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17 votes
1 answer

Application of higher categories in algebra

Higher categories and derived algebraic geometry are relatively new areas and probably fewer people are working on them compared to the majority of topologists or geometers. I believe higher ...
5 votes
0 answers

Modern context for hypercohomology spectra

In Thomason's paper Algebraic K-theory and étale cohomology, (Ann. ENS 1985, Numdam link) Thomason develops an elaborate theory of hypercohomology spectra, $\mathbb{H}(X,\mathcal{F})$ for presheafs of ...
shubhankar's user avatar
3 votes
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Relations between rational algebraic K-theory and Chow groups

A consequence of Grothendieck's Riemann-Roch Theorem is the fact that the Chern character induces an isomorphism between algebraic $ch: K_{0}(X) \otimes \mathbb{Q} \stackrel{\cong}{\rightarrow} C H^{*...
Zhiyu's user avatar
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25 votes
1 answer

Vector bundles on $\mathbb{A}^n / G$

Let $G$ be a finite group acting linearly on $\mathbb{A}^n$. Do we expect algebraic vector bundles on $X := \mathbb{A}^n/G$ to be trivial? Here by the quotient I mean the singular scheme, not the ...
Evgeny Shinder's user avatar
1 vote
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Confusion regarding a definition of cycles

For a projective variety $X$ over $\mathbb{C}$, let us denote by $CH_k(X)$ the Chow group of $k$-cycles of $X$, modulo rational equivalence. Also, let $CH_k(X)_{hom}$ denote $k$-cycles modulo ...
Hajime_Saito's user avatar
12 votes
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Why does K-theory need schemes to be Noetherian?

The definition of K-theory of a scheme $X$ is defined as $G_i(X):=K_i(\mathrm{Coh}(X))$ or $K_i(X):=K_i(\mathrm{Vec}(X))$. But usually the schemes are required to be (at least locally) Noetherian, and ...
Li Guanyu's user avatar
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5 votes
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Is the motivic homotopy spectrum of Hermitian K-theory $\eta$-complete?

Theorem 1.2 of the paper "The motivic Hopf map solves the homotopy limit problem for K-theory" (see says that (under certain assumptions on the base field) the ...
Mikhail Bondarko's user avatar
3 votes
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Chern character of coherent sheaf on singular variety

Does there exist a definition of Chern character (or Chern classes) for a coherent sheaf $\mathscr{F}$ on a singular variety $X$? In this case I might not be able to find a projective resolution for $\...
ofiz's user avatar
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4 votes
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K-theoretic derivation of Bézout theorem

In the paper "$K$-Theory and Intersection Theory" by Henri Gillet in Handbook of K-theory, 2005 (link behind paywall at Springerlink), the author says: "When the ground field $k = \mathbb C$, Bézout’...
BezoutQuestion's user avatar
5 votes
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K-theory for a (geometric) stack

There is a notion of $K$-theory for a manifold $M$. Is there a notion of $K$-theory for a stack $\mathcal{D}\rightarrow \text{Man}$ that is representable by a Lie groupoid $\mathcal{G}$; that is $...
Praphulla Koushik's user avatar
2 votes
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Applications of Jordan-Holder theorem in an abelian category

The Jordan-Holder theorem says that any chain of subobjects of a finite length object can be refined to a composition series, and that any composition series has the same length. This theorem holds ...
less's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

The algebro-geometrical version of K-theory

It has been proved that the higher K groups of a (possible noncommutative, but here only comm. for convenience) ring $R$ are correctly defined by Q-construction or + construction. Recently I'm ...
Li Guanyu's user avatar
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3 votes
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Description of higher chow groups

In the literature there are several descriptions of motivic cohomology groups, some of them rather explicit, but I don't always understand why they are equivalent. The simplest example I have in mind ...
user143777's user avatar
7 votes
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Equivalence between categories of coherent sheaf of codimension p

Let $X$ be a noetherian and separated scheme and $M(X)$ denote the abelian category of coherent sheaves on $X$. Let $M^{P}(X) = \lbrace \mathcal{F} \in M(X) \hspace{2mm} : Codim(sup(\mathcal{F}), X) \...
Sunny's user avatar
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1 vote
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Algebraic K-theory of schemes and cohomology

Are there examples of: two smooth projective schemes over a field having homotopy equivalent algebraic K-theory spectra and having different rational Voevodsky motives; two smooth projective schemes ...
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13 votes
1 answer

Where does the $\hat A$ class get its name?

In K-theory we have the Todd class and the $\hat A$ class. The Todd class is named after the Cambridge geometer John Arthur Todd. Where does the name $\hat A$ come from? Does the A stand for Atiyah?...
Nick Addington's user avatar
1 vote
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Fundamental group of the Grothendieck ring scheme

Let $K_0(V_k)$ be the Grothendieck ring of $k$-varieties with $k$ a field. Let S$_k$ be its affine scheme. Is this a connected scheme for any field ? (I understand that this could be a very naive ...
THC's user avatar
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Is it possible for the Witt group of a scheme to have non-trivial odd torsion?

Let $F$ be a field of characteristic not $2$. A well-known theorem of Pfister asserts that the torsion of $W(F)$, the Witt group of $F$, is $2$-primary. Baeza [B, V.6.3] extended this result to Witt ...
Uriya First's user avatar
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13 votes
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Reference for the algebro-geometric proof of Matsumoto theorem

Matsumoto proved in his PhD thesis that if $F$ is a field then $$K_2(F)=(F^*\otimes F^*)/(x\otimes (1-x)).$$ The original Matsumoto proof as it is written in Milnor's book on algebraic K-theory looks ...
cll's user avatar
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9 votes
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Positive cones in K-groups

Let $X$ be a topological space or a scheme, and let $K^0(X)$ be $K$-group of vector bundles of $X$. One may ask when an element $x$ of $K^0(X)$ is represented by an actual vector bundle, and not just ...
Grisha Papayanov's user avatar
4 votes
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Absoluteness of motivic cohomology and restriction of scalars

Maybe this is a question to naive for the MO community! For a projective smooth variety $X$ defined over a field $F$, and for simplicity let's assume $F$ is a number field. One way to define motivic ...
Wenzhe's user avatar
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$\mathbf{A}^1$- contractibility

Suppose $U$ is an $\mathbf{A}^1$-contractible smooth scheme over a field $k$, that is, it is isomorphic to a point in the $\mathbf{A}^1$-homotopy category of smooth schemes over $k$. Does motivic ...
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7 votes
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What can be said about the topological K-theory of non-singular varieties of small codimension in projective space?

Working over $\mathbb{C}$, the Barth-Larsen results tell us a lot about the ordinary cohomology of non-singular varieties of small codimension in projective space. For example if $X \subseteq \mathbb{...
Oliver Nash's user avatar
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4 votes
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Borel regulator and Bloch-Beilinson regulators

Is there any relation, either conjectural or known, between the Borel regulator for the Quillen $K$-theory of algebraic number rings, and the Bloch-Beilinson regulator from motivic cohomology to real ...
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9 votes
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Beilinson regulators and Bloch's mythological algebraic intermediate Jacobians

In the paper introducing his motivic cycle complexes, Bloch outlines a project he says he was going to return to in the future: Towards the end of page 270, he says, given a smooth projective variety ...
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12 votes
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Homology of Gersten complex for singular schemes

It is one of the important facts in K-theory/motivic cohomology that the Gersten-type complexes (for Quillen K-theory, Milnor K-theory or more generally Rost's cycle modules) are exact for smooth ...
Matthias Wendt's user avatar
14 votes
2 answers

Is Deligne cohomology the motivic cohomology of analytic spaces?

Let $X$ be a smooth projective complex analytic space. We can cook up a complex analytic version of Bloch's cycle complex by declaring $z^n(X^{\rm an}, m)$ is the free abelian group on all ...
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12 votes
3 answers

Motivic vs Deligne cohomology

Where can I find the construction of the cycle class map from motivic cohomology to Deligne cohomology of smooth projective varieties over the complex numbers? It should be a construction by Bloch ...
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0 votes
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Surjectivity of the Albanese map of the moduli space of stable vector bundles

I have a naive question:(I saw that it is related to relative K-theory of Hodge-Deligne and also Nadel-Chern-Weil theory ) Let $\mathcal M (r, d)$ be the moduli space of stable vector bundles of rank ...
1984's user avatar
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About n-tuple unimodular

Let ($\mathcal{O}$, $\mathcal{M}$, k) be an DVR and $F_{1},...,F_{n} \in \mathcal{O}[X_{1},...,X_{n}]$ such that detJF = 1 where JF is the matrix $(\frac{\partial F_{i}}{\partial X_{j}})$. Suppose ...
numberwat's user avatar
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80 votes
2 answers

Vladimir Voevodsky's works

Vladimir Voevodsky has made several contributions in abstract algebraic geometry, focused on the homotopy theory of schemes, algebraic K-theory, and interrelations between algebraic geometry, and ...
9 votes
1 answer

Topological version of K-theory of coherent sheaves

My question is this: what is the topological analog of the Grothendieck group of coherent sheaves $G(X)$? Background: In Algebra/Algebraic Geometry there are two versions of the Grothendieck group ...
Evgeny Shinder's user avatar
3 votes
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Is there a notion of injective, projective, flat, dimension for a differential graded algebra?

Given a differential graded algebra $(A_\bullet,d)$, is there a well-defined notion of a K-injective, K-projective, K-flat dimension of a differential graded module, or even of the category of ...
54321user's user avatar
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11 votes
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K-theory of an elliptic curve

Given an elliptic curve $E$ over $\mathbb{Q}$, I have read somewhere (But I can't remember exactly where) that the Beilinson conjecture asserts that: The rank of the albelian group $K_{2}(E)$ (the ...
symmetry 's user avatar
3 votes
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"Direct" calculation of $K_0$ for surfaces, 3-folds

I apologize in advance for the vagueness of my question, but I am looking for sources (if they exist) where $K_0$ (the Grothendieck group of coherent sheaves) is computed "by hand" for some low-...
A. S.'s user avatar
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4 votes
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Explicit description of Verdier quotient of effective motives

Let $DM^{eff}_{gm}(k)$ be the triangulated category of effective geometric motives over some field $k$ (in the sense of Voevodsky), and let $DM^{eff}_{gm}(k)(1)$ be its full triangulated subcategory ...
user111652's user avatar
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Trivial normal bundle

I would like to know if there is a theorem along those lines: let $V$ be a submanifold in $\mathbb{R}^n$ such that $V$ is the boundary of a submanifold with boundary $W$. Then, the normal bundle of $V$...
Melchior's user avatar
5 votes
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Do almost commutative flat degenerations induce equality in K-theory? (Or: Is the characteristic variety actually a support of a class in $K$-theory?)

I intentionally phrased the title to match a different question which is almost identical to the one i'm asking. However similar, the answer there, which uses commutative algebraic geometry, is not ...
Saal Hardali's user avatar
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18 votes
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Which motivic cohomology groups of complex numbers are non-torsion?

I would like to know which motivic cohomology groups of complex numbers are non-zero and ("better") non-torsion, i.e., for which $(i,j)$ the $i$th cohomology of the complex ${\mathbb{Q}}(j)$ over $\...
Mikhail Bondarko's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

K theory long exact sequence

(1) Suppose that $Z\subset X$ is a closed embedding, $U = X\setminus Z$ is the complement. If relevant, suppose that both $X, Z$ are smooth and even (if relevant) that the normal bundle of $Z\subset X$...
Dmitry Vaintrob's user avatar
6 votes
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$K_0$ an $KH_0$ of a normal crossing variety

Let $k$ be a field (say, algebraically closed to fix the ideas) and let $X$ be a strict (aka simple) normal crossing variety over $k$, so that $X$ is union of regular varieties with intersection that ...
math001's user avatar
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7 votes
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Non trivial rank 2 holomorphic vector bundles in complex dimensions greater than or equal 2

Does every compact complex manifold of complex dimension greater than or equal two possess a nontrivial rank 2 holomorphic vector bundle?
Hamed's user avatar
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Do we have the following "devissage commutative diagram" in K-theory?

Let $X$ be a non-reduced Noetherian scheme. We define $K^0(X)$ to be the Grothendieck group of the derived category $Perf(X)$ and $K_0(X)$ to be the Grothendieck group of the derived category $D^b_{...
Zhaoting Wei's user avatar
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Could we extend the exact sequence $K^0(X)\to K_0(X)\to K_0(D_{sg}(X))\to 0$ to the left?

Let $X$ be a variety over a field $k$. We have the bounded derived category of coherent sheaves $D^b_{coh}(X)$ and the derived category of perfect complex $Perf(X)$. It is clear that $Perf(X)$ is a ...
Zhaoting Wei's user avatar
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Is there any computation of $K^0(X)$ and $K_0(X)$ for a singular curve $X$?

Let $X$ be a projective curve over an algebraic closed field $k$ which characteristic zero. Define $K^0(X)$ as the Grothendieck group of the derived category $Perf(X)$ and $K_0(X)$ as the Grothendieck ...
Zhaoting Wei's user avatar
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6 votes
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Why write GRR with the relative tangent sheaf?

The first published version of the Grothendieck-Riemann-Roch theorem, GRR for short, was written in the form $$ \operatorname{ch}(f_!\alpha).\operatorname{Td}(Y) = f_*\left(\operatorname{ch}(\alpha).\...
A Rock and a Hard Place's user avatar
3 votes
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Is $K^0(X)\to K_0(X)$ monomorphic for a noetherian scheme $X$?

This question is related to the MO questions What is the difference between Grothendieck groups K_0(X) vs K^0(X) on schemes? and Does a fully faithful functor between triangulated categories induce ...
Zhaoting Wei's user avatar
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Algebraic K-theory of complex varieties

Maybe this question is trivial, but I was not able to find an answer. The question is this: Consider the algebraic K-theory of smooth complex projective varieties (such that the K-theory and the G-...
Andrei Halanay's user avatar
9 votes
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Why is the first chern class of a line bundle $c_1(L) = 1-L$ in complex K-theory?

I'm trying to understand why on earth the first chern class of a line bundle in K-theory $c_1(L) = 1-L$. I understand that the first Chern class of the trivial bundle is zero, and that $H-1$ ...
Catherine Ray's user avatar
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Geometric vs combinatorial motives over Spec Z

Consider the category of reduced schemes of finite type over $\mathbb{Z}$. Take the Grothendieck group of this category, i.e. the free abelian group on isomorphism classes, modulo the usual "syzygy" ...
Andreas Holmstrom's user avatar