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7 votes
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Non-recurrent points of $F(a,b)=(b,ba)$ in a compact metric group $G$

Consider a compact metric group $G$ [A compact topological group $G$ where the topology is generated by an invariant metric]. I am particularly interested in the case where $G$ is the $n$-dimensional ...
2 votes
0 answers

Homomorphisms from circle to $GL(k,\mathbb{R})$ [duplicate]

Example 3 at the website tricki proves that every measurable homomorphism of groups from the circle to the non-zero complex numbers is continuous. Is there any analogous (true) statement for ...
1 vote
0 answers

Continuous vs $L^2$ homomorphisms from circle to non-zero complex numbers

Let $T:S^1\to C^\ast$ be a group theoretic homomorphism from the circle to the non-zero complex numbers. Presumably it is true that if $T$ is $L^2$, then it is continuous. Is there a simple proof, or ...
2 votes
1 answer

Structure of extensions arising in Lie approximation of connected groups

My imperfect understanding is that, by the work of various authors (Gleason, Yamabe, Montgomery, Zippin ...), the following result is known: Let $G$ be a connected, locally compact, Hausdorff group, ...
0 votes
1 answer

Reference request: Any connected Lie group has a countable base for its topology

I am looking for a reference for the assertion in the title. This assertion is proved in a comment of user nfdc23 to this question. Has any proof of this assertion been published?
7 votes
2 answers

Conditions for a topological group to be a Lie group

In flipping through the Springer lecture notes on Serre's 1964 'Lie Algebras and Lie Groups' lectures at Harvard, I found this pair of suprising results (page 157): Let $G$ be a locally compact group....