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Mal'cev completions of finitely generated torsion-free nilpotent groups

There is some question from geometric group theory: One wonders if the following conditions are equivalent for finitely generated torsion-free nilpotent groups $\Gamma$ and $\Lambda$: $\Gamma$ and $\...
Tom Ultramelonman's user avatar
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Is every group object in TopMan a Lie group?

Recall that a Lie group is a group object in the category of C∞ manifolds. If I have a group object in the category of topological manifolds, can I necessarily equip it with a smooth structure ...
Theo Johnson-Freyd's user avatar
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Faithful locally free circle actions on a torus must be free?

Is it true that every faithful and locally smooth action $S^1 \curvearrowright T^n$ is free? I know such an action must induce an injection $\rho:\pi_1(S^1)\to\pi_1(T^n)$. Another related question is: ...
Chan Ki Fung's user avatar
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Finite models for torsion-free lattices

Let $G$ be a real, connected, semisimple Lie group and $\Gamma < G$ a torsion-free lattice. Then does there exist a finite $CW$-model for $B\Gamma$? I know this to be true in many instances (e.g. ...
H1ghfiv3's user avatar
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Complexification or 'real'ization of Mapping Class group.

So is there a complexification or 'real'ization of the mapping class group or can it be realised as a lattice in some lie group. like $PSL(2, \mathbb Z)$ in $PSL(2, \mathbb R)$. for g=1 this certainly ...
Anant Atyam's user avatar
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Flat solvmanifolds?

I was looking for some reference on solvmanifolds and came up with a paper by A. Morgan tilted "The classification of flat solvmanifolds". I know there is a complete classification of flat manifolds ...
user60933's user avatar
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What are some properties of the leading eigenvalue of a product of inversions in mutually tangent spheres?

Let $S_1, \ldots, S_n$ be a collection of $n \geq 4$ pairwise tangent hyperspheres in $\mathbb{R}^{n-2}$ with disjoint interiors, and $\iota_i$ be the inversion in $S_i$. Viewing the conformal group ...
Sami Douba's user avatar
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Generalizing a result about hyperbolic 2-folds to hyperbolic 3-folds

$\DeclareMathOperator\SL{SL}\DeclareMathOperator\SO{SO}\DeclareMathOperator\SU{SU}$Let $ \Sigma_g $ be a compact orientable surface of genus $ g $. Let the subgroup $ \pi_1(\Sigma) $ of $ \SL_2(\...
Ian Gershon Teixeira's user avatar
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Transitive action on the sphere

Hello, One of the subgrouops of $SO(n)$ which acts transitively on the sphere $S^{n-1}$ is the (compact) symplectic group $Sp(n/4)$. The center of $Sp(m)$ is isomorphic to $\mathbb{Z}_2$. Can we embed ...
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Is the total space of a $ U_1 $ principal bundle over a compact homogeneous space always itself homogeneous?

Let $ U_1 \to E \to B $ be a $ U_1 $ principal bundle. Suppose that $ B $ is homogenous (admits a transitive action by a Lie group) and compact. Then must it be the case that $ E $, the total space of ...
Ian Gershon Teixeira's user avatar
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Points of failure in definition of X- and A-moduli spaces for arbitrary G

In their work [0] on defining notions of higher Teichmüller space for local systems on surfaces, Fock and Goncharov require split reductive Lie groups, and sometimes also require simple-connectedness. ...
Robert Haraway's user avatar
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Transitive action on non-orientable $ M $ lifts to orientable double cover

Suppose that $ M $ is non-orientable with transitive action by a Lie group $ G $. Does that imply that some Lie group $ G' $ acts transitively on the orientable double cover $M'$? This is true for ...
Ian Gershon Teixeira's user avatar
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Almost free Lie group action

It's known that if a compact Lie group $G$ acts freely on a compact manifold $M$, then the orbit space $M/G$ is a manifold. If we only assume that $G$ acts almost freely (i.e. $G_x$ is finite for any $...
Mjr's user avatar
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Homogeneous manifold deformation retracts onto compact submanifold

Let $G$ be a connected Lie group. Then by a theorem of Cartan there is a diffeomorphism $$ G \cong K \times \mathbb{R}^n $$ where $K$ is a maximal compact subgroup of $G$. Now, let $M$ be a ...
Ian Gershon Teixeira's user avatar
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Coadjoint orbits and homogeneous symplectic $G$-manifolds

We know this important fact from A.A.Kirillov that : Every homogeneous symplectic $G$-manifold is locally isomorphic to an orbit in the coadjoint representation of the group $G$ or a central ...
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Representation of Lie groups inducing a quasi-isometric embedding of their symmetric spaces

Let $G_{1}$ and $G_{2}$ be connected semisimple real Lie groups with no compact factors and finite center and let $K_{1}$ and $K_{2}$ denote some fixed choice of their maximal compact subgroups, ...
Aleksander Skenderi's user avatar
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3 dimensional solvmanifolds and Thurston geometries

Does every three dimensional compact solvmanifold admit either Euclidean, nil, or sol geometry? definitions/motivation/background: A solvmanifold is a manifold $ M $ admitting a transitive action by a ...
Ian Gershon Teixeira's user avatar
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Locally nilpotent algebraic section of tangent bundle is complete?

Suppose $X$ is a smooth affine algebraic variety over $\mathbb{C}$ and let $V$ be an algebraic vector field (i.e. an algebraic section of the tangent bundle). If $V$ is locally nilpotent, meaning that ...
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Relation of geometric and polyhedral convergence

By Proposition 3.10(i) of Jorgensen and Marden's 1990 Algebraic and geometric convergence of Kleinian groups, "[A] sequence $\{G_n\}$ of Kleinian groups converges geometrically to a Kleinian ...
bergfalk's user avatar
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Equivalent condition for compact group to act transitively

Let $ M $ be a connected manifold. Let $ \pi_1(M) $ be the fundamental group of $ M $. Suppose there exists a compact group $ K $ that acts transitively on $ M $. Then $ \pi_1(M) $ must have a finite ...
Ian Gershon Teixeira's user avatar
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Convergence of Fuchsian groups and existence of suitable homeomorphisms

Let $(\Gamma_n)_n$ ($\subset PSL(2,\mathbb{R})$) be a sequence of discrete groups, if we say that $(\Gamma_n)_n$ converges to a group $\Gamma$ this means that there exist isomorphisms $\tau_n:\Gamma\...
Jongar Jongar's user avatar
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Is every manifold a double coset space?

Given any manifold $ M $ does there exist $ G $ a Lie group and $ H,\Gamma $ closed subgroups of $ G $ such that $$ M \cong \Gamma \backslash G/H $$ I was inspired to ask by this question: Example ...
Ian Gershon Teixeira's user avatar
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What is the connection between $\mathrm{AdS}_2$ and the hyperbolic plane $\mathbb{H}^2$?

What is the connection between $\mathrm{AdS}_2$ and the hyperbolic plane $\mathbb{H}^2$? Some sources seem to imply that they are the same, i.e. having at least the same symmetry group $\mathrm{SL}(2,...
eriugena's user avatar
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Existence of loxodromic elements in certain subsets of $\text{PSL}_2(\mathbb C)$

Let $R$ be a subset of $\text{PSL}_2(\mathbb C)$ and consider its natural action on $\mathbb {CP}^1$. We say that $R$ is elementary if either $R$ is conjugated to a subset of $\text{SU(2)}$ or if ...
Lucas Kaufmann's user avatar
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Quotient space, homogeneous space, and higher homotopy groups

Preparation and my input: For the quotient space $G/H$, knowing the homotopy groups of $G$ and $H$ one can determine homotopy groups from the long exact sequence $$ ... \to \pi_n(H) \to \pi_n(G) ...
wonderich's user avatar
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Classification of isometries of hyperbolic 3-space

Denote the upper half space by $\mathcal{H}_{3}=\Bbb{C}\times (0,\infty)$. A point $P \in \mathcal{H}_{3}$ is given as, $P=(z, t)=(x, y, t)=z+t j$ where $z=x+i y$ and $j=(0,0,1) .$ The group $P S L_{2}...
ersin's user avatar
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Is the centralizer $Z_G(A)=\{g\in G| a g= g a\}$ of a finite $A\subset G$ connected for a connected compact Lie group?

Let $G$ be a connected compact Lie group, consider the left/right action on itself. For any finite $A\subset G$, consider the centralizer $Z_G(A):=\{g\in G| a g= g a\}$. Q: is $Z_G(A)$ a connected ...
LTY's user avatar
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Mapping torus of orientation reversing isometry of the sphere

$\DeclareMathOperator\SL{SL}\DeclareMathOperator\SO{SO}\DeclareMathOperator\SU{SU}\DeclareMathOperator\O{O}\DeclareMathOperator\Iso{Iso}$ Let $ f_n $ be an orientation reversing isometry of the round ...
Ian Gershon Teixeira's user avatar
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Riemannian homogeneous equivalent to linear group orbit

Let $ M $ be a smooth manifold. Recall that a manifold $ M $ is smooth homogeneous if there exists a Lie group acting transitively on $ M $. Recall that a manifold $ M $ is Riemannian homogeneous if ...
Ian Gershon Teixeira's user avatar
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Do discrete embeddings of surface groups not necessarily carry an embedding of SL_2?

We can get arithmetic lattices isomorphic to free groups in $\mathrm{SL}_2\mathbb{R}$, so in general we can’t expect homomorphisms of lattices into semisimple Lie groups to say much about $\mathrm{SL}...
Robin Goodfellow's user avatar
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Basics on lattice in classical groups

as a beginner,I am not sure whether this question is too basic to post here./-\。 Many textbook will talk about the prototypical example SL(n,Z)\SL(n,R), which can be identified with the space of ...
Ques Chung's user avatar
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noncompact Riemannian homogeneous is trivial vector bundle over compact homogeneous

Is it true that a manifold $ E $ admits a metric with respect to which the isometry group is transitive ($ E $ is Riemannian homogeneous) if and only if $ E $ is the total space of a $ K $ equivariant ...
Ian Gershon Teixeira's user avatar
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Weakening of orbit type stratification to non-proper Lie group actions

I am working in a setting where I am thinking about effective, fixed-point free actions of $\text{PSL}(2; \mathbb{R})$ on compact three manifolds by homeomorphisms. I'm not sure if this is relevant ...
hazelnb's user avatar
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Questions about symmetric spaces

I'm a little confused with the following questions: (1) Why does a symmetric space $M=G/K$ of compact type have $\mathcal{R}^M\geq 0$? (2) Moreover, why does $\chi(M)\neq 0$ if and only if ${\rm rk}\ ...
Radeha Longa's user avatar
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A quasi-isometric embedding of a convex cocompact subgroup

I am currently reading a paper where they state the following claim: "For a convex cocompact representation $\rho: \Gamma \to G$, the existence of a cocompact invariant convex set $\mathcal{C}$ ...
JohannesPauling's user avatar
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Cohomology of colored braid groupoids

Consider braids on $n$ strands and pick $n$ distinct labels $1, \dots, n$. There is a groupoid $\mathcal P_n$ whose objects are tuples $(l_1, \dots, l_n)$ of labels and whose morphisms are braids, ...
Calvin McPhail-Snyder's user avatar
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Homeomorphism type of the horofunction boundary for nilpotent Lie groups

Consider a metric space $(X,d)$ and fix a base point $w$. A horofunction is a function of the form $$\beta_y(x)=d(x,y)-d(w,y).$$ The map $y\mapsto \beta_y$ is an embedding of $X$ into the space of $1$-...
M. Dus's user avatar
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Each coadjoint orbit of a compact connected Lie group $G$ admits a $G$-invariant generalized complex structure

I am looking for a proof or counterexample for following assertion Each coadjoint orbit of a compact connected Lie group $G$ admits a $G$-invariant generalized complex structure (In sense of ...
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Structures on open surfaces

Let $\phi\in PSL(2,R)$ be hyperbolic and $\varphi\in PSL(2,R)$ be elliptic. Is it possible to find a local homeomorphism $f:H^2\rightarrow H^2$ such that $f(\phi(x))=\varphi(f(x))$ for all $x\in H^2$ ?...
Dan Gallo's user avatar
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Lie group framing and framed bordism

What is the definition of Lie group framing, in simple terms? Is the Lie group framing of spheres a particular type of Lie group framing? (How special is the Lie group framing of spheres differed ...
zeta's user avatar
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module of sections of the horizontal bundle

Some times ago I posted this question here. There I carelessly assumed that if you have a set of sections of a vector bundle which span every fiber pointwise, they also generate the module of smooth ...
student's user avatar
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A question from the paper "Hyperbolic rigidity of higher rank lattices" by Thomas Haettel

In the paper "Hyperbolic rigidity of higher rank lattices" by Thomas Haettel, the author has made the following statement in the proof of Corollary D in page no. 18 (
John Depp's user avatar
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Orbits of Product Lie Groups Action

Hi to all, Let $G$ be a Lie group of linear isometries of $\mathbb{R}^n_{\nu}$ ($\mathbb{R}^n_{\nu}$ is the semi-Euclidean space) and $G_1$ ,$G_2$ two Lie subgroups of $G$. Let $G_1 \times G_2$ as ...
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Constructing homeomorphisms from continuous functions and matrix exponentials

Fix a $d\times d$ matrix $A$, let $f:\mathbb{R}^d\rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ be a continuous function, and define the induced map $F_{f,A}:\mathbb{R}^d\rightarrow \mathbb{R}^d$ by $$ x \mapsto \exp(f(x)A)...
ABIM's user avatar
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When can a spatial Manifold be deformed into another spatial manifold?

I'm reading a paper by Gaiotto, Kapustin, Seiberg, and Willett, titled "Generalised Global Symmetries" (MSN). In section 3.1, paragraph 4 they write something to the order of: If we have a $M^d$ ...
pyroscepter's user avatar
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Defining a notion of “volume of its lattice” for non-rational subspaces

Let $V\subseteq \Bbb R^n$ be a vector subspace. If $V$ is rational, i.e. has a basis consisting of elements in $\Bbb Z^n$, then there’s a well-defined notion of the “volume of the lattice of V”: $$\...
Avi Steiner's user avatar
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Cocompact (finite covolume) lattices in euclidean groups

1) Is there a classification of cocompact ( or finite co-volume) lattices in Euclidean groups E(n)( motions of Euclidean space) ( especially in dimensions 2,3,4)? 2) Also what is (if any) the ...
JasonK's user avatar
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Rigidity of lower-dimensional lattices in Euclidean groups

Informal intro / motivation: Suppose I have an infinite set of atoms arranged in a 2D periodic crystalline "sheet". By crystalline I simply mean that it is preserved by the action of integer ...
j.c.'s user avatar
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Compact Lie groups with only 3 dimensional cohomology generators

Let $M$ be a compact connected semi-simple Lie group. Then by Hopf's Theorem $H^*(M;\mathbb Q)=\Lambda[\omega_1,...,\omega_s]$ where $\omega_i\in H^i(M;\mathbb Q)$ , $i\ge 3$ is odd. For which $M$, $...
user46227's user avatar
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Generating Set for $O(V)$ over $\mathbb Z_2$

I am reading a claim that $O(V)$ — the orthogonal group associated with a finite-dimensional vector space $V$ over $\mathbb Z_2$ and a quadratic form $q$, i.e. the group of linear ...
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