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Questions tagged [levy-processes]

Theory and applications of Lévy processes (stochastic processes with stationary and independent increments): e.g. path properties, stochastic differential equations driven by jump-type processes, fluctuation theory of Lévy processes, queuing theory.

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3 votes
1 answer

Characteristic function and moments

Let $X\in L^1(\Omega)$ and $\phi_X$ the corresponding characteristic function. We know that: $\phi_X$ is $n$ times differentiable (at $u=0$) iff $\mathbb{E}[X^n]<\infty$. (This depends a bit on ...
Alex's user avatar
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Hitting order of sets by a Lévy process

Let $X$ be a transient Lévy process on $\mathbb R$, and $B\subseteq \mathbb R$ a Borel set with first hitting time $T_B = \inf \left\{t>0 : X_t\in B\right\}$. For Borel $A\subseteq B$, can anything ...
user1118's user avatar
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Identity for stable Lévy subordinator

I want a proof or a reference for the identity $$ \int_0^\infty \frac{s^{n-1}}{\Gamma(n)} p_\beta(s,x)\,ds =\frac{x^{n\beta-1}}{\Gamma(\beta n)},\quad x>0, \,n\in\mathbb N, $$ where $x\mapsto p_\...
Rgkpdx's user avatar
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Probability of exiting on the boundary for a monotone Lévy-type process

Let the continuous function $\ell:\mathbb R \times(0,\infty)\to[0,\infty)$ be a Lévy-type kernel, such that $$ \sup_{x}\int_0^\infty \min\{1,y\}\ell( x, y)\,dy<\infty, $$ and suppose that $\...
Rgkpdx's user avatar
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Polynomial growth of random walks: critical values?

Consider a sequence of i.i.d. random variables $(X_n)_{n\geq 0}$, and set $S_N = \sum_{n=1}^N X_n$. For which $p> 0$ do we have that \begin{equation} \lim \inf \frac{|S_N|}{N^{1/p}} > 0 \text{ ...
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Simulation of Lévy walk

I have problems to find out how to do discrete simulation of the Lévy walk. I can sum my doubts in a few questions: According to Wikipedia it seems to me that Lévy flight can be produced just by ...
matousc's user avatar
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escape points of Levy processes

Suppose $D$ is a domain in $\mathbb{R}^d$, $x\in D$. $X_t$ is a Levy process with Lévy triplet ${\displaystyle (b,0,\mu )}$ . Can one give a brief proof for: $$ \mathbb{P}_x(X_{\tau_D^-}\in \partial ...
Guohuan Zhao's user avatar
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Monotone convergence theorem for stochastic integrals

I was wondering if there exists an equivalent of a monotone convergence theorem for stochastic integrals. I looked into plenty of books and papers, but I haven't found anything useful. I would expect ...
Paula's user avatar
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A dependent and discrete version of the Komlós-Major-Tusnády theorem

The well-known Komlós-Major-Tusnády approximation gives sharp speed of convergence of a uniform empirical process to a Brownian bridge. Here I am considering how to approach a similar problem with ...
John Wong's user avatar
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Modulus of continuity of Lévy process as jump size tends to zero

While reading Kallenberg's "Foundations of Modern Probability Theory", 2nd edition, the following question regarding an argument in the proof of Lemma 15.19 occurred to me. Let $X_n(t)$ be a sequence ...
Uchiha's user avatar
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Orlicz spaces and $\phi$-functions

A $\phi$-function $f$ is usually defined as a continuous function $f=\mathbb R_+ \to \mathbb R_+$ such that: (1) $f$ is nondecreasing. (2) $f(0)=0$ and $f(x)>0$ for all $x>0$. (3) $\lim_{x\to ...
Thomas's user avatar
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Itô Formula for Hilbert space-valued Lévy processes

I know there are Itô formulas for cylindrical Brownian motions with values in a Hilbert space and Itô formulas for Lévy processes in $\mathbb{R}^d$. My question is: does there exist an Itô formula ...
ABIM's user avatar
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Version of Donsker-Invariance-Principle

Assume we have a Levy process $(X_t)_{t\geq 0}$ with a finite second moment for all $t>0$. For simplicity, say $\operatorname{Var}\left[X_1\right]=1$. Let $\tilde{X}_t:=X_t-t\cdot E\left[X_1\right]$...
ziT's user avatar
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2 answers

Lévy measure and Lévy process

A Lévy measure $\nu$ on $\mathbb R^{d}$ is a measure satisfying $$\nu\{0\} = 0, \ \int_{\mathbb R^{d}} (|y|^{2}\wedge 1) \nu(dy) <\infty.$$ A Lévy process can be characterized by triples $(b, A, \...
kenneth's user avatar
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Radon-Nikodym for continuous time processes

Likelihood theory for statistical inference concerning stochastic processes in continuous time are well used. How ever i've found no real literature concerning the fundamentals. What is know from ...
ziT's user avatar
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Definition: Grigelionis Process? [closed]

Background I've been reading this article and it keeps referring to "Grigelionis processes", which apparently generalize Levy processes. However the paper does not define these object clearly and ...
ABIM's user avatar
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Besov regularity of càdlàg functions?

Let $D(\mathbb{R})$ be the space of functions from $\mathbb{R}$ to $\mathbb{R}$ that are right continuous with left limits (also referred to as càdlàg functions). $D(\mathbb{R})$ is often called the ...
Goulifet's user avatar
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What is the Blumenthal-Getoor index of Student's distributions?

For infinitely divisible random variables, Blumenthal and Getoor introduced in [1] an index that allow to study for instance the local Hölder regularity of Lévy processes. For a symmetric infinitely ...
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