Questions tagged [kolmogorov-complexity]

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5 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Alternative definition of Kolmogorov complexity

In Kikuchi's paper Kolmogorov complexity and the second incompleteness theorem the Kolmogorov Complexity (KC) of $x$ is defined as $$ K(x) = \mu e (\varphi_e(0) \simeq x) \, . $$ This seems to give ...
Jori's user avatar
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The expressiveness of functions computable on trees

Motivation: Let's define a function computable on a $k$-ary tree as a function composed with simpler computable functions defined at each node such that a function of this kind defined on a binary ...
Aidan Rocke's user avatar
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Kolmogorov $\epsilon$-entropy, $n$-width, and $\epsilon$-capacity and applications

What is the relationship between Kolmogorov $\epsilon$-entropy, Kolmogorov $n$-width, and Kolmogorov $\epsilon$-capacity of a set $M$ in a metric space $X$? (The $\epsilon$-capacity here is the ...
Hiro's user avatar
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A two-colouring of a complete graph over the set of incompressible strings

A two-coloring is done over the (infinite) set all incompressible strings (in some chosen alphabet); such that, an edge between two strings is blue if and only if, the strings are of equal lengths and ...
ARi's user avatar
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Formalization in PA in the Kritchman-Raz proof

In their paper Kritchman and Raz present a proof of Gödel's second theorem using Kolmogorov complexity. To make it work, they operate in some (weak) formal theory $T$ that incorporates some arithmetic,...
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