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Embedding of domain of fractional power of Laplacian into Sobolev space for cylindrical domains

On a bounded domain $\Omega \subset \mathbb R^d, d\geq 2$ with smooth boundary, it is well known that for the Dirichlet Laplacian $\Delta_D$, $D((-\Delta_D)^\frac12) = H^1_0(\Omega)$. I'm interested ...
user2103480's user avatar
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Embeddings of the maximal domain for the Laplacian

Let $\Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^n$ be a bounded smooth domain and $n \geq 2$. Consider the subspace of $L^2$-functions whose distributional Laplacian is also an $L^2$-function: $$D = \left\{ f \in L^2(\...
MeS's user avatar
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A question about Gauss-Green formula - a weaker assumption

The question I have in mind is the following: how can we prove that for any $v\in H^1(\Omega)$ and for any $u\in H^1(\Omega)$ with $\Delta u\in L^2(\Omega)$ the Gauss-Green identity takes place $$\...
Bogdan's user avatar
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Self-ajointness of the Laplacian over a Riemannian manifold with boundary

I have some doubts about on a passage found on this article ( Let $(M,g)$ be a Riemannian manifold with boundary; $E\to M$ be an hermitian fiber bundle; $\Delta$ ...
Parco Macelli's user avatar
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Eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the Laplace operator on entire plane

According to the answers in the the following questions: How to prove the spectrum of the Laplace operator? and What is spectrum for Laplacian in $\mathbb{R}^n$ , the spectrum of the Laplace operator $...
UserA's user avatar
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Inequality involving the fractional Laplacian

Let $s \in \mathbb{R}$ such that $0<s<1$. Consider the fractional Laplacian $(-\Delta)^s$ in the real line defined via Fourier series as follows: if $f:[-\pi,\pi] \subset \mathbb{R} \...
Guilherme's user avatar
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Property about the fractional Laplacian

Let $s \in \mathbb{R}$ such that $0<s<1$. Consider the fractional Laplacian $(-\Delta)^s$ in the real line defined via Fourier series as follows: if $f:[-\pi,\pi] \subset \mathbb{R} \...
Guilherme's user avatar
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Is $\Delta \phi$ monotone operator on $H^1(\mathbb{R}^d)$ for monotone $\phi$

Let $H^1(\mathbb{R}^d)$ be the usual Sobolev space and let $\phi: \mathbb{R} \to \mathbb{R}$ be a non decreasing Lipschitz function with $\phi(0)=0$. Is the operator $\Delta \phi $ on $H^1(\mathbb{R}^...
MathAnimal's user avatar
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Interpolation spaces

In this paper, the authors claim that for $s\in [0,1]$, $\left [ H_0^1(\Omega), L^2(\Omega)\right ]_\theta=\text{dom}(-\Delta)^{\frac s 2}$, where $\Omega$ is a smooth and bounded domain in $\mathbb R^...
Thomas's user avatar
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Positive analytic semigroup

On $L^p(\mathbb{R}^+)$, we consider the following operator: $$ Af:= f'',\qquad D(A):=\{u\in W^{2,p}(\mathbb{R}^+),u'(0)=0\} $$ Now I want to know if this operator is a generator of a positive analytic ...
hitchcock's user avatar
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Different definitions of fractional sobolev spaces

Let $\Omega$ be a bounded and smooth domain in $\mathbb R^d$. For any $s\in (0,1)$ we can define $H_s(\Omega)$ to be the space of functions $u\in L^2(\Omega)$ such that $$(x,y)\mapsto \frac{|u(x)-u(y)|...
Thomas's user avatar
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Fractional sobolev spaces

On the whole space $\mathbb R^d$, the fractional Sobolev space $H_s(\mathbb R^d)$ of order $s\in \mathbb R$ can be defined as the subspace of tempered distributions $T$ such that $\mathcal F T \in L^...
Thomas's user avatar
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An H2 estimate for Helmholtz equation

How to show the following statement? Let $\Omega$ be a bounded Lipschitz convex domain. If $u$ satisfies the following equation, $$ -\Delta u - k^2 u = f \quad\mbox{ in }\Omega \\ \nabla u \...
Engineer's user avatar
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How to define Laplacian on $L_2$

This might be a dumb question, but I thought the Laplacian (classical) is defined for $C^2$ functions. How do we extend that to be a self-adjoint operator on all of $L_2$? Is it the so called ...
John Zheng's user avatar