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Roadmap to understand the Scholze's proof of the local Langlands correspondence for $\text{GL}_n$ over $p$-adic fields

I would like to know which books I should read to understand the paper "The local Langlands correspondence for $\mathrm{GL}_n$ over $p$-adic fields" written by Peter Scholze. I only know ...
user860322's user avatar
10 votes
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Roadmap for p-adic Hodge theory

I'd like to be able to start studying p-adic Hodge theory and hope that by posing this question, I can be better prepared to work towards it. I ask for a roadmap because I understand that I have a lot ...
Krill's user avatar
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27 votes
3 answers

Where's the best place for an algebraic geometer to learn some algebraic number theory?

There are lots of introductions to number theory out there, but typically they are streamlined to assume as little prerequisite knowledge as possible. I'm looking for a text which does the opposite -- ...
Tim Campion's user avatar
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