Questions tagged [lambda-rings]

For questions about $\lambda$-rings, which are commutative rings with operations which mimic the behavior of exterior powers of vector spaces.

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How are symmetric functions related to Koszul duality?

Staying within the world of linear algebra, we have the following two "dualities" between exterior powers and symmetric powers. The first is that of Kozsul duality, so these two graded ...
Chris H's user avatar
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Adams operation on Q-construction of fields

Let $F$ be a field that we want to compute its rational algebraic $K$-theory using the Quillen's $Q$-construction. Let $QF$ be the $Q$ construction of the category of finite dimensional vector spaces ...
user127776's user avatar
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What are the applications of $\lambda$-rings to class field theory?

In the book Lambda Rings by Yau, he mentions several areas where $\lambda$-rings can be applied, but he doesn't go into much details. He even includes class field theory in the list, mentioning "...
Lukas Heger's user avatar
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Adams operation on the rational homology

The Adams operation acts on the algebraic $K$-theory of $R$ but the action as far as I know doesn't come from a endo-functor on the category of projective modules over $R$. For the $K_0$ there is an ...
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