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Which limits distribute over which colimits in $Set$? How about in $Spaces$?

I've never really thought much about distributivity of limits and colimits -- I tend to think more about commutativity of limits and colimits. This question makes me want to change that. The question ...
Tim Campion's user avatar
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When is an increasing union a colimit?

Let's consider a diagram $\Phi: \lambda \to \mathcal{T}_*$ $$ X_0 \to X_1 \to \cdots \to X_\xi \to X_{\xi+1} \to \cdots $$ of pointed spaces, indexed by some ordinal $\lambda$, in which each $X_\xi$ ...
Jeff Strom's user avatar
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Contractibility of a poset-indexed colimit

Let $(X,\leq)$ be a poset with distinguished element $p$, and let $P'$ be the poset of "finite chains which weakly descend to $p$" given by all $\sigma = (x_0 \geq x_1 \geq \cdots \geq x_k \geq p)$ ...
Vidit Nanda's user avatar
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For which categories $D$ is a $D^{\vartriangleleft\vartriangleright}$-shaped diagram in a stable $\infty$-category a limit iff it is a colimit?

Throughout, I'll omit the "$\infty$" from the term "$\infty$-category". It is well-known (and sometimes even included in the definition, although not by Lurie) that pushouts and ...
Kaya Arro's user avatar
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Classifying spaces of amalgamated topological monoids

Let $\mathsf{Top}_*$ be the category of well-based spaces and $\mathsf{TopMon}$ the category of topological monoids. Recall the James construction $\mathcal{J}:\mathsf{Top}_*\to \mathsf{TopMon}$ which ...
FKranhold's user avatar
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Which reflexive coequalizer diagrams are projectively cofibrant?

Consider the walking reflexive pair category W, which consists of two objects 0 and 1 and three generating morphisms f: 0→1, g: 0→1, and h: 1→0 satisfying the relation fh=gh=id₁. Consider the ...
Dmitri Pavlov's user avatar
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Homotopy category of groupoids

The nlab Ho(Cat) page says: morphisms in the homotopy category of groupoids $Ho(Gpd)$, have two equivalent description: iso-classes of functors. formally invert equivalence functors (i.e. ...
Ma Ming's user avatar
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Is the homotopy limit of derived schemes along affine maps a derived scheme?

The title question is true in the setting of ordinary limits and ordinary schemes; that is, given an inverse limit of schemes along affine maps, the limit still lives in the category of schemes. I'd ...
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