Questions tagged [it.information-theory]

Theoretical and experimental aspects of information theory and coding theory. This tag covers but is not limited to following branches: information theory, information geometry, optimal transportation theory, coding theory.

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Position dependent service time in queue

Is there any literature for queuing analysis (waiting time, capacity etc.) of a queue with service time that depends on the position of the customer in the queue? I have encountered a problem where a ...
Ishan's user avatar
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Queues wait for other queues- A communication problem

I am working on a problem which involves a single server that requires multiple inputs to do a computation. Each of these inputs arrive as a Poisson process with rate $\lambda$. Hence, a situation ...
Ishan's user avatar
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Reverse Pinsker's inequality for smooth density classes

Suppose we are given a class of probability density functions $\mathcal{F}$ so that for every $f \in \mathcal{F}$ we have $\alpha \leq f \leq \beta$ for some positive $\alpha, \beta \in \mathbb{R}_+$ ...
spacetimewarp's user avatar
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A network to transform/predict one probability distribution to another

I have a random variable of a particular density (e.g., normal), and a known probability distribution (e.g., mixture Gaussian). I used a simple KL measure to predict/transform one another. Now I need ...
user524691's user avatar
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Optimal strategy of modified Mastermind game

The following game is a modified version of the popular game Mastermind described here in which you are only given information about the total correct guesses you have made, and nothing about how many ...
wjmccann's user avatar
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Information inequality for Renyi divergences

Let $X^1 \ldots X^n$ be random variables on $\mathbb{R}^d$ with an arbitrary joint probability distribution $\mu$ on $\mathbb{R}^{n \times d}$. Let $\nu = \nu^1 \times \ldots \times \nu^n$ be a ...
MatrixGeek1234's user avatar
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Will the KL divergence between two distributions decrease after passing the fixed channel?

Suppose there are two continuous distributions whose pdfs are $p_1$ and $p_2$, defined on a common support $\mathcal{X}$. Suppose that there is a conditional pdf (the channel) $M:\mathcal{X}\times \...
jkfds's user avatar
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Joint lower semicontinuity of the Rényi divergence in all three arguments

Let $X$ be a standard Borel space (I'm already interested in the case where $X$ is finite, i.e., $X=\lbrace 1,\cdots,n\rbrace$). Let $P,Q$ be probability measures on $X$ such that $P\ll Q$. Then the ...
Lau's user avatar
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Inequalities involving entropy: quantum discord and mutual information

My question is inspired by the following paper of Olivier and Żurek but for this question to be self-contained I will recall all the necessary definitions: for a quantum state $\rho$ we define the ...
truebaran's user avatar
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Construct a Bregman divergence from Wasserstein distance

I was wondering whether one has studied the Bregman divergence arising from a squared Wasserstein distance. More precisely, let $\Omega\subset \mathbb{R}^d$ be a compact set and $c\in \Omega\times \...
John's user avatar
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Binary codes with upper and lower bound on pairwise distance

The Gilbert-Varshamov bound provides a lower bound for codes of length $n$ with minimum pairwise distance (say $\frac{n}8$). If we wish for the codes to also have pairwise distances bounded above (say ...
Stephen Jiang's user avatar
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What's the lower bound for this quantity?

Suppose $p$ is a discrete distribution with $n$ values and the random variable $x$ satisfies $\mathbb{E}_p[x] = 0$ and $|x| < \infty$. Given $\alpha \in (0,1)$, does there exist a lower bound for ...
Jiacai Liu's user avatar
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Sudden drop in complexity class due to the more general correlations

Recently I was asking about the impact of the groundbreaking result MIP*=RE on logic and proof theory (see this discussion). Surprising as it is I got confused with the following: MIP* is a ,,quantum''...
truebaran's user avatar
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Does this KL divergence inequality hold?

Suppose $p$ and $q$ are two discrete distributions. Given a positive constant $\beta\in(0,1)$, we create a new discrete distribution $y$ such that $$ \frac{y\left( x \right)}{p\left( x \right)}=\frac{\...
Jiacai Liu's user avatar
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Generalization of error-correcting codes

If you have a binary single-error correcting code with n-bit codewords, then it is the case that taking only a fixed n-1 out of the n bits gives an “approximate” code with the property that, for any ...
Joe Shipman's user avatar
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Estimating means of multiple Gaussians

Let's say we have two Gaussian distributions $\mathcal{N}(\mu_1, \sigma^2I_d)$ and $\mathcal{N}(\mu_2, \sigma^2I_d)$. We are trying to get estimators $\hat \mu_1, \hat \mu_2$ to minimize the following ...
Kumar Kshitij Patel's user avatar
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Does there exist an established name for the exponential of surprisal (e.g. the reciprocal of probability?)

There are several different names that I know of for the exponential of the entropy of which "diversity" and "perplexity" are fairly well-established. Tom Leinster has a very ...
Mike Battaglia's user avatar
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A general inequality for KL divergence of functions of variables

The question concerns a very general setting and a very general inequality about KL divergence. I'm writing this thread to verify whether my intuition is correct. Let $E_1, E_2$ be two measurable ...
Daniel Goc's user avatar
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Classifier-specific lower bounds on the misclassification rate in binary classification

Consider a binary classification problem for $(X,Y)$, and let $\hat{f}$ be a proposed classifier. We wish to bound the misclassification rate $P(\hat{f}(X)\ne Y)$. There are many known lower bounds on ...
tim523's user avatar
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Sharpened versions of the Fisher information inequality?

Let $X, Y$ be two independent random vectors in $\mathbb{R}^d$. In the paper [1, see ineq. (11)], the following convolution inequality is proven for the Fisher information: $$ I(X + Y) \preceq \Big(I(...
Drew Brady's user avatar
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What is an efficient non-adaptive group testing scheme if the number of defectives, $d$, grows proportionally to the number of items, $n$?

Suppose that for some $p \in \left(0, 1\right)$ and some $n \in \mathbb{N}$, we have $n$ independent Bernoulli random variables, $X_{1}, X_{2}, \dots, X_{n}$, each with mean $p$. We shall call $X_{1}, ...
Matthew Barber's user avatar
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Does a subset with small cardinality represent the whole set?

Assume that we have heavy-tailed distribution $F(x)$ such that \begin{align} F(x)=\mathbb{P}[X\geq x]=x^{-0.5}. \end{align} Then, we produce $N$ independent samples $X_1,X_2,\ldots,X_N$ from this ...
Math_Y's user avatar
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Bound on an integral representing a difference of two relative entropies

Let $ f : [0,1] \to \mathbb{R} $ be a function satisfying: 1.) $ |f(x)| \leqslant a $ for some $ a < 1 $, and 2.) $ \int_0^1 f(x) {\mathrm d}x = 0 $. I would like to know whether the following ...
aleph's user avatar
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Question about equivalence of two expressions for the Quantum Fourier transformation

The Quantum Fourier transformation on $n$ qubits is just the discrete Fourier transformation, $$ |j \rangle \mapsto \frac 1 {\sqrt 2^n}\sum_{k=0}^{2^n-1}e^{2\pi ijk/2^n}|k\rangle. $$ In binary ...
Konrad Waldorf's user avatar
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Effect of small change in probability distribution on error probability

Let $X$ be a random variable and $Y=f(X)$ where $f$ is a deterministic function. Moreover, assume that there exists a deterministic function $g(.)$ such that the following probability is small. \begin{...
Math_Y's user avatar
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Inequality for log-likelihood ratio

Let $ p, q $ be two probability densities on $ [0,1] $, strictly positive over $ (0,1) $. Let $ P $ be the cumulative function of $ p $, i.e., $ P(x) = \int_0^x p(x') \, \mathrm{d}x' $, $ x \in [0,1] $...
aleph's user avatar
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Upper bound of $I(Y; X_{1}, ..., X_{N})$ when we have $I(Y;X_{i}) < B$ for all $i$ $(1 \leq i \leq N)$

Let $I(Y;X)$ denote the mutual information between $Y$ and $X$. If we have $I(Y;X_{i}) < B$ for all $i \quad (1 \leq i \leq N)$, could we also get the upper-bound of $I(Y; X_{1}, X_{2}, ..., X_{N})...
Koukyosyumei's user avatar
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Does the Plotkin bound mean that one can not achieve the Singleton bound asymptotically?

I am a little confused with the relationship between various bounds for error correcting codes. Does the Plotkin bound mean that one can not achieve the Singleton bound asymptotically? That is, is ...
liu_c_6's user avatar
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Bounding the difference of mutual information between input-output pairs

Let $X_1$ and $X_2$ be discrete random variables with distributions $p_{X_1}$ and $p_{X_2}$ such that the total variation distance between the two distributions is upper bounded by a constant $\delta$,...
Yuanxin Guo's user avatar
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Lower bound $\int_0^1 \frac{|f'(x)|^2}{f} \,\mathrm{d} x$ by $\int_0^1 |f-1|^2\, \mathrm{d} x$

Assume that $f$ is a probability density on $x \in (0,1)$, I want to obtain a bound of the following form (if it is possible at all): $$ \int_0^1 \frac{|f'|^2}{f} \,\mathrm{d} x \geq C\,\int_0^1 |f-1|^...
Fei Cao's user avatar
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Bounding Kullback-Leibler

Suppose we have a probability distribution $P$ on a finite set $S$. We draw $N$ i.i.d. samples according to $P$ and use these samples to define an empirical distribution $R$. We measure the Kullback-...
Bill Bradley's user avatar
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Min-sum belief propagation not working on a chain model with equal unary potentials

Given is a chain factor graph as presented in the image below with the following properties: Each node can take values 0 or 1 All unary potentials are equal (e.g. $U(a)=0$) for every node $a$ All ...
Uros Isakovic's user avatar
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Conditions for: (local) lipschitz stability of I-projection

The following post builds on this post; I'll begin by quoting the setting. Background from Previous Question: $\newcommand\SS{P}\newcommand\TT{Q}$Call a Gaussian probability measure $\SS$ on $\mathbb{...
Math_Newbie's user avatar
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References: error and stability estimates for information projection

$\newcommand\SS{P}\newcommand\TT{Q}$I will call a Gaussian probability measure $\SS$ on $\mathbb{R}^d$ isotropic if its covariance matrix is diagonal with non-vanishing determinant; i.e. $\Sigma_{i,i}&...
Math_Newbie's user avatar
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Asymptotic approximation of Fisher information matrix for small Gaussian perturbation

Let $$ X=Y/a+b+\epsilon Z, $$ where $Y\sim\operatorname{Poisson}(\lambda)$ and $Z\sim\mathcal N(0,1)$ are independent. Also define $\theta=(\lambda,a,b,\epsilon)$. The Fisher information matrix $$ ...
Aaron Hendrickson's user avatar
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Limit of a countable separable is countable separable?

Let $\rho$ be a positive trace class operator on $H\otimes H$, where $H$ is a separable Hilbert space (not necessarily finite dimensional). We say that $\rho$ is countable separable if $\rho=\sum_{i=...
Deva's user avatar
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Moduli spaces of 'generalized mutually unbiased bases'

Mutually unbiased bases in $\mathbb{C}^n$ with a chosen inner product are collections of orthonormal bases such that for each pair of orthonormal bases $e_i,f_i$, $i=1,\ldots,n$ we have $|\langle e_i, ...
Sergey Guminov's user avatar
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Maximal mutual information between a continuous and a discrete random variables

Let $X\sim \mathcal{N}(\mu,\sigma^2)$ be a Gaussian random variable with random mean $\mu\sim {\sf Bernoulli}(p)$, i.e., $\mu=1$ with probability $p$ and $\mu=0$ with probability $1-p$. In other words,...
Augusto Santos's user avatar
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Riemannian submanifolds of $2$-Wasserstein space

In the article "Wasserstein Geometry Of Gaussian Measures" by Asuka Takatsu the author shows how the space of d-dimensional Gaussian probability measures with non-singular covariance ...
Annie's user avatar
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Does this information theoretical thought experiment have a name or corresponding area of research?

I came up with the following thought experiment in my research in order to better understand the way Turing machines can transfer information through their tapes (the motivation is detailed below, isn'...
exfret's user avatar
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Can information theory characterise a (topological) space?

Consider an objective function f: $\mathbb{R}^n\rightarrow\mathbb{R}$, with a vector of variables $\theta$, i.e. $f(\theta)$, $\theta \in \mathbb{R}^n$. Depending on $f$, there can be interesting ...
Tessa van der Heiden's user avatar
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An inequality relating $\ell_1$ distance of input and output of a Markov krnel

Let $K$ be a Markov kernel from $\mathcal{X}$ to $\mathcal{Y}$, i.e., $K(\cdot|x)$ is a probability measure on $\mathcal{Y}$ for all $x\in \mathcal{X}$. Let $\mu$ and $\nu$ be two probability measures ...
math-Student's user avatar
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Wasserstein compactness of sublevel sets of relative entropy

Let $\mathcal{P}({\mathbb{R}^d})$ denote the set of Borel probability measures on $\mathbb{R}^d$, and let $\pi \in \mathcal{P} (\mathbb{R}^d)$. It is known that the sets $\{ \mu \in \mathcal{P}(\...
pseudocydonia's user avatar
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Does bounding mutual information restrict the defined meter?

Suppose $I(X;Y)$ denotes mutual information and on the other hand there is a relationship as follows. \begin{align} |p(y)-p(y|x)|<\delta p(y),\qquad\forall x,y. \end{align} Then we can say about ...
Math_Y's user avatar
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Computational complexity theoretic incompleteness: is that a thing?

Has anyone done research in an area that I have not heard of but that I want to call "Computational complexity theoretic incompleteness", which would mean not absolute incompleteness in the ...
Hank Igoe's user avatar
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Upper-bound on the Fisher-Rao distance between multivariate Gaussian measures by the KL-divergence

Let $\mu$ and $\nu$ be two multivariate Gaussian measures on $\mathbb{R}^d$ with non-singular covariance matrices. Can the Fisher-Rao distance $d(\mu,\nu)$ computed on the information manifold of non-...
Justin_other_PhD's user avatar
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Support of Fourier transform of random characteristic function

Let $\chi_X:\{-1,1\}^n\to \{0,1\}$ be the characteristic function of a subset $X\subseteq \{-1,1\}^n$, which is randomly drawn from all subsets with exactly $k$ elements. Is the support of the Fourier ...
BGJ's user avatar
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Sample complexity of estimating a doubly stochastic matrix

Let $P\in\mathbb{R}^{n\times n}$ be a doubly-stochastic matrix. That is: $$P(x,y)\geq 0,\quad \sum_xP(x,y)=1,\quad \sum_yP(x,y)=1.$$ I would like to know if lower and upper bounds on the sample ...
user134977's user avatar
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Question about canonical divergence on a dually flat manifold

I am reading "Methods of Information geometry by Shun-Ichi-Amari" (chapter 3 sec 3.4) and I am stuck here, can someone explain or give any resource about how we got equation $(3.53)$?
Andyale's user avatar
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Invariance of mutual information under injective functions

Let $X\colon \Omega\to\mathcal X$ and $Y\colon \Omega\to \mathcal Y$ be two random variables. In M.S. Pinkser's Information and information stability of random variables and processes mutual ...
Paweł Czyż's user avatar

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