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Evaluating the generalized continued fraction obtained from the factorization of a bivariate polynomial equation

Happy New Year, MO community! We need someone expert in Generalized Continued Fractions (GCFs), with a deep knowledge of the GCFs’ convergence properties, to solve the following problem. PROBLEM ...
Monk's user avatar
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Can you identify this irrational number?

There is a certain number, say $v$. I can prove it is irrational. That would be more interesting if it is expressible in terms of known values ... zeta functions, Catalan's number, L-functions, etc. ...
Gerald Edgar's user avatar
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16 votes
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Extending Apéry's proof to Catalan's constant?

I've been looking into Apéry's irrationality proof of $\zeta (3)$, and one of the first questions I instantly had, was how did he derive the following continued fraction? $$\begin{equation*} \zeta (3)=...
KStar's user avatar
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5 votes
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Irrationality of $e^{x/y}$

How to prove the following continued fraction of $e^{x/y}$ $${\displaystyle e^{x/y}=1+{\cfrac {2x}{2y-x+{\cfrac {x^{2}}{6y+{\cfrac {x^{2}}{10y+{\cfrac {x^{2}}{14y+{\cfrac {x^{2}}{18y+\ddots }}}}}}}}}}...
Sourangshu Ghosh's user avatar
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Algebraic and rational parts of a real number

Let $\alpha$ be a positive real number. Does it make sense to define the closest rational to $\alpha$ as the number $R(\alpha)=\frac{p_1}{p_2}$ such that $p_1,p_2$ are positive co-prime integers ...
Vincent Granville's user avatar
8 votes
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An alternative to continued fraction and applications

This post is inspired by the Numberphile video 2.920050977316, advertising the paper A Prime-Representing Constant by Dylan Fridman, Juli Garbulsky, Bruno Glecer, James Grime and Massi Tron Florentin, ...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
17 votes
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Picture of Lambert's proof that $\pi$ is irrational?

With a suitably generous notion of "picture proof" or "proof without words" or "geometric proof," there do exist such proofs of the irrationality of square roots and even ...
Timothy Chow's user avatar
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Possible Birkhoff spectra for irrational rotations

Let $\mathbb{T}=\mathbb{R}/\mathbb{Z}$ be the unit circle (think of it as of the interval $[0,1)$ with endpoints identified). Assume that $\alpha$ is irrational and consider the rotation by $\alpha$, ...
Dominik Kwietniak's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

Irrationality of generalized continued fractions

An infinite simple continued fraction $$\frac{1}{b_1 + \frac{1}{b_2 + \frac{1}{b_3+\dots}}} (b_i\in\mathbb Z\setminus\left\{0\right\})$$ is irrational. Now for a generalized continued fraction: $$\...
bhbr's user avatar
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