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Domains with discrete Laplace spectrum

Let $\Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^n$ be a domain. Assume that the Laplacian $-\Delta=-(\partial^2/\partial x_1^2+\cdots+\partial^2/\partial x_n^2)$ has a discrete spectrum on $L^2(\Omega)$ (i.e., we are ...
mmen's user avatar
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Where to locate $0\in \Omega$ to get $u_{\varepsilon}(0)\neq 0$ where $\Delta u_{\varepsilon} + (\lambda-\varepsilon) u_{\varepsilon} = \frac{1}{|x|}$

Let $\Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^3$ a smooth bounded domain with $0\in \Omega$ and $u_\varepsilon(x)$ the solution to $$ \Delta u_\varepsilon + (\lambda-\varepsilon) u_\varepsilon = \frac{1}{|x|}\quad \...
Jonas's user avatar
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On the equation $[U, V] - V_x = C(x)$

While considering the zero curvature equation $U_t - V_x + [U, V] = 0$, I developed a similar problem, albeit one that discards time dependence entirely. For a given $U(x)$ and $C(x)$, find $V(x)$ ...
Talmsmen's user avatar
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How to find $\nabla u\cdot \nu|_{B(0,1)} $ where $u$ is solution of given conductivity equation?

I have encountered the following problem. Let $\chi:=\chi_{B(0,1/2)}$ be characteristics function i.e it take $1$ if $x\in B(0,1/2)$ otherwise $0$. $\nabla\cdot ((1+\chi_{B(0,1/2)})\nabla u )=0 $ in $...
Curious student's user avatar
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Reference request: diffusion approximation to the radiative transport

I'm looking for a good, modern reference for the diffusion approximation to the radiative transport problem. I'm aware of the text of Dautray and Lions, as well as the monograph by Bensoussan, Lions, ...
Phil's user avatar
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Is Sommerfeld radiation condition invariant under translations?

A smooth function $U:\mathbb{R}^3\setminus B_{r_0}(0)\to\mathbb{C}$ (for some $r_0>0$) satisfies the Sommerfeld Radiation Condition with index $k$, denoted $U\in \texttt{SRC}$, whenever $$ \lim_{r\...
GG1's user avatar
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11 votes
3 answers

Which matrices can be realized as the Dirichlet-to-Neumann map for a given domain?

Consider Poisson equation $\nabla \cdot (\sigma(x)\nabla u)=0$ in a domain $D$, where $\sigma(x)$ is the spatially dependent conductivity. On the boundary we have $n$ electrodes (Dirichlet BC $u=\text{...
badmf's user avatar
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Reconstructing the Green's function of an initial-value problem of partial differential equation

Consider a partial differential equation that is of the following form: \begin{equation} (-\partial_x^2+g(x))f(x, t)=i\partial_tf(x, t) \end{equation} where $g(x)$ is a real function. Suppose that $f(...
Mr. Gentleman's user avatar
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How often does the gradient of a solution to elliptic equation vanish on the boundary?

This question is motivated by an inverse coefficient problem, for which it is useful to find solutions to a particular PDE so that the gradient of the solution does not vanish at all, or at least too ...
Tommi's user avatar
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Solution of Poisson equation vanishing at the boundary of any order

Let $f$ be a compactly supported function in $\Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^3$ and $\Delta u=f$ in $\Omega$ such that $D^{\alpha}u=0$ on $\partial \Omega$ for every multi-index $\alpha$ with $|\alpha| \...
A random mathematician's user avatar
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The jump set of $SBV$ function for different value of parameter in image denoising problem

The classical Mumford-Shah image denoisng problem study the minimizer of the following functional, for each $\alpha>0$ where $\Omega\subset \mathbb R^2$ is open bounded with sommth boundary, $$ u_\...
JumpJump's user avatar
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57 votes
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Recent observation of gravitational waves

It was exciting to hear that LIGO detected the merging of two black holes one billion light-years away. One of the black holes had 36 times the mass of the sun, and the other 29. After the merging the ...
Richard Stanley's user avatar
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Can one hear the shape of a drum for operators?

M. Kac in his famous paper "Can one hear the shape of a drum?" asked whether one can "hear" the area of the ambient domain by looking at the spectral picture. Although he was not the first who came up ...
BigM's user avatar
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Under what hypothesis on the domain is the X-ray transform/John transform operator bounded?

I asked this question on math stackexchange, without any reply yet. Link: ...
Learning math's user avatar
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Uniqueness of domain with given interior Newtonian potential

The Newtonian potential of a domain $\Omega$ is defined by $\Gamma*\chi_{\Omega}$ ($\Gamma$ is the fundamental solution of Laplacian operator $\Delta$), i.e. the convolution of the indicator function ...
user64525's user avatar
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A integral equation with Discrete to result by inverse problem

Problem I asked a question at Math.SE last year and later offered a bounty for it, but it remains unsolved even in the simplest case. So I finally decided to repost this case here, (I know the ...
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