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Reference request: Ehrhart's conjecture on the geometry of numbers

Conjecture (Ehrhart). If a convex body $K \subset {\mathbb R}^n$ has its barycenter at the origin and contains no other point with integer coordinates, the volume of $K$ is less than or equal to $(n +...
alvarezpaiva's user avatar
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A question of compactness in the geometry of numbers

Given a star body $S \subset \mathbb{R}^n$ with the origin as interior point, the critical determinant of $S$---usually denoted as $\Delta(S)$---is the infimum of the determinants of all lattices ...
alvarezpaiva's user avatar
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Affine semigroup generating a lattice

This is a cross-post from MSE. Everything is assumed to be finite-dimensional. Let $S$ be a finitely generated affine semigroup (i.e. a subsemigroup of a lattice $N$ of a Euclidean space). Assume that ...
Grisha Taroyan's user avatar
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Is it possible that a convex cone and its closure both induce vector lattices?

Given a convex cone $P\subset X$ where $X$ is a $K$-vector space, $K=\mathbb{R}\text{ or }\mathbb{C}$ is a field. Suppose that $P$ satisfies positive element stipulations. (1) $X=P-P$. (2) $P\cap-P=...
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