k+1)$. The Vandermonde determinant is given by $\det\left[x_i^{j-1}\right]_1^n=\prod_{i<j}(x_j-x_i)$. It is well-known that in as much as ...
T. Amdeberhan's user avatar
6 votes
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Spaces of matrices with same eigenvalue/Great circles in O(n)-orbits

Let $Sym^2(V)$ be the set of symmetric matrices of a real $n$-dimensional vector space $V$. Given an element $\underline{\lambda}=[\lambda_1,\ldots \lambda_n]\in \mathbb{RP}^n$, where $\lambda_1\leq\...
CuriousUser's user avatar
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Avoiding Cartan subalgebra in a Lie algebra

Let $G$ be a simple complex algebraic group acting on its Lie algebra $\mathfrak{g}$ via the adjoint representation. What is the largest integer $d$ such that every subspace $U \subseteq \mathfrak{g}$ ...
darko's user avatar
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Periodics of Coxeter matrices for truncated Nakayama algebras

For $n \geq 3$ and $r \geq 3$ let $C_{n,r}=(c_{i,j})$ denote the $n \times n$-matrix where $c_{i,j}=1$ for $j=i,\dots,i+r-1$ (we only do this until $i+r-1>n$). So for example for $n=7$ and $r=3$ we ...
Mare's user avatar
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Gelfand pairs in $SO(p,q)$

I am considering the groups $SO(p,q)$ over the reals. And inside it some parabolic subgroup, $P$. It can be the minimal parabolic but that is not the issue. It is well known that $P$ has a Levi ...
Gal Yehoshua's user avatar
5 votes
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$\text{Determinant}=(\sum \text{Determinant})^2$

Denote by $\delta_{n-1}=(n-1,n-2,\dots,1,0,0,\dots)$ the staircase partition and the embedded partition $\lambda=(\lambda_1,\lambda_2,\dots)\subset\delta_{n-1}$. QUESTION 1. Is this true? $$\det\...
T. Amdeberhan's user avatar
5 votes
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Dual of representation is irreducible implies the representation is irreducible?

Suppose $V$ is an infinite dimensional $\mathbb{Q}_p$-representation of Lie algebra $\mathfrak{g}$ over $\mathbb{Q}_p$. If its dual representation $V^{\prime}$ is irreducible then, is it always true ...
MathStudent's user avatar
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Relative invariants of $P\oplus P^*$

Let $P$ be a $\mathrm{GL}(V)$-module, and assume that the decomposition of $P$ into irreducible submodules is known. By a relative invariant of the module $P\oplus P^*$, I mean a homogeneous nonzero ...
Giovanni Moreno's user avatar
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Is there a method to simultaneously block-diagonalize a set of group matrices?

Assume that you are explicitly given the representation matrices of a group. How does one go about finding that common basis which will find the irreducible components of all of them simultaneously? ...
user6818's user avatar
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Weyl's construction for symplectic groups--an exercise in Fulton and Harris's book

This is an exercise in section 17.3 in Fulton and Harris's book:Representation theory-a first course. Let $V=\mathbb{C}^{2n}$ and $Sp(2n)$ be the symplectic group w.r.t the nondegenerate bilinear ...
yang's user avatar
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Relationship between characteristic polynomials of a matrix and its adjoint representation

Let $A \in \mathrm{M}_n(F)$ be a matrix over a field $F$. Consider its adjoint representation $\mathrm{ad}_A \in \mathrm{End}(\mathrm{M}_n(F))$, defined by $$ \mathrm{ad}_A(X) = [A, X] = AX - XA. $$ I ...
darko's user avatar
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Map $\operatorname{Sym}^{mp}(V^*) \longrightarrow K^{q}$ defined by $q$ points in $\operatorname{Sym}^p(V)$

EDIT : I have edited the question and made it more specific with respect to the kind of answer I expect. Let $V$ be a finite dimensional $K$-vector space and let $x_1, \dotsc, x_q \in V$ be $q$ points,...
Libli's user avatar
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Diagonalization over valuation rings

Let $\mathcal{R}$ be a valuation ring, and consider an $\mathcal{R}$-linear endomorphism $L:\mathcal{R}^{n}\rightarrow \mathcal{R}^{n}$. Is there any criterion for telling when $L$ can be diagonalized?...
FPV's user avatar
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Incidence relations of subspaces with infinite descending flags

Let $W = \prod_{k \in \mathbb N} V_k$ be an infinite product of vector spaces, and let $V = \oplus_{k \in \mathbb N} V_k$ be the corresponding sum. Already the case where $V_k$ is 1-dimensional for ...
Tim Campion's user avatar
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Representation theoretic characterisation of symmetric spaces

Let $G$ be a simple compact Lie group and $H$ a closed subgroup. Let $\mathfrak{h}\subset \mathfrak{g}$ denote the corresponding Lie algebras. Let $\mathfrak{m}$ be an orthogonal complement to $\...
Spinoza's user avatar
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Fierz like identity for $\epsilon_{abc}\sigma^a_{ij}\sigma^b_{kl}\sigma^c_{pq}$

It is known that contracting over the vector indices of two Pauli matrix can be simplified to a bunch of delta functions. This is done via Fierz formula $$\delta_{ab}\sigma^a_{ij}\sigma^b_{kl}=\delta_{...
user34104's user avatar
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Matrices in $SL(2,\mathbb{C})$ with characteristic polynomial defined over a subring

Let $R\subset\mathbb{C}$ be a subring, and let $A,B\in SL(2,\mathbb{C})$ be matrices such that $A,B,AB$ all have trace in $R$. For which $R$ can we then deduce that $A,B$ are simultaneously conjugate ...
stupid_question_bot's user avatar
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(Co)limit computations for diagrams of Vector Spaces

Fix a field $K$ and consider a finite directed graph $\Gamma$ where multiple edges between a pair of vertices are allowed so long as the total number of edges is finite. Associate to each vertex $v$ a ...
Vidit Nanda's user avatar
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Eigenvalues of "modified" Johnson scheme via the representation theory of the symmetric group

I am interested in eigenvalues of the following association scheme, which somewhat resembles the Johnson scheme. Let $n$ and $k\leq n$ be positive integers. The $n!/(n-k)!$ vertices of the scheme ...
Ansis Rosmanis's user avatar
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Decomposition of projectors: A generalized format

Let $V=\mathbb C^n$ be a vector space with (linear) maps $P_1:V\rightarrow V$ and $P_2:V\rightarrow V$ that are projectors , i.e. they satisfy $P_i^2=P_i$. It is not hard to understand the structure ...
Nick B.'s user avatar
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How much a general a theory of matrices equivalence under group actions we have?

Let $F$ be a field and let $M_{m,n}\,(F)$ be the $F$-linear space of $m \times n$ matrices over $F$. Let $G$ be a group acting on $M_{m,n}\,(F)$. My question is: Do we have some theory about the ...
en-drix's user avatar
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Exterior powers of the Cartan matrix and Dyck paths

(This question can be formulated purely combinatorially in terms of Dyck paths, which is done in the second part of the question. But I am more interested whether this can be explained by some sort of ...
Mare's user avatar
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Grothendieck schemes and the Sheffer differential op calculus (Rota, Roman, et al. finite operator calculus)

In "Left differential operators on non-commutative algebras" on p. 4, Michiel Hazewinkel displays "precisely the right definition of differential operator" as $$D\; X^n = F(\tfrac{...
Tom Copeland's user avatar
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$f(x)>0$ and $f(y)>0$ implies $f(x+y)>0$, then there must exist an linear function $g$ such that $g(x)>0$ iff $f(x)>0$?

Background: Let $x,y\in\mathbb (0,+\infty)^n$. $f$ is a continuous function on $\mathbb R^n_+=(0,+\infty)^n$. Consider the following condition (1), the sign of $f(x+y)$ is dependent on the sign of $f(...
High GPA's user avatar
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A conceptual explanation for the Kirchoff matrix theorem in terms of the quiver algebra

On the wikipedia page for the Kirchoff matrix theorem, they state a souped up version of the theorem: Let $G$ be a finite undirected loopless graph and let us form the square matrix $L$ indexed by the ...
Asvin's user avatar
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Is the outer automorphism group of a finite poset finite when the Coxeter matrix has finite order?

Let $P$ be a finite connected poset. The Cartan matrix $C_P$ of $P$ is defined as the matrix with entries $c_{i,j}=1$ if $i \leq j$ and $c_{i,j}=0$ else for $i,j \in P$. The Coxeter matrix of $P$ is ...
Mare's user avatar
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How to compute a simultaneous block-diagonalization?

Let $n$ be a positive integer and consider of finite set $S \subset M_n(\mathbb{C})$ such that $S^* = S$ (i.e. if $a \in S$ then $a^* \in S$). The algebra generated by $S$ is a finite dimensional $*$-...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
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Compatibility of $\mathrm{SL}_2$ representations, bilinear forms and isotropic flags

Let $V$ be a finite dimensional $\mathbf{C}$-vector space with a symplectic (non-degenerate anti-symmetric bilinear) form $\omega: V\times V \to \mathbf{C}$ and a symplectic $\mathrm{SL}_2$-...
Wille Liu's user avatar
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Quantum Groups and quantum spaces - From algebra to Analysis

My question will be about the non-standard quantum projective space $\mathcal{A}_q(\mathbb{CP}^n(c,d))$ introduced by Dijkhuizen and Noumi. I want to see this algebra now on a von Neumann algebraic ...
Danyell Caballero's user avatar
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Deligne-Simpson problem for classical groups

Additive Deligne-Simpson problem was partially prooved by Kostov. Also there is Crawley-Boevey's approach to the question. The problem is about existence of a solution of the equation $$ A_1 +...+A_n =...
quantum's user avatar
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Commutative decomposition for full-rank $A$ and low-rank $B$ matrices that do not commute

1. Motivation Consider symmetric matrices $A,B\in\mathbb{R}^{n\times n}$, and let $A$ be full-rank and $B$ be low-rank. The simultaneous block-diagonalization, defined as the following $$A=V_{1}\...
Richard Zhang's user avatar
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Picking $n$ so that certain Schur functors of the standard representation of $S_n$ are linearly independent

Let $V_n$ be the standard permutation representation of the symmetric group $S_n$, and let $\mathbb{S}_{\lambda}$ denote the Schur functor associated to the partition $\lambda$. Let $\lambda$ range ...
John Wiltshire-Gordon's user avatar
2 votes
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On the irreducible submodules of adjoint representations $\text{ad}^{0}$

Let $k$ be a finite field of characteristic $p$. Let $H$ be a subgroup of $\rm{GL}_{n}(k)$ of order prime to $p$ where $n\geq2$. Assume that the representation $H\hookrightarrow \rm{GL}_{n}(k)$ is ...
stupid boy's user avatar
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Equivalence of two descriptions of differentials of Koszul complex

My question comes from learning the paper [BGS96] Koszul duality patterns in representation theory by Beilinson, Ginzburg and Soergel, published in 1996. Let $A=T_{A_0}A_1/\langle R\rangle$ be a ...
L. Yhui's user avatar
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Extending $G$-closed sets to permutation bases of a permutation $RG$-module

I'm curious if there are any papers or results about the following scenario: Let $R$ be a commutative ring (I'm interested in particular in the $R = \mathbb{Z}$ case, but fields are okay too), $G$ a ...
Sam K's user avatar
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Is every nearly rank-1 doubly stochastic matrix a product of pairwise averaging matrices?

A doubly stochastic matrix is a square matrix with non-negative real entries where the sum of each row is $1$ and the sum of each column is $1$. A pairwise averaging matrix is a matrix of the form $tA+...
Joseph Van Name's user avatar
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Constructing representations of a topological group from characteristic polynomials of a generating set

Given a topological group $G$ and a subset $S$ of $G$ that topologically generates it, what are the conditions under which an $n$-dimensional continuous linear representation of $G$ over an ...
SHS's user avatar
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An two-norm estimate for symmetric $k$-tensors

Let $(V, \langle, \rangle)$ be an $n$ dimensional innerproduct space and let $S^k(V)$ denote the space of $k$-fold symmetric tensors. The inner product naturally extends to $S^k(V)$. Denote the ...
RBega2's user avatar
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Maximal number of $S_n$-conjugates living in a hyperplane

Let $v=(a_1,\dots,a_n)\in\mathbb{R}^n$ where the $a_i$ are distinct and positive. For $\sigma\in S_n$, let $\sigma(v)=(a_{\sigma(1)},\dots,a_{\sigma(n)})$. For any hyperplane $H$ through the origin, ...
user131566's user avatar
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Relations among hyperplane mirror symmetries

Let $H(n) \subset O(n)$ be the set of mirror symmetries in $\mathbb{R}^n$ with respect to $(n - 1)$-planes containing the origin. One can see that for any $a, b, c \in H(2)$ we have $abcabc = id$, ...
Mikhail Tikhomirov's user avatar