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Universal Enveloping algebra of a L$_\infty$ algebra

In their paper Strongly homotopy Lie algebras, Lada and Markl first show, that there is a symmetrization functor $(-)_L:\mathcal{A}(m)\rightarrow \mathcal{L}(m)$ from the category of $A(m)$-algebras ...
mtraube's user avatar
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Relationship between R-matrix and Casimir element?

Given a simple Lie algebra $\mathfrak{g}$, is there any relation between its Casimir element and the $R$-matrix of the related Yangian $Y(\mathfrak{g})$?
Zhihua Chang's user avatar
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Deformation of Noether's first theorem

Noether's first variational theorem establishes a correspondence between symmetries and invariants. I would like to know what has been written on the following question: How do the invariants deform ...
Jim Stasheff's user avatar
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Homotopy transfer of cyclic L-infinity algebras

Suppose $W$ is a cyclic $L_\infty$ algebra, i.e. $W$ has a non-degenerate, symmetric, invariant pairing $\langle\cdot,\cdot\rangle_W$. Let $V$ be a cochain complex, and suppose given the data of a ...
Eugene Rabinovich's user avatar
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Yangians as unique deformation

In Drinfeld's paper "Hopf algebras and the quantum Yang-Baxter equation" there is a statement (Theorem 2) that Yangian is a unique quantization of the corresponding Lie bialgebra. My question is ...
DerLoewe's user avatar
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Product of $U^+_q(\mathfrak{sl}_2)_i$ in $U_q(\mathfrak{g})$ according to some reduced expression

Let $\mathfrak{g}$ be some simple Lie algebra, $\alpha_1,\alpha_2,\cdots,\alpha_n$ be its simple roots. Let $U^+_q(\mathfrak{sl}_2)_i$ be the subalgebra of $U_q(\mathfrak{g})$ generated by $E_i,K_i$. ...
user498029's user avatar
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Does a dual basis for $U_h(\mathfrak{sl}_2(\mathbb{C}))$ exist?

Let $\mathcal{F}_h(\operatorname{SL}_2(\mathbb{C}))$ be the $\mathbb{C}[[h]]$-algebra generated by $a, b, c, d$ subject to the following relations: \begin{align*} & ac = e^{-h}ca, \quad bd = e^{-h}...
yohei ohta's user avatar
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Are vertex operator algebras ever conspiratorial?

I have a vertex operator algebra (VOA) $V$ with all niceness properties (unitary, rational, CFT type, etc). Its Lie algebra $\mathfrak{g} = V_1$ of spin-$1$ fields is large, and I understand how the ...
Theo Johnson-Freyd's user avatar
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Lusztig's definition of quantum groups

In his book Introduction to quantum groups, Lusztig gives a definition (Def 3.1.1) of the rational form $U^{\mathbb{Q}(q)}_q$ that is rather different from the usual approach (see [1,Ch.9.1] for ...
Bipolar Minds's user avatar
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What does "control of a deformation problem" mean?

Is the expression "control of a deformation problem' ever defined? There are of course many examples relating a dg-Lie or L-infty algebra to a deformation problem, and the phrase is evocative. Is it ...
Jim Stasheff's user avatar
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The Killing form on quantized enveloping algebras and reduction to the classical case

Let $U_q$ be the quantized enveloping algebra associated to a semisimple Lie algebra $\mathfrak g$. It is a result due to Tanisaki (see here; also see Chapter 6 of Jantzen's book Lectures on Quantum ...
Chuck Hague's user avatar
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Is there a classical version of Yetter-Drinfeld modules?

One motivation for the notion of the Drinfeld double $D(H)$ of an Hopf algebra $H$ is that it is defined exactly so that modules over $D(H)$ correspond to Yetter-Drinfeld modules over $H$. If we think ...
Antoine Labelle's user avatar
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Hopf algebras structure and quantum affine algebras

I'm looking for some information about the Hopf algebras structure and the quantum groups. In particularly I was wondering if (and eventually where) is defined in the case of quantum affine algebras ...
Mar Pao's user avatar
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A question about q-binomials at roots of unity

I have a question about a lemma $9.3.6$ in the book A Guide to Quantum Groups written by Vyjayanthi Chari and Andrew Pressley. This question comes from page 301, "The restricted specialization&...
fusheng's user avatar
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Proof of redundancy for defining relation in current algebra $J$ presentation

Let $\mathfrak{g}$ be a simple Lie algebra over $\mathbb{C}$. The $\mathfrak{g}$-current (Lie) algebra is $\mathfrak{g} \otimes \mathbb{C}[t]$, with Lie bracket given by $[a \otimes t^m, b \otimes t^n]...
Saima Samchuck-Schnarch's user avatar
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Is there an explicit description of a gauge transformation $F$ such that $U_{\hbar}(\mathfrak{g})$ and $(U(\mathfrak{g})[[\hbar]])_F$ are isomorphic?

Let $\mathfrak{g}$ be a semisimple Lie algebra, let $t$ be its canonical 2-tensor, and let $\Phi_{KZ}$ be a Drinfeld associator.When $R_{KZ}=e^{\hbar t/2}$, $(U(\mathfrak{g})[[\hbar]],\Phi_{KZ},R_{KZ})...
yohei ohta's user avatar
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The dual of elements $E$, $F$, and $H$ of $U_h(\mathfrak{sl}_2)$ corresponds to which element of $F_h(\mathrm{SL}_2)$ by isomorphism?

$\newcommand{\sl}{\mathfrak{sl}}\DeclareMathOperator\SL{SL}$Let $U_h(\sl_2)$ be the quantized universal enveloping algebra of $\sl_2(\mathbb{C})$ and $F_h(\SL_2)$ be the quantized function algebra of $...
yohei ohta's user avatar
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Dimensions of centralizers in quantum Lie algebras associated to $\mathfrak{sl}_n$

Following ideas of Woronowicz, Lyubaschenko and Sudbery defined in Quantum Lie algebras of type $A_n$ the notion of a quantum Lie algebra $\mathfrak{sl}_n$. Let me focus on the case where $q$ is not a ...
Libli's user avatar
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Embedding problems on quantum groups?

We work over the field of complex numbers. We have known that Lie algebra of type $A_2 $is a subalgebra of type $G_2$. However, when we consider their quantum groups, is this true i.e. does there ...
user11090426's user avatar
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Comodules of the $B,C$ and $D$ series quantum groups

In Section 11.5 of Klimyk and Schmudgen's book on quantum groups, explicit presentations of the isomorphism classes of comodules of ${\cal O}(GL_q(N))$ are given in terms of its "quantum minors". In ...
Malcom Stuart's user avatar
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The role of the Vandermonde determinant in representations of affine Lie algebras

I am reading a paper 'Yangians and R-matrices' by Chari & Pressley (1990) and to classify representations for particular quantum groups, they define a "quantum Vandermonde determinant". They also ...
Luke's user avatar
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How to write BRST-BV for dg-Lie?

The usual BRST-BV implements a Lie algebra and its module in terms of ghosts, etc. Where is there written a corresponding formula incorporating the differential of a dg Lie algebra and module?
Jim Stasheff's user avatar
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About the Lie algebra of polyvector fields

I would like to know if someone already did some computations of the group of Lie algebra automorphisms of the algebra of polyvector fields on $\mathbb{R}^n$ equiped with the Schouten bracket (or ...
Sinan Yalin's user avatar
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Simple highest weight modules of quantum affine algebras

Let $U_q(\hat{\mathfrak g})$ be a quantum affine algebra, and let $L$ be an integrable simple highest weight module of $U_q(\hat{\mathfrak g})$. In [Lu], Lusztig proved that the limit of $L$ when $q\...
qweqwe's user avatar
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Exact sequence of L-infinity-algebras

We call a sequence of $L_\infty$-algebras (weak) maps $$0\to L\xrightarrow{f} M\xrightarrow{g} N\to 0$$ is exact if it is exact on the the underlying chain complexes level. Thought I don't know ...
Ma Ming's user avatar
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polynomial representation of $sl_{2}(k)$

Let $k$ be an algebraic closed field of characteristic 0. We write $$X=\left( \begin{array}{ccc} 0 & 1\\ 0 & 0\\ \end{array} \right),~~ Y=\left( \begin{array}{ccc} 0 & 0\\ 1 & 0\\ \...