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4 answers

Is there a useful generalization of the Schmidt decomposition to the tensoring together of 3 or more vector spaces?

I've rewritten the question in math notation, and I've left the old version in physics bra-ket notation here. Background A simple consequence of the singular value decomposition is that any vector $...
Jess Riedel's user avatar
6 votes
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What is the status of the Born Rule in axiomatic QM?

While physicists have tried multiple times and failed to derive the Born Rule (for example: I was wondering what axiomatic Quantum Mechanics had to say ...
More Anonymous's user avatar
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Has the von Neumann entropy ever been used in classical mechanics?

After going through an application of the von Neumann entropy(from quantum information theory) to certain problems in computational neuroscience [2], it occurred to me that this entropy might have ...
Aidan Rocke's user avatar
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What is the entropy of a density matrix which is the sum of two unitarily equivalent projectors?

Construction Suppose I have a density matrix $\rho$ which is proportional to a projector $P$ formed by tensoring together $N$ small projectors $P^{(i)}$ of rank 2: $P^{(i)} = |a\rangle_i\langle a| + |...
Jess Riedel's user avatar
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Combinatorial structure of the entanglement spectrum and quantum error correction in finite vector spaces

Let $V$ be a finite-dimensional vector space over $\mathbb{C}$ with dimension $d$. Consider a subspace $S \subset V^{\otimes n}$ representing the code subspace of a quantum error correcting code. We ...
Hanz Deutch's user avatar
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How to estimate the quantum fidelity between two given states

There is a well-known theorem, firstly obtained by Denes Petz, in quantum information theory, which is described as follows: $\mathbf{Theorem.}$ Let $\rho$ and $\sigma$ be two states on $\mathcal H$, ...
Lin Zhang's user avatar