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22 votes
3 answers

Splitting the determinant polynomial into linear factors - a Dedekind problem

Here's the question in a nutshell. For some $n\in\mathbb N$, we consider the polynomial $\det\left(\left(X_{i,j}\right) _ {1\leq i\leq n,\ 1\leq j\leq n}\right)\in\mathbb Z\left[X_{i,j}\mid 1\leq i\...
darij grinberg's user avatar
22 votes
2 answers

Fast Fourier transform for graph Laplacian?

In the case of a regularly-sampled scalar-valued signal $f$ on the real line, we can construct a discrete linear operator $A$ such that $A(f)$ approximates $\partial^2 f / \partial x^2$. One way to ...
TerronaBell's user avatar
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21 votes
7 answers

Modern developments in finite-dimensional linear algebra

Are there any major fundamental results in finite-dimensional linear algebra discovered after early XX century? Fundamental in the sense of non-numerical (numerical results, of course, are still ...
Timur's user avatar
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21 votes
4 answers

Condition for two matrices to share at least one eigenvector?

Suppose that I have two matrices $A$ and $B$, and I want them to share a common eigenvector $x$. For simplicity let's just assume that the eigenvalue associated with $x$ is $1$ for both matrices, so $...
sasquires's user avatar
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9 answers

What is the best algorithm to find the smallest nonzero Eigenvalue of a symmetric matrix?

see title. An algorithm is 'good' if it is able to distinguish between zero Eigenvalues and nonzero Eigenvalues.
Philipp's user avatar
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21 votes
2 answers

Real rootedness of a polynomial

Let's consider $m$ and $n$ arbitrary positive integers, with $m\leq n$, and the polynomial given by: $$ P_{m,n}(t) := \sum_{j=0}^m \binom{m}{j}\binom{n}{j} t^j$$ I've found with Sage that for every $...
Luis Ferroni's user avatar
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6 answers

What are the possible eigenvalues of these matrices?

Edit: since we seem a bit deadlocked at this point, let me weaken the question. It's fairly easy to see that the set of 8-tuples of reals which can be the eigenvalues of a matrix of the desired form ...
Nik Weaver's user avatar
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21 votes
5 answers

The middle eigenvalues of an undirected graph

Let $ \lambda_1 \ge \lambda_2 \ge \dots \ge \lambda_{2n} $ be the collection of eigenvalues of an adjacency matrix of an undirected graph $G$ on $2n$ vertices. I am looking for any work or references ...
Tomaž Pisanski's user avatar
21 votes
4 answers

Rings over which every module is free

We know that modules over skewfields are free. Is the converse true? In other words, is it true that a nontrivial ring over which every module is free is a skewfield? If the ring A is commutative, ...
Benoit Jubin's user avatar
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21 votes
3 answers

What is the time complexity of truncated SVD?

Full SVD, on an $m \times n$ matrix $A$, [U,S,V] = svd(A), would cost $O(m^2n + mn^2 + n^3)$ time. But what is the time complexity if we only need the $k$ largest ...
user40484's user avatar
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21 votes
3 answers

What is the set of all "pseudo-rational" numbers (see details)?

Define a “pseudo-rational” number to be a real number $q$ that can be written as $q=\sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \frac{P(n)}{Q(n)}$ Where $P(x)$ and $Q(x)$ are fixed integer polynomials (independent of n). ...
Andrew Lin's user avatar
21 votes
4 answers

Computing the Zariski closure of a subgroup of SL(n,Z)

Suppose $\Gamma$ is a finitely generated subgroup of $SL(n,\mathbb{Z})$, given as a list of generators. We would like to (somewhat efficiently) try to compute the Zariski closure of $\Gamma$, which is ...
Alex Eskin's user avatar
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2 answers

Complexity of linear solvers vs matrix inversion

Solving linear equations can be reduced to a matrix-inversion problem, implying that the time complexity of the former problem is not greater than the time complexity of the latter. Conversely, given ...
Alm's user avatar
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21 votes
2 answers

Closed subspaces of Banach spaces

Is it true that, assuming the Axiom of Choice, every infinite-dimensional Banach space has an infinite-dimensional closed subspace with infinite codimension? Note that this is different from the ...
Bruce Blackadar's user avatar
21 votes
1 answer

Almost commuting unitary matrices

Suppose that $A_1,\dots, A_k$ are unitary matrices such that any two of them can be approximated by commuting unitary matrices. i.e. for any $i$ and $j$, there are unitary matrices $A_i'$ and $A_j'$ ...
Omid Hatami's user avatar
21 votes
1 answer

Characteristic polynomial of the Gcd matrix

Let $A_n$ be the $n \times n$-matrix with entries $\gcd(i,j)$ and $f_n$ the characteristic polynomial of $A_n$. Question: Is $f_n$ irreducible over $\mathbb{Q}$ for all $n$ except $n=8$? This is ...
Mare's user avatar
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21 votes
1 answer

Density of polynomials in $C^k(\overline\Omega)$

Let $\Omega$ be an open and bounded subset of $\mathbb{R}^2$ and let $C^k(\Omega)$, $1\leq k<\infty$, be the space of functions $f$ with continuous derivatives of order $\leq k$ in $\Omega$, ...
user111's user avatar
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3 answers

Which doubly stochastic matrices can be written as products of pairwise averaging matrices?

A matrix $A$ is called doubly stochastic if its entries are nonnegative, and if all of its rows and columns add up to $1$. A subset of doubly stochastic matrices is the set of pairwise averaging ...
angela's user avatar
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0 answers

Is the exponent of $2$ in the Pythagorean theorem the "same $2$" as $[\mathbb{C} : \mathbb{R}]$?

I posted this question in Math StackExchange a couple years ago; due to the recent surge in interest, and following the feedback of several users, I've decided to cross-post it here. I apologize for ...
pregunton's user avatar
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0 answers

Cauchy matrices with elementary symmetric polynomials

$\newcommand{\vx}{\mathbf{x}}$ Let $e_k(\vx)$ denote the elementary symmetric polynomial, defined for $k=0,1,\ldots,n$ over a vector $\vx=(x_1,\ldots,x_n)$ by \begin{equation*} e_k(\vx) := \sum_{1 \...
Suvrit's user avatar
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20 votes
8 answers

Finitely presented sub-groups of $\operatorname{GL}(n,C)$

Here are two questions about finitely generated and finitely presented groups (FP): Is there an example of an FP group that does not admit a homomorphism to $\operatorname{GL}(n,C)$ with trivial ...
Dmitri Panov's user avatar
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20 votes
7 answers

Why do infinite-dimensional vector spaces usually have additional structure?

On Mathematics Stack Exchange, I asked the following question: Why are infinite-dimensional vector spaces usually equipped with additional structure? Although it received one good answer, I feel that ...
Joe Lamond's user avatar
20 votes
6 answers

Eigenvalues of symmetric tridiagonal matrices

Suppose I have the symmetric tridiagonal matrix: $$ \begin{pmatrix} a & b_{1} & 0 & ... & 0 \\\ b_{1} & a & b_{2} & \ddots & \vdots \\\ 0 & b_{2} & a & \...
FlamingWilderbeest's user avatar
20 votes
3 answers

Small-index subgroups of SL(3,Z)

I would like to know the smallest-index subgroups of ${\rm SL}(3,\mathbb{Z})$. The smallest I could find has even entries $a_{3,1}$ and $a_{3,2}$, along the bottom row. I could not figure out ...
David Farmer's user avatar
20 votes
4 answers

Does Anyone Know Anything about the Determinant and/or Inverse of this Matrix?

The matrix I am inquiring about here is the $n \times n$ matrix where the entry $A_{ij}$ is $\frac{1}{(i+j-1)^2}$. The $2 \times 2$ matrix looks like $$ \begin{pmatrix} 1 & 1/4 \\ 1/4 & 1/9 \...
user36887's user avatar
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4 answers

The sum of same powers of all matrices modulo p

The following is a problem from our department algebra competition for students: Non-question. An experimental-math geek was trying to raise all matrices $17\times17$ over the field with 17 ...
Anton Klyachko's user avatar
20 votes
3 answers

When is $\ker AB = \ker A + \ker B$?

Prove/ Disprove: Let $n$ be a positive integer. Let $A$, $B$ be two $n \times n$ square matrices over the complex numbers. If $AB = BA$ and $\ker A = \ker A^2$ and $\ker B = \ker B^2$ then $\ker AB = ...
Manoj's user avatar
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4 answers

Nuances Regarding Naturality

It's frequently said, informally, that a natural isomorphism is one that doesn't depend on arbitrary choices. But the phrase "arbitrary choices" lends itself to different interpretations. Consider ...
Steven Landsburg's user avatar
20 votes
2 answers

How are eigenvalues and eigenvectors affected by adding the all-ones matrix?

Given an $n \times n$ matrix $A$ and the $n\times n$ all-ones matrix $J = (1)_{ij}$, I'm interested in the relation between the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the matrices $A$ and $A+J$, or more ...
Somatic Custard's user avatar
20 votes
3 answers

Approximating commuting matrices by commuting diagonalizable matrices

Suppose the matrices $A$ and $B$ commute. Do there exists sequences $A_n$ and $B_n$ of matrices such that $A_n \rightarrow A$, $B_n \rightarrow B$. Each $A_n$ is diagonalizable and the same for ...
user21162's user avatar
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1 answer

Minimum value of $|p(1)|^2+|p(2)|^2 +...+ |p(n+3)|^2$ over all monic polynomials $p$

Let $n$ be a positive integer. Determine the smallest possible value of $|p(1)|^2+|p(2)|^2 +...+ |p(n+3)|^2$ over all monic polynomials $p$ of degree $n$. This question was proposed (problem A.611) ...
jack's user avatar
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4 answers

Is the pseudoinverse the same as least squares with regularization?

Given a linear system $Ax=b$, the pseudoinverse of $A$ is found as the matrix $A^+$ such that $x=A^+ b$ where $x$ solves the least squares problem $\min \| Ax - b \|^2 $ and $x \perp \mathcal{N}(A)$. ...
Herman Jaramillo's user avatar
20 votes
1 answer

Almost orthogonal maps $f:\omega \to \{-1,1\}$

Let $\omega$ denote the set of non-negative integers. For sets $A,B$, let $B^A$ denote the set of maps $f:A\to B$. For $f,g\in\{-1,1\}^\omega$ we say that $f,g$ are almost orthogonal if there is $C_0\...
Dominic van der Zypen's user avatar
20 votes
2 answers

a determinantal identity

Dusan Pokorny and Jan Rataj have just posted a paper ( in which they prove the identity $$ \det (A-B) = \frac 1{d!} \sum_{k=0}^d (-1)^k \binom dk \det((d-k)A + kB) $$ ...
Joe Fu's user avatar
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3 answers

Basis removal gives a basis

Let $V$ be a vector space. Let us say that a finite set $X$ of vectors in $V$ is harmonic if for $B \subseteq X$, $$ B \text{ is a basis of } V \implies X \setminus B \text{ is a basis of }V. $$ Let ...
Anton Klyachko's user avatar
20 votes
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Euler numbers and permanent of matrices

Motivated by Question 402249 of Zhi-Wei Sun, I consider the permanent of matrices $$e(n)=\mathrm{per}\left[\operatorname{sgn} \left(\tan\pi\frac{j+k}n \right)\right]_{1\le j,k\le n-1},$$ where $n$ is ...
Deyi Chen's user avatar
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3 answers

Simultaneous "orthonormalization" in $\mathbb{C}^4$

Let $A$ be a positive, invertible $4 \times 4$ hermitian complex matrix. So we have a positive sesquilinear form $\langle Av,w\rangle$. Say that a pair $(v,w)$ of vectors in $\mathbb{C}^4$ is good ...
Nik Weaver's user avatar
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2 answers

Spectral radius on 0-1 vectors.

Let $A$ be an $n\times n$ symmetric substochastic matrix (i.e. all entries are non-negative and each row adds up to $1$ or less). Call a vector $v \in \mathbb{R}^n$ an indicator if $v \neq 0$ and ...
Pablo Lessa's user avatar
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2 answers

Find $Y\in\operatorname{GL}_n(\mathbb{Z})$ such that all eigenvalues of $YX$ are nonnegative

I saw this problem some years ago and I would greatly appreciate any reference or solution. Let $X \in \operatorname{M}_n ( \mathbb{R} )$. Prove that there is $Y \in \operatorname{M}_n ( \mathbb{Z} )$...
jack's user avatar
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19 votes
17 answers

Vector spaces without natural bases

Does anyone know any nice examples of vector spaces without a basis that is in some sense "natural". To clarify what I mean, suppose we look at $\mathbb{R}^2$. We define $\mathbb{R}^2$ as pairs of ...
19 votes
2 answers

How to prove positivity of determinant for these matrices?

Let $g(x) = e^x + e^{-x}$. For $x_1 < x_2 < \dots < x_n$ and $b_1 < b_2 < \dots < b_n$, I'd like to show that the determinant of the following matrix is positive, regardless of $n$: ...
Charlie Yun's user avatar
19 votes
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What are the matrices preserving the $\ell^1$-norm?

So I am inspired by unitary matrices which preserve the $\ell^2$-norm of all vectors, so in particular the unit norm vectors. But then I saw that the $\ell^1$-norm of probability vectors is preserved ...
D. Rusin's user avatar
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Constants for Rolle's Theorem applied to polynomials

Rolle's Theorem states that $f(1/2)=f(-1/2)+f'(x)$ has a root in the open real interval $(-1/2,1/2)$ if $f$ is continuous and differentiable. How large can the absolute value of such a root $\xi$ be ...
Roland Bacher's user avatar
19 votes
1 answer

Non-degenerate alternating bilinear form on a finite abelian group

I asked this question on math.stackexchange yesterday, but nobody has helped so far, and only 44 people have seen it! So I hope people do not mind me asking it here... Let $A$ be a finite abelian ...
Giuseppe's user avatar
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Distributing the Hodge map over the wedge product

Let $(V,\langle,\rangle)$ be a finite dimensional inner product space, $V^{\wedge}$ it exterior algebra, and $\ast$ the Hodge star arising from $\langle,\rangle$. Does there exist any formula to "...
user49105's user avatar
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4 answers

Sherman-Morrison type formula for Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse

Given an $n\times n$ invertible matrix $\mathbf A$ and two column vectors $\mathbf u$, $\mathbf v\in\mathbb R^n$, suppose that $1 + {\mathbf v}^T {\mathbf A}^{-1}\mathbf u \neq 0$. Then the Sherman-...
Federico Magallanez's user avatar
19 votes
5 answers

List of counting proofs instead of linear algebra method in combinatorics

I've just come across this proof of the Graham-Pollak Theorem by Sundar Vishwanathan (thanks to Konrad Swanepoel's sporadic comments about it on this site), that must be called beautiful after its ...
domotorp's user avatar
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Problems concerning subspaces of $M_n(\mathbb{C})$

Let $M_n(\mathbb{C})$ denote the n times n matrices over the complex number field. N be a subspace of $M_n(\mathbb{C})$. If all the matrices in N are non-invertible , what is the maximum the ...
zhaoliang's user avatar
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1 answer

Smallest eigenvalue of a tricky random matrix

While experimenting with positive-definite functions, I was led to the following: Let $n$ be a positive integer, and let $x_1,\ldots,x_n$ be sampled from a zero-mean, unit variance gaussian. Consider ...
Suvrit's user avatar
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The rank of a perturbed triangular matrix

$\DeclareMathOperator{\rk}{rk}$ The question below is implicit in this MO post, but I believe it deserves to be asked explicitly, particularly now that I have some more numerical evidence. Suppose ...
Seva's user avatar
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