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2 answers

Rank one adjoint operators on a Lie algebra

Let $\mathfrak{g}$ be a (finite dimensional) semi-simple Lie algebra over a field $k$ and let $x \in \mathfrak{g}$. By definition, we have the equivalence: $$ \mathrm{rk}(\mathrm{ad}_x) = 0 \iff x = 0,...
Libli's user avatar
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Solvability of a matrix exponential equation - generalized matrix logarithm

For a given invertible real matrix $G\in \mathrm{GL}_d$ with $\det G>0$, we ask for a solution $B$ of the matrix exponential equation $$ G = \exp(B) \exp\bigl(\tfrac{1}{2}(B^T-B)\bigr) . $$ Basic ...
André Schlichting's user avatar
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On Euler angles decomposition of $\mathrm{SU}(N)$

$\DeclareMathOperator\SU{SU}$I am looking for a (generalized) Euler angles decomposition for $\SU(N)\ (N>1)$ in the following fashion: $$ \SU(N)\ni m = a\, u \, b $$ where $a,b$ are independent ...
IgnoranteX's user avatar
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A specific coset decomposition of $\mathrm{GL}_n(\mathbb{C})$

Disclaimer: I am a theoretical chemist (not a mathematician). I have tried asking this question at Math SE with no luck (
Mads G's user avatar
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Non-conjugate subgroups that are conjugate in complexification

In trying to come up with a counter-example in my line of research, I would like to find an example as follows: $G$ is a semisimple Lie group with complexification $G^{\mathbb{C}}$. $H_1, H_2 \...
user18063's user avatar
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Showing the positivity of the determinant of $\mathfrak{sp}(n)$ without making use of diagonalization

Let $\mathfrak{sp}(n)$ be the lie algebra of compact symplectic group $\mathrm{SP}(n)$, regarded as a compact form of $\mathfrak{sp}(2n,\mathbb{C})$, so we can talk about its (complex) determinant. ...
Chan Ki Fung's user avatar
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A particular Lie algebra $L_{n}$ and (various) lie groups whose Lie algebra is isomorphic to $L_{n}$

Edit: According to the comment by @LSpice we realise the existing link to the main motivation of the question is not available. Then we search for the paper we found the following version: https://www....
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
5 votes
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Generalizing Polar Decomposition of Matrices

I am trying to find a certain proof of polar decomposition of complex matrices which I think should exist more generally for a certain class of Lie groups. Recall that the polar decomposition of a ...
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Parametrization of SL(3,R)

Are there any known common parametrizations of SL(3,R)? I know that it is easy to obtain a local parametrization by just exponentiating generators from the Lie algebra, but I do not know if they are ...
user2133437's user avatar
7 votes
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Closest point in $SU(n) \otimes SU(n)$ to $SU(n^2)$

What is the closest $V_1 \otimes V_2 \in SU(n)\otimes SU(n)$ in the squared trace inner product to a given $U \in SU(n^2)$? I.e. minimize over $V_1, V_2$: $\min_{V_1, V_2} | V_1 \otimes V_2 - U|$ in ...
Benjamin's user avatar
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Representation Theory of $U(N)$

(1) Is it true that the category of representations of $U(n)$ is equivalent to the category of representations of $SU(N) \times U(1)$? If so, how is it proved, or what is a good reference. (I guess ...
Andrea Pena's user avatar
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Isomorphism of Complex Stiefel manifold and Homogeneous space of unitary group, and the Stiefel logarithm problem

It is well known that $U(n)/U(n-k) \cong V_k(\mathbb{C}^n)$ where $U(n)$ is the unitary group, and $V_k(\mathbb{C}^n)$ is the appropriate Stielfel manifold. I further understand that $V_k(\mathbb{C}^...
Benjamin's user avatar
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Particular decomposition of $SU(n)$

Given $a,b \in \mathfrak{su(n)}$ which generate the full algebra, it is possible to write and $G \in SU(n)$ as: $G = \exp(\alpha_1 a)\exp(\beta_1 b) \ldots \exp(\alpha_m a)\exp(\beta_m b)$ for some ...
Benjamin's user avatar
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Find logarithm of a matrix containing a constrained set of basis elements

Let $U$ be a unitary matrix, and let $H$ be an Hermitian matrix. I want to know if there is a $t \in\mathbb R$ such that $\exp(i t H) = U$. A connected question is: given a set $\{g_1, g_2, ..., g_N\}...
glS's user avatar
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An algorithm to compare two representations of a simple Lie algebra?

I have two representations of a simple (complex or real) finite-dimensional Lie algebra $S$, both given in terms of their structure constants on a given basis. the first one is the adjoint ...
Nina's user avatar
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Lie Algebra of Aut(GL(n,R))

What is the Lie Algebra of $Aut(Gl(n,F))$ when $F$ is either $\mathbb{R}$ or $\mathbb{C}$? Is it enough to consider the injection via Hochschild: $Aut(GL(n)) \to Aut(\mathfrak{gl}(n))$? Edit: The ...
cheyne's user avatar
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Finding $U,V$ in Thompson's Formula

Thompson's formula says, given $A,B \in \mathfrak{su}(n)$, there exists $U,V \in SU(n)$ such that: $e^{A}e^{B}=e^{UAU^{\dagger} + VBV^{\dagger}}$ Given $a,b \in \mathfrak{su}(4)$ defined by: $a=J_x ...
Benjamin's user avatar
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How to find the unitary matrices in this exponential matrix representation

In the following post Representing a product of matrix exponentials as the exponential of a sum there is a statement regarding the result of the multiplication of two matrix exponentials: if $A$ and $...
Lababidi's user avatar
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Singularities of the Quantum propagator (baby version)

Given $a,b \in \mathfrak{su}(4)$ which are taken to generate the whole algebra, consider the following map $V:\mathbb{R}^{2} \rightarrow SU(4)$: $V : (w_1, w_{2}) \mapsto e^{(a+w_2 b)} e^{(a+w_1 b)}$ ...
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