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1 answer

Stabilizer of a lattice $\Gamma \subset G$ in the group of automorphisms $\operatorname{Aut}(G)$ is always discrete?

$\DeclareMathOperator\Aut{Aut}$Let $G$ be a (simply) connected Lie group whose semisimple part has no compact factors, and let $\Gamma $ be a lattice (uniform?) in $G$. Is it true that the stabilizer $...
Vladimir47 's user avatar
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Lattice in a simply connected nilpotent Lie group

Given a connected and simply connected nilpotent Lie group $N$ with a left invariant metric, we assume that there is a lattice $\Gamma$ of $G$. Let $B_1(e)$ be the $1$-ball at the identity element in $...
user528450's user avatar
5 votes
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Lattice generated by parabolics

Let $G$ be a semisimple Lie group of split-rank one and let $\Gamma$ be a non-cocompact lattice which is torsion-free. For the group $G=\mathrm{SL}_2(\mathbb{R})$ it then follows that $\Gamma$ is ...
Antonius's user avatar
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Lattice not contained in any connected subgroup is not contained in any positive dimensional subgroup

Let $ G $ be a simple Lie group and let $ \Gamma $ be a lattice in $ G $. If $ \Gamma $ is not contained in any connected subgroup of $ G $ does that imply that $ \Gamma $ is not contained in any ...
Ian Gershon Teixeira's user avatar
6 votes
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Do lattices of small co-volume always exist in rational, connected, simply connected, nilpotent Lie groups?

Given a connected, simply connected, rational, nilpotent Lie group $G$, is there a lattice of arbitrarily small co-volume in $G$? If $G$ is Carnot, the answer is "yes" by applying a ...
Kyle's user avatar
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Efficient decoding of the E8/Leech lattice

Background: Our goal is to quantize a sequence of floating point numbers generated i.i.d. from a standard Gaussian source and minimize the MSE reconstruction error. We can use two bits for each sample....
nalzok's user avatar
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6 votes
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Expected value of the length of the shortest non-zero vector in a lattice?

$\DeclareMathOperator\SL{SL}$What is the expected value of the length of the shortest non-zero vector in a (unimodular) lattice? I.e., let $G=\SL_n(\mathbb{R})$ with Haar measure $\mu$, $\Gamma=\SL_n(...
yoyo's user avatar
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3 votes
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About finitely generated lattices in Lie groups

Let $G$ be a connected Lie group. Let $\Gamma$ a lattice in $G$ not necessarily uniform (cocompact). Is it true that $\Gamma$ is finitely generated?
M. Han's user avatar
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What can lattices tell us about lattices?

A general group-theoretic lattice is usually defined as something like A discrete subgroup $\Gamma$ of a locally compact group $G$ is a lattice if the quotient $G/\Gamma$ carries a $G$-invariant ...
Mark Schultz-Wu's user avatar
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Cocompact lattices in $\mathrm{Sp}(n, 1)$

This is a continuation from my previous question. I am reading the following paper of Cowling-Haagerup, and I was wondering whether there are uniform lattices in $\mathrm{Sp}(n, 1)$. Is there some way ...
Y. Paka's user avatar
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Questions related to a paper of Cowling-Haagerup and uniform lattices of $\mathrm{Sp}(1,n)$

I am reading the following paper of Cowling and Haagerup for my master’s thesis. I am new to this area so I am not very conversant. So I do apologize if the questions are silly. Question 1. In the ...
Y. Paka's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Relation between different $E_8$ matrices

There are several rank-8 square matrices known to be related to $E_8$: Cartan $E_8$ matrix $$M_1=\left [\begin{array}{rr} 2 & -1 &...
Марина Marina S's user avatar
2 votes
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Non-uniform lattices and parabolic subgroups in Lie groups

Let $G$ be a semisimple connected Lie group and let $\Lambda < G$ be a non-uniform irreducible lattice. How does it follows that there exists a minimal parabolic subgroup $P$ of $G$ such that the ...
Constantin K's user avatar
6 votes
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Lattices in $p$-adic groups

What are the examples of lattices in $\operatorname{SL}_n(\mathbb{Q}_p)$ with $n\geq 3$ or in other semisimple $p$-adic groups of higher rank? It is known $\operatorname{SO}_n(\mathbb{Z}[1/p])$ is a ...
Jun Yang's user avatar
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1 answer

A lattice in $ \operatorname{SL}_n $ is Ad-irreducible

$\DeclareMathOperator\SL{SL}$Let $ G $ be a noncompact simple Lie group. For example $ \SL_n $. Let $ \Gamma $ be a lattice in $ G $. Consider the action of $ \Gamma $ on the Lie algebra of $ G $ by ...
Ian Gershon Teixeira's user avatar
6 votes
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Why should Serre's conjecture on congruence subgroup property hold?

There seem to be several related properties of an algebraic group, exhibiting the dichotomy between rank 1 and rank $\ge2$. Whether a lattice in the group satisfies the congruence subgroup property, ...
GTA's user avatar
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5 votes
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A group in a neighbourhood of a Zariski dense subgroup

By Borel's theorem, lattices in simple Lie groups are Zariski dense. I expect that a small (in metric sense) deformation of a lattice in a Lie group is also Zariski dense. Suppose we have a Zariski ...
Misha Verbitsky's user avatar
9 votes
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Compact flat orientable 3 manifolds and mapping tori

There are 10 compact flat 3 manifolds up to diffeomorphism, 6 orientable and 4 non orientable. I am looking to better understand how to construct the orientable ones. The six orientable ones are ...
Ian Gershon Teixeira's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Is the group of integer points of a simple real linear algebraic group a maximal closed subgroup?

Let $ G $ be a simple linear algebraic group. Let $ G_\mathbb{R} $ be the real points of $ G $. Let $ G_\mathbb{Z} $ be the integer points of $ G $. Is $ G_\mathbb{Z} $ a maximal closed subgroup? In ...
Ian Gershon Teixeira's user avatar
1 vote
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Proving that $\mathrm{SL}_2(\mathbb{Z}[i])$ is a lattice in $\mathrm{SL}_2(\mathbb{C})$

I need to show that $\mathrm{SL}_2(\mathbb{Z}[i])$ is a lattice in $\mathrm{SL}_2(\mathbb{C})$. I was thinking of applying Borel-Harish Chandra theorem, which says that: Let $G \subseteq \mathrm{GL}_{...
mahbubweb's user avatar
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Is this equivariant function constant?

Let $G$ be a linear algebraic group (think of $SL_n(\mathbb{R})$), $B$ its Borel (standard minimal parabolic) subgroup (think of upper triangular subgroup), and let $\Gamma \leq G$ be a cocompact ...
BharatRam's user avatar
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Torsion-free subgroups in arbitrary lattices

Let $\Gamma $ be a lattice in a semi-simple Lie group $G$. If the Lie group $G$ is linear (that is, it has a faithful finite-dimensional linear representation), then $\Gamma$ contains a torsion-free ...
Vladimir47 's user avatar
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Lattices of $\mathbb{R}^s \ltimes_\varphi \mathbb{R}^k$

Edit: Thoughts updated (22/3/2021). I've come across with the following problem. Let $G=\mathbb{R}^s \ltimes_\varphi \mathbb{R}^k$ where $\varphi:\mathbb{R}^s\to \mathrm{Aut}(\mathbb{R}^k)=\mathsf{GL}(...
Alejandro Tolcachier's user avatar
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Sublattices in the standard integral symplectic lattice

Let $V$ denote $\mathbb{Z}^{2g}$ with its standard integral symplectic form $\omega = \sum_{i=0}^{g-1}dx_{2i} \wedge dx_{2i+1}$ (or, the homology lattice of a genus $g$ surface with its intersection ...
Rodion N. Déev's user avatar
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Do discrete embeddings of surface groups not necessarily carry an embedding of SL_2?

We can get arithmetic lattices isomorphic to free groups in $\mathrm{SL}_2\mathbb{R}$, so in general we can’t expect homomorphisms of lattices into semisimple Lie groups to say much about $\mathrm{SL}...
Robin Goodfellow's user avatar
5 votes
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Matrix groups with two generators

Given two matrices $A,B\in{\rm{SL}}_2(\Bbb{R})$, is there any criterion guaranteeing that the subgroup they generate is discrete? What if one puts restrictions on $A,B$ e.g. they are both elliptic? ...
KhashF's user avatar
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7 votes
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Homomorphisms from higher rank lattices with infinite center to $\mathbb{Z}$

Suppose that $\Gamma$ is an irreducible lattice in a semi-simple real Lie group $G$ of higher rank (with infinite center!), is every homomorphism $\Gamma \to \mathbb{Z}$ trivial? The case where $G$ ...
shurtados's user avatar
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Definition of reducible lattice

I am reading Raghunathan's book on discrete subgroups of Lie groups. In particular I am stuck on Corollary 5.19 which gives several equivalent conditions for a lattice in a semisimple Lie group to be ...
user551642's user avatar
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Lattices of minimal covolume in $\operatorname{SL}_2(\mathbb{R}) \times \operatorname{SL}_2(\mathbb{R})$

What are the (uniform/non-uniform) irreducible lattices of minimal (or even small) covolume in $\operatorname{SL}_2(\mathbb{R}) \times \operatorname{SL}_2(\mathbb{R})$? Context: Such a lattice will ...
Stefan Witzel's user avatar
12 votes
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When does a locally symmetric space have no odd degree Betti numbers?

Let $G$ be a semisimple real lie group, $K$ be a maximal compact subgroup of $G$, $\Gamma$ be a torsion-free cocompact discrete subgroup. The Betti number the locally symmetric space $X_{\Gamma}:=\...
Zhiyu's user avatar
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Lattices in Lie groups

In the literature, people seem to predominantly look at lattices in nilpotent or reductive groups. Is there a result that gives a general description of a lattice in an arbitrary Lie group? Something ...
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Lattices are not solvable in non-compact semisimple Lie groups

I'm trying to prove the following result. If $G$ is a non compact semisimple Lie group with no compact factors (lying in some $SL(l,\mathbb{R})$), and $\Gamma$ is a lattice in $G$, then $\Gamma$ is ...
sayantankhan's user avatar
3 votes
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Convex Hulls of Demazure Modules

Let $G$ be a semisimple algebraic group over $\mathbb{C}$ and for a highest weight $\lambda$, denote by $V_{\lambda}^w$ the Demazure module associated with $\lambda$ and $w$. More precisely, $V_{\...
Marc Besson's user avatar
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Defining a notion of “volume of its lattice” for non-rational subspaces

Let $V\subseteq \Bbb R^n$ be a vector subspace. If $V$ is rational, i.e. has a basis consisting of elements in $\Bbb Z^n$, then there’s a well-defined notion of the “volume of the lattice of V”: $$\...
Avi Steiner's user avatar
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What kind of locally symmetric space is a rational sphere

Using Dehn Surgery, we can construct compact hyperbolic $3$-manifolds with vanishing Betti numbers $b_1=b_2=0$, i.e., a rational homology $3$-sphere. My question is the following. Is there other ...
shu's user avatar
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Subgroups of $\mathbb{Z}^{n}$ with rotational symmetries

Schmidt ( showed that the number of $m$-dimensional subgroups of $\mathbb{Z}^{n}$ of covolume $\leq X$ is $$c_{1}\left(m,n\right)X^{n}+O\left(X^{n-\...
Tal H's user avatar
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Examples of groups for which Margulis superrigidity theorem applies

I am not an expert at all in the subject of Lie groups, lattices, arithmetic groups and rigidity. But, lately I am interested in Margulis superrigidity theorem, which in most versions can be stated as ...
Luis Jorge's user avatar
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Growth of products of large sets in Lie groups

The Steinhaus Theorem states that if $A$ is a set of positive measure in a locally compact group $G$, then the set $A *A^{-1} := \{ab^{-1} | a,b \in A \}$ contains a ball around the identity in $G$. ...
shurtados's user avatar
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Existence of lattices in reductive Lie groups

What is known about existence of lattices in reductive Lie groups? The best results I know about existence of lattices in connected Lie groups are either about semisimple groups or nilpotent groups ...
Soeren's user avatar
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Uniform lattice in semidirect product

A uniform lattice in a locally compact group $G$ is a discrete subgroup $\Gamma\subset G$ such that $G/\Gamma$ is compact. My question is whether a uniform lattice exists in the group $$ G={\mathbb R}^...
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Is the braid group with $n$ strings $\mathcal{B}_n$ a lattice in a connected semi-simple Lie group?

Is the braid group with $n$ strings $\mathcal{B}_n$ known to be a lattice in a connected semi-simple Lie group ? (for $n$, say, bigger than $3$) Or is it known that it cannot be such a lattice ?
Selim G's user avatar
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Are lattices in the special real linear group subgroup seperable?

Let $G \leq SL_2(\mathbb{R})$ be a lattice, let $H \leq G$ be a finitely generated subgroup of infinite index, and let $n \in \mathbb{N}$. Must there be some $H \leq U \leq G$ such that $n \leq [G : U]...
Pablo's user avatar
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orbits of automorphism group for indefinite lattices

I have a question about indefinite lattices. QUESTION: Let $\Lambda\times\Lambda\rightarrow {\Bbb Z}$ be a lattice, that is, ${\Bbb Z}^n$ with a non-degenerate integer quadratic form, not necessarily ...
Misha Verbitsky's user avatar
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Finding Finite Generators of a Subset of a Quaternion Algebra/Cocompact Lattices

I was wondering if anyone had some ideas (books, papers, experience) on how to explicitly compute generators for the elements of a quaternion algebra, $Q$, with reduced norm $1$. I'm trying to ...
Lenny's user avatar
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11 votes
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Concrete examples of noncongruence, arithmetic subgroups of SL(2,R)

A subgroup of $SL_2(\mathbb{R})$ is called arithmetic if it is commensurable with $SL_2(\mathbb{Z})$. An arithmetic subgroup is called congruence if it contains a subgroup of type $\Gamma(N)$ for ...
Marc Palm's user avatar
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Lattice in motion group

Let $\Gamma$ be a discrete cocompact subgroup of the euclidean motion group $$ G={\mathbb R}^d\rtimes O(d). $$ Let $\phi:G\to O(d)$ the projection homomorphism. Is it true that $\phi(\Gamma)$ is ...
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14 votes
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discrete subgroups of Lie groups and actions on homogeneous spaces

Let $\Gamma$ be a discrete subgroup of a connected finite dimensional Lie group $G$. Let $K$ be a maximal compact subgroup of $G$ and denote $X=G/K$. It is well-known that $\Gamma$ acts properly on $X$...
Dieter's user avatar
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Property of lattices in Lie groups

Let $\Gamma$ be a lattice in a (real or p-adic) Lie group. Is it true that for a given natural number $n$ there exists a finite index subgroup $\Sigma\subset\Gamma$ such that each $\sigma\in\Sigma$ is ...
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10 votes
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Lattice in a certain Lie group

Let $G_n$ be the Lie group consisting of $n \times n$ upper triangular matrices of determinant $1$ with real entries. In other words, $$G_n = \{\text{$\left(\begin{matrix} a_{11} & a_{12} & ...
Edward Cooper's user avatar
6 votes
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Measuring how far from being cocompact a lattice is

Let $G$ be a locally compact group and $\Gamma$ a lattice (=discrete subgroup of $G$ such that $G/\Gamma$ carries a probability measure $\mu$ that is invariant under the action of $G$ by left-...
Mikael de la Salle's user avatar