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Questions tagged [inverse-problems]

Inverse problems involve for example reconstruction of an object based on physical measurements and finding a best model/parameters out of a family given observed data. Typically the corresponding "forward" problems are well-posed and can be solved straightforwardly, while the inverse problems are often ill-posed. Not to be confused with the (inverse) tag.

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1 answer

Solution of Poisson equation vanishing at the boundary of any order

Let $f$ be a compactly supported function in $\Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^3$ and $\Delta u=f$ in $\Omega$ such that $D^{\alpha}u=0$ on $\partial \Omega$ for every multi-index $\alpha$ with $|\alpha| \...
A random mathematician's user avatar
1 vote
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On the Integration and Manipulation of Expressions Involving Hypergeometric Functions

I would like to ask the following two: For the integral: \begin{equation} \int_{0}^{t}\left( 1-s^p \right)^{\frac{1-p}{p}}ds \end{equation} I know that it is reduced to the following product ...
Bazinga's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Is this result on an unconstrained inverse quadratic programming problem new or known already?

Is this problem and solution actually new, or has someone done this earlier? The details can be found in the preprint: arxiv:1701.01477. Let us consider a direct quadratic programming problem: $$ \...
Evgeniy Abramov's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Approximating Uniform Distribution with Mixture of Gaussians

Let $T$ be a compact, connected, proper subset of $\mathbb{R}^3:\quad T \subset \mathbb{R}^3$. Further let $\left\{ \boldsymbol{\mu}_i \right\}_{i=1}^n$ be a given finite set of $n$ point in $T$: $$ \...
aberdysh's user avatar
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A question in inverse Galois Theory

Let $\mathbb{G}= \{g_1,\dots,g_n\}$ be a finite group and $\rho$ its regular representation. Let $x_1,\dots,x_n$ be indeterminates and let $x = (x_1,\dots,x_n)^\top$. Let the matrix $G$ be defined ...
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12 votes
3 answers

How to find Suleimanova's work on the Nonnegative Inverse Eigenvalue Problem?

Many papers cite the work of Suleimanova when studying inverse eigenvalue problems - in particular, the nonnegative inverse eigenvalue problem (NIEP). However, I cannot seem to find her work anywhere....
Jeremy Lin's user avatar
5 votes
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Are inverse eigenvalue problems (IEPs) hopeless and not a fruitful area of research?

I've been studying IEPs, in particular, the Nonnegative Inverse Eigenvalue Problem, some basic theoretical framework, the many open questions that IEPs have, and now sort of realize the computational ...
User001's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Question related to Galois covering of Projective line over rational numbers

Suppose that we have Galois covering $$X\longrightarrow P^{1}_{\mathbb{Q}}$$ defined over the rationals which is cyclic, in the sense that the Galois group associated to the covering is a cyclic group....
Tensor_Product's user avatar
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The jump set of $SBV$ function for different value of parameter in image denoising problem

The classical Mumford-Shah image denoisng problem study the minimizer of the following functional, for each $\alpha>0$ where $\Omega\subset \mathbb R^2$ is open bounded with sommth boundary, $$ u_\...
JumpJump's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Inverting a function

I posted this question on crypto.SE but got no answer: Let $w = a_0 \cdot a_1 \cdots a_{n-1} $ be a word from $ \{0,1\}^n $, $|w| = n$ Let $m = \sum_{i=0}^{n-1}{ a_i \cdot 2 ^ {n-1-i} } $ be the ...
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57 votes
2 answers

Recent observation of gravitational waves

It was exciting to hear that LIGO detected the merging of two black holes one billion light-years away. One of the black holes had 36 times the mass of the sun, and the other 29. After the merging the ...
Richard Stanley's user avatar
3 votes
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Spectra of certain totally positive matrices

Let $S$ be the set of $3 \times 3$ matrices $A$ satisfying the following conditions: All minors are $>0$ (i.e., $A$ is a strictly totally positive matrix); all principal minors are $>1$, except ...
Jairo Bochi's user avatar
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Question on Inverse Galois Theory

Let $G$ be a finite group, $n=|G|$. Let $\rho:G\rightarrow GL(n,\mathbb{C})$ be the regular representation. Let $G \le H \le S_n$ be another group. Then we have $\mathbb{Q}[x_1,\cdots,x_n]^H \le \...
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3 votes
2 answers

Can one hear the shape of a drum for operators?

M. Kac in his famous paper "Can one hear the shape of a drum?" asked whether one can "hear" the area of the ambient domain by looking at the spectral picture. Although he was not the first who came up ...
BigM's user avatar
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4 votes
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Under what hypothesis on the domain is the X-ray transform/John transform operator bounded?

I asked this question on math stackexchange, without any reply yet. Link: ...
Learning math's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Radon transform between affine grassmannians

Let $\overline{GR}(n,k)$ be the manifold of all affine k-dimensional subspaces in $R^n$, and let $R:C^{\infty}_c(\overline{GR}(n,k))\to C^{\infty}_c(\overline{GR}(n,l))$, $0\le k<l\le n-1$, be the ...
Dmitry Ryabogin's user avatar
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Combining microlocal Helgason's support and Holmgren's theorem to prove injectivity of limited-angle Radon transform

This questions is slightly related to Kashiwara's watermelon theorem and Microlocal version of Helgason's (support) and Holmgren's theorems, in which I asked for some references. Now I ...
Qwertuy's user avatar
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Injectivity of the Funk transform for nonsmooth functions

Let $S^{n-1}$ be the unit sphere in $\mathbb R^n$ and $\Gamma_n$ the collection of great circles on it. Assume $n\geq3$. The Funk transform of a function $f:S^{n-1}\to\mathbb R$ is a map $Ff:\Gamma_n\...
Joonas Ilmavirta's user avatar
26 votes
7 answers

What's that shape? Inferring a 3D shape from random shadows

Let $P$ be a bounded, simply connected region of $\mathbb{R}^3$. $P$ could be a polyhedron, or a smooth shape, or an arbitrary shape; I'll assume below that $P$ is a (non-degenerate, perhaps non-...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
1 vote
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Counting variables to look for invariances/range conditions

A while back, I asked this question on I wasn't terribly happy with the answer, and when someone asked a very similar question which isn't getting any action, it got me thinking again. Let me ...
icurays1's user avatar
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An unusual metric reconstruction problem

$\newcommand{\bR}{\mathbb{R}}\newcommand{\pa}{\partial}$This questions has some nebulous roots in Morse theory. The most general version goes as follows. Fix an integer $n\geq 2$. Suppose that we have ...
Liviu Nicolaescu's user avatar
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Certain inverse problem related to moments

Suppose $D\subset \mathbb C$ is a smoothly bounded domain and it contains the origin. Let $ds$ denote the arc length measure on $\partial D.$ I am interested in the following two inverse problems (...
BigM's user avatar
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Fredholm integral with functions constrained to [0;1]

I am trying to feed information about the solution when solving an inverse problem given by a Fredholm integral of the form $$ g(t)=\int_{a}^{b}K(t,s)f(s)ds. $$ Say I know $g(t)$ and $K(t,s)$, and ...
Kurt's user avatar
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Applications of Freiman's theorem?

What are some interesting applications of Freiman's theorem or, better-yet, its recent generalizations (eg Green-Ruzsa) that could be included in a graduate course in additive combinatorics? I'm ...
4 votes
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How to check if a manifold can be foliated by strictly convex hypersurfaces?

Let $M$ be a compact Riemannian manifold with boundary. How can one recognize whether the manifold can be foliated by strictly convex hypersurfaces? An exact definition is given below. If the ...
Joonas Ilmavirta's user avatar
4 votes
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Sample based inversion of the Radon transform

I have a classic tomography problem in which I would like to infer the internal density $p_0: \mathbb R^2 \to \mathbb R$ from external Radon projections. The internal density however is viewed as a ...
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Uniqueness of domain with given interior Newtonian potential

The Newtonian potential of a domain $\Omega$ is defined by $\Gamma*\chi_{\Omega}$ ($\Gamma$ is the fundamental solution of Laplacian operator $\Delta$), i.e. the convolution of the indicator function ...
user64525's user avatar
2 votes
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A integral equation with Discrete to result by inverse problem

Problem I asked a question at Math.SE last year and later offered a bounty for it, but it remains unsolved even in the simplest case. So I finally decided to repost this case here, (I know the ...
math110's user avatar
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Do position and momentum measurements determine a wave function?

Suppose we have a function $f\in L^2(\mathbb R^n)$ and we know the functions $x\mapsto|f(x)|$ and $p\mapsto|\hat f(p)|$, where $\hat f$ is the Fourier transform of $f$. Can we reconstruct the function ...
Joonas Ilmavirta's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

General Radon-type inverse problem

Let $f : \mathbb R^n \to \mathbb R$ be a density which is sufficiently smooth and can also be restricted to have compact support for now. Let $t \ge 0$ and $F_t : \mathbb R^n \to \mathbb R$, i.e. $(...
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4 votes
1 answer

Invertibility of an inverse problem

Let $p$ be a scalar field $p: \mathbb R^n \to \mathbb R$. I encountered the problem of reconstructing an unknown density $p$ from its integral values $$I(t,z) = \int_{V_t} p(x) dS$$ along a one-...
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23 votes
1 answer

Geodesics in finite groups

It seems that I can generalize a result from compact, connected Lie groups to finite groups, but in order to do so, I need to have some kind of geodesics on finite groups. Below is a proposition for ...
Joonas Ilmavirta's user avatar
7 votes
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Solving for a set of points from projections

Consider a set of $N$ points in $n$-dimensional space, i.e. \begin{align*} S = \{x_1, \dots, x_N\} \subset \mathbb R^n. \end{align*} Let $v \in \mathbb R^n$ and consider the image set (not counting ...
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0 votes
2 answers

Solving a functional equation

I would like to consider the following simple problem. I want to find two functions $f,g : \mathbb R \to \mathbb R$ such that, being given a collection $(h_v)_{v\in V}$ of real functions indexed by ...
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Inverse problem with a rank-1 update

I hope you can help me out with this. I have to find the solution x to an inverse system $$ x=A^{-1}b $$ This inverse problem is basically a least square problem with a rank-1 update. $$ x=[uv^{T}...
user49843's user avatar
5 votes
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Reconstructing set of points from one-dimensional images

Consider a set of $N$ points in $n$-dimensional space, i.e. \begin{align*} \{x_1, \dots, x_N\} \subset \mathbb R^n. \end{align*} Let us be given a finite family of non-injective matrices \begin{...
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3 votes
1 answer

Partial recovery from Radon transform

Let $f : \mathbb R^3 \to \mathbb R$ be an integrable function. Let $\eta$ be a one-dimensional subspace of $\mathbb R^3$. We denote $p+\eta$ the affine subspace (a line) which is obtained by ...
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2 votes
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"Limited angle" in n-dimensional Radon transform?

The Radon transform in two-dimensions is well studied. It maps a sufficiently nice function $f: \mathbb R^2 \to \mathbb R$ to its line integral along a certain line $L$, i.e. \begin{align*} Rf(L)...
zeno44's user avatar
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Interpretation of the integral "with respect to a plane wave" in terms of Radon transform

This question might have a formulation in higher dimensions, but for now let's deal with the 2 dimensional Radon transform: $\newcommand{\R}{\mathbb{R}}$ $$ Rf(\varphi,s)=\int_{-\infty}^\infty f(s\...
icurays1's user avatar
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2 votes
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Choosing the order of Tikhonov regularization of an inverse problem

This question is migrated from math.stackexchange. Let me first describe the problem I am trying to solve and then the question I have. I greatly appreciate anyone who can shine some light on it. ...
shva's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Inversion of Radon transform by incomplete data: specific case

Let $R[f](p,t)$ denote the Radon transform of smooth function $f(x) \colon \mathbb{R}^n \to \mathbb{R}$ with compact support in $\mathbb{R}^n_+$: $$ R[f](p,t) = \int\limits_{x \cdot p = t} f(x) dx. ...
Appliqué's user avatar
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Determine noise distribution [closed]

I'm trying to solve the following least squares problem: $\underset{x}{\text{min}} ||Ax - \tilde{b}||_2$ where $Ax = b$ and $\tilde{b} = b + w$ Question: How do I determine which probability ...
Jacob's user avatar
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