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22 votes
2 answers

Is the integral of $e^{-x^2}$ from $0$ to $1$ known to be irrational?

Is it known whether $$\int_0^1 e^{-x^2} \, dx$$ is irrational? It is well-known that $\int_0^\infty e^{-x^2} \, dx=\frac{\sqrt{\pi}}{2}$ which is irrational, but what about the prior integral? Also, I ...
Matthew Albano's user avatar
67 votes
2 answers

To prove irrationality, why integrate?

I have been reading David Angell's lovely book, Irrationality and Transcendence in Number Theory, which has given me some fresh insights even with some of the easier proofs. But the book reminds me of ...
Timothy Chow's user avatar
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11 votes
4 answers

Compilation of strategies to show that some constant is irrational

I'm looking into expanding my knowledge in ways to show that some constant is irrational. I'm gonna give some examples of irrationality proofs, and I'm interested in learning what strategies you guys ...
Pinteco's user avatar
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30 votes
1 answer

How to prove that the solution to $x^{x+1}=(x+1)^{x}$ is transcendental?

I was asked by an high school student if there is an algebraic way to find the exact value of the solution to the equation \begin{equation}\label{eq} x^{x+1}=(x+1)^x \end{equation} Let us define that ...
gigi's user avatar
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17 votes
0 answers

Picture of Lambert's proof that $\pi$ is irrational?

With a suitably generous notion of "picture proof" or "proof without words" or "geometric proof," there do exist such proofs of the irrationality of square roots and even ...
Timothy Chow's user avatar
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3 votes
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Irrationality or transcendence of $i^{i\Omega}$ and $2^\Omega$, with $\Omega=W(1)$ and $W(x)$ being the main branch of Lambert $W$ function

In this post we denote the main (or principal) branch of the Lambert $W$ function as $W(x)$, I add as reference that Wikipedia has the article Lambert $W$ function. The particular value $W(1)=\Omega$ ...
user142929's user avatar
4 votes
0 answers

What is known about the irrationality of ratios and products of logarithms of integers?

Let $a,b,c,d$ be positive natural numbers such that $\{a,b\} \neq \{c,d\}$ and such that none are perfect powers. Is it true that $$\frac{\log a \log b}{\log c \log d} \notin \mathbb{Q} ?$$ The ...
Mark Lewko's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Why is the Euler-Mascheroni constant not a Liouville number?

Let $\gamma$ be the Euler-Mascheroni constant. Why is $\gamma$ not a Liouville number? Are there any upper bounds for the irrationality measure of $\gamma$ known? Any pointers to the literature are ...
Christoph Mark's user avatar
-5 votes
1 answer

Is there a fixed integer $n$ for which the difference :$\pi^n-\ e ^n$ is integer number? [closed]

I'm interested knowing more about nature of $\pi$ and $\ e$ since they are independent algebraically. In this question I'm interested to know if there exist a integer $n$ for which the difference $\...
zeraoulia rafik's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to know if $\log(\pi)$ is irrational or not since the $\log$ function is the inverse of the $\exp$ function?

I'm interested in knowing more about the question if $f(\pi)$ is rational or not, where $f$ is some well-known function. For example, $\cos(\pi) =-1$ is rational, while ${e}^{\pi}$ is irrational as ...
zeraoulia rafik's user avatar
26 votes
0 answers

Is the Flajolet-Martin constant irrational? Is it transcendental?

Facebook has a new tool to estimate the average path length between you and any other person on Facebook. An interesting aspect of their method is the use of the Flajolet-Martin algorithm. In the ...
Jeffrey Shallit's user avatar
35 votes
1 answer

Proving the irrationality of $\pi e$ and $\pi / e$

Rather than relying on the consequences of Schanuel's conjecture, I set about using the same ideas Apery had used to construct integer arguments converging fast enough to show $\zeta(3)$ is irrational ...
Brian's user avatar
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14 votes
1 answer

Transcendence of $\Gamma(1/3), \Gamma(1/4)$

This is a re-post from MSE as I did not get even a single comment there. Wikipedia mentions that the transcendence of $\Gamma(1/3), \Gamma(1/4)$ was proved by G. V. Chudnovsky. Does anyone have a ...
Paramanand Singh's user avatar
33 votes
2 answers

Can we find two positive integers $n$ and $m$ ($n,m>1$) such that $n^\pi = m$? [duplicate]

I came across this apparent random question in some math questions website. At first, I thought it was easy to show that there are no non-trivial integer solutions to this equation, but then I ...
Héctor's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Conjecture on irrational algebraic numbers

Conjecture: For every irrational algebraic number $q$ and natural number $b$, the representation of $q$ on base $b$ contains all the digits $[0,\dots,b-1]$. Questions: Has this conjecture been ...
barak manos's user avatar