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Inverse problems and chaos theory

In the classical theory of inverse problems we want to recover an unknown $u \in U$ from its noisy measurements $y \in L^2$, where $U$ is a Banach space. In particular, we study the following problem: ...
mathbb's user avatar
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Reference request: diffusion approximation to the radiative transport

I'm looking for a good, modern reference for the diffusion approximation to the radiative transport problem. I'm aware of the text of Dautray and Lions, as well as the monograph by Bensoussan, Lions, ...
Phil's user avatar
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Radon transform on complex Grassmannians

Let $Gr_{i,n}$ denote the Grassmannian of complex linear $i$-dimensional subspaces in the Hermitian space $\mathbb{C}^n$. Let $1\leq i<n/2$. Consider the Radon transform between space of functions ...
asv's user avatar
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Interesting questions for inverse parabolic problems

I'm looking for some interesting questions and maybe open problems in inverse problems theory, especially in the framework of parabolic PDEs (basically the heat equation). As key words here we can ...
S. Maths's user avatar
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Kernel of Radon transform in $\mathbb{R}^3$

Consider the Radon transform from the space of functions on the manifold of affine lines in $\mathbb{R}^3$ to functions on the manifold of affine 2-planes in $\mathbb{R}^3$: $$(Rf)(H):=\int_{l\subset ...
asv's user avatar
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inverse interpolation

Given data points $(x_i,y_i)\in \mathbb{R}^m\times \mathbb{R}^n$ with $n>m$ satisfying $y_i=f (x_i)$ with a sufficiently smooth injective unknown function $f:\mathbb{R}^m\rightarrow \mathbb{R}^n$ ...
user35593's user avatar
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Is there an English translation of Hadamard's classic French paper on well-posed problems?

This paper by Hadamard is often cited as being the source of the definition of well-posed and ill-posed problems. However, it is in French so I cannot verify that claim. Is there an English ...
rhombidodecahedron's user avatar
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Is this result on an unconstrained inverse quadratic programming problem new or known already?

Is this problem and solution actually new, or has someone done this earlier? The details can be found in the preprint: arxiv:1701.01477. Let us consider a direct quadratic programming problem: $$ \...
Evgeniy Abramov's user avatar
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Radon transform between affine grassmannians

Let $\overline{GR}(n,k)$ be the manifold of all affine k-dimensional subspaces in $R^n$, and let $R:C^{\infty}_c(\overline{GR}(n,k))\to C^{\infty}_c(\overline{GR}(n,l))$, $0\le k<l\le n-1$, be the ...
Dmitry Ryabogin's user avatar
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Injectivity of the Funk transform for nonsmooth functions

Let $S^{n-1}$ be the unit sphere in $\mathbb R^n$ and $\Gamma_n$ the collection of great circles on it. Assume $n\geq3$. The Funk transform of a function $f:S^{n-1}\to\mathbb R$ is a map $Ff:\Gamma_n\...
Joonas Ilmavirta's user avatar
26 votes
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What's that shape? Inferring a 3D shape from random shadows

Let $P$ be a bounded, simply connected region of $\mathbb{R}^3$. $P$ could be a polyhedron, or a smooth shape, or an arbitrary shape; I'll assume below that $P$ is a (non-degenerate, perhaps non-...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
23 votes
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Geodesics in finite groups

It seems that I can generalize a result from compact, connected Lie groups to finite groups, but in order to do so, I need to have some kind of geodesics on finite groups. Below is a proposition for ...
Joonas Ilmavirta's user avatar
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Inversion of Radon transform by incomplete data: specific case

Let $R[f](p,t)$ denote the Radon transform of smooth function $f(x) \colon \mathbb{R}^n \to \mathbb{R}$ with compact support in $\mathbb{R}^n_+$: $$ R[f](p,t) = \int\limits_{x \cdot p = t} f(x) dx. ...
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