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Wobbly divisor in the moduli space of rank 2 degree 1semi-stable vector bundles over a curve of genus 2

I am looking at Nigel Hitchin's lecture "Higgs fields in low genus" on the occasion of Oscar Garcia-Prada's 60th birthday. In the rank 2 odd degree case, he mentions a map $f$ from the ...
Somrik Bhattacharya's user avatar
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On reproducing the Poincare section figure in a paper by Sato, Akiyama and Doyne Farmer [closed]

I am trying to reproduce Figure 1 in the paper "Chaos in learning a simple two-person game" (English) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 99, No. 7, 4748-4751 (2002) (MR1895748, Zbl 1015.91014), by ...
Kshitij Kulkarni's user avatar
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KdV/KP-II equation with upper semicontinuous initial data and viscosity solutions

In the article "KP governs random growth off a 1-dimensional substrate", they study the KP-II equation: the function $\phi(t,x,r)=\partial_{r}^{2}\log(F)$ satisfies $$\partial_{t}\phi+\frac{...
Thomas Kojar's user avatar
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A strange identity between generalized basic hypergeometric series

Calculating matrix elements in some quantum integrable system, I encountered a strange $q$-series identity for non-terminating basic hypergeometric functions $\phantom{i}_3\phi_2$. It comes from the ...
VladM's user avatar
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A parabolic–hyperbolic in 3d: $\partial_t u(x,y,t)=\frac{1}{2}(\partial_{xx}u(x,y,t)-\partial_{yy}u(x,y,t))$

I was just wondering if somebody can provide some references for the parabolic–hyperbolic pde $$\partial_t u(x,y,t)=\frac{1}{2}(\partial_{xx}u(x,y,t)-\partial_{yy}u(x,y,t)).$$ Apparently, the IVP ...
Thomas Kojar's user avatar
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Weakly involutive $R$-matrices and representations of the symmetric group $S_N$ in restricted subspaces of $V^{\otimes N}$

An $R$-matrix is a matrix $R\in\operatorname{End}(V\otimes V)$ (where $V$ is a finite dimensional vector space) that solves the Yang–Baxter equation $$R_{12}R_{23}R_{12}=R_{23}R_{12}R_{23},$$ where ...
Zhiyuan Wang's user avatar
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Nilpotent polynomial matrices over $F_q$ - polynomial count variety ? ( Nilpotent cone for Hitchin-Gaudin like integrable system)

Context: Number of nilpotent $n\times n $ matrices over $F_q$ is $q^{n(n-1)}$ classical result due to Ph.Hall, M.Gerstenhaber (see very nice exposition by T.Leinster at n-cat-cafe/arxiv) which have ...
Alexander Chervov's user avatar
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Double q-analog of Pochhammer

Has the function $$(z;q_1,q_2)_\infty := \prod_{n_1,n_2=0}^\infty (1-z \, q_1^{n_1} q_2^{n_2}), \quad |q_1|,|q_2|<1$$ been studied in the math literature? For example, does it obey any difference ...
jj_p's user avatar
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Why the Riccati equation $\frac{\mathrm{d} y}{\mathrm{d} x} =ax^{m}+by^{2}$ has an elementary solution "only" when $m=0$, $m=-2$, $m=4k/(2k\pm 1)$?

The special form of Riccati equation $$ \frac{\mathrm{d} y}{\mathrm{d} x} =ax^{m}+by^{2} $$ has been proved that it is solvable if and only if $m=0$, $m=-2$, $m=4k/(2k\pm 1)$. The sufficiency is ...
z yuli's user avatar
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Connecting the higher energies of GP and KdV via a Riccati equation

I will describe my set-up and then the problem. We use the branch of the complex square root where $$ \sqrt{re^{i \phi}} = \sqrt{r} e^{i \frac{\phi}{2}} \qquad \forall r > 0 \,, \forall \phi \in [0,...
Robert Wegner's user avatar
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Integrability of Schroedinger's equation

Consider the periodic nonlinear Schrödinger equation $$-i \partial_t u + \Delta u = f(|u|)u, \qquad u=u(t,x) \in \mathbb{C}, \; t\in \mathbb{R}, \; x\in \mathbb{T}^n,$$ where $\mathbb{T}:= \mathbb{R}/\...
kvicente's user avatar
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Building a geodesic conjugate parameterization on catenoid

I believe that a catenoid supports a parametrization $\sigma : U \subset \mathbb{R}^2 \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^3$ that forms a conjugate system (i.e., $\sigma_{uv} \in\mathrm{span}(\sigma_u, \sigma_v)$) ...
RWien's user avatar
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Solving a Catalan-like recursion of polynomials, related to the KdV energies

I am working on a PDE problem. The goal is to connect the higher order energies of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation to those of the Korteweg-de-Vries equation. As these higher order energies are ...
Robert Wegner's user avatar
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A system of linear PDEs with boundary conditions

I'm researching on discrete/semi-discrete/smooth differential geometry. Recently, I could simplify one of my geometric problems (in the smooth scenario) into the solutions of a system of linear PDEs ...
RWien's user avatar
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Deformation quantization of an integrable system

What is known about lifting n Poisson commuting functions on a 2n-dimensional symplectic manifolds (say R^2n) to Moyal-Weyl commuting functions?
Boris Tsygan's user avatar
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How to recover a subspace in an infinite-dimensional Grassmannian from its $\tau$-function or $\psi$-function?

Solutions of the KP hierarchy are parametrized by an infinite-dimensional Grassmannian (Sato Grassmannian or Wilson's adelic Grassmannian). I heard somewhere that one can recover a subspace in the ...
Yellow Pig's user avatar
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Is there a relation between symplectic toric orbifolds and semi-toric systems?

So recently I have been studying semi-toric systems which are a generalization of toric symplectic manifolds and allow for the presence of focus-focus fibers. These were proved to be classified by $5$ ...
Someone's user avatar
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Question on the proof of doing a nodal trade, almost-toric fibrations

I am trying to understand the details of the proof of lemma $6.3$ of the following notes, which give us specific conditions of when we can swap a neighborhood of ...
Someone's user avatar
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Doing a nodal trade in a semi-toric system

Recently I have been studying semi-toric systems and almost toric fibrations. For the purpose of semi-toric fibrations I have been reading these notes ...
Someone's user avatar
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Zero-curvature formulation of the Camassa-Holm hierarchy

In the book of Gesztesy and Holden (see the following article of the same authors), they state that the (stationary) Camassa-Holm hierarchy may be cast as a zero-curvature equation \begin{align} -V_{n,...
hyriusen's user avatar
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About writing solutions of linear ODE's: Is this statement correct?

A motivating example: Consider the Hypergeometric equation $$z(1-z) \frac{d^2y}{dz^2}+(c-(a+b+1)z) \frac{dy}{dz}-aby=0,$$ it has a solution given by the Gauss's Hypergeometric function $$_2F_1(a,b;c;z)...
Diego Santos's user avatar
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Equivalence problem of classifying heat equations

I have tried to search for references online but I am unable to do so. I am looking for references that uses Cartan's method of moving frames to classify heat equations. Also are there references that ...
fwg's user avatar
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What functions do we need to solve linear second order differential equations with polynomial coeficients? [closed]

. Final edit: The problem I had in mind is properly asked in THIS MO QUESTION, so I'll vote to close the present post e recommend anyone interested in the topic to visit that link. . . . . . Below is ...
Diego Santos's user avatar
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Has anyone written down an approach to the Lenard-Magri integrability scheme via algebraic geometry?

I’ve been thinking about the algebro-geometric meaning of the Lenard-Magri scheme of getting an integrable system from a pair of compatible Poisson structures. I think one might be able to prove a ...
rrrrrttttttt's user avatar
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Intuition for almost periodic solution and Poincaré recurrence theorem

I would like to ask a question that I had asked yesterday on the site math.stackexchange and I still have not received an answer. Suppose that we have a PDE that admit a solution $u$ that can be ...
Niser's user avatar
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Spectrum of a Lax Pair and conservation laws of a PDE

I would like to ask a question that I had asked a few days ago on the site math.stackexchange and I still have not received an answer. If we have a Lax operator, we know that the spectrum of this ...
Niser's user avatar
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Coordinates for quasiperiodic motion after reconstruction

Consider a free action of $SO(3)$ on a manifold $M$ and some (reducible) dynamics vector field $X$ on $M$. Suposse that the reduced dynamics $X_{red}$ on $M/SO(3)$ has only fixed points and periodic ...
user2002's user avatar
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Dynamics of composition of reflections

Let $C$ be a curve defined by $y = f(x)$, and define the vertical reflection over $C$ to be the map $(x,y) \mapsto (x,y')$, where $y' = 2 f(x) - y$. In other words, the vertical distance from $(x,y)$ ...
Nick's user avatar
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Involutive solutions to the Yang-Baxter equation (and triangular Hopf algebras)

I'm interested in solutions to the Yang-Baxter equation $$R_{12}R_{23}R_{12}=R_{23}R_{12}R_{23},$$ that are involutive $R^2_{12}=1$. Or put it another way, I'm interested in representations of the ...
Zhiyuan Wang's user avatar
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Integrable systems and Lagrangian fibrations

It is known that every integrable system gives rise to a Lagrangian fibration via action-angle variables. My question is how to tell if a given Lagrangian fibration is an integrable system, that is ...
IntegrableSystemsEnthusiast's user avatar
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(Super)integrable systems on quiver varieties

In recent papers (super)integrable systems on quiver varieties for cyclic and comet-shaped quivers are constructed. My question: are ...
IntegrableSystemsEnthusiast's user avatar
6 votes
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Are the “generalized Catalan numbers” of Dumitrescu–Mulase the "moments" of some "multivariate Wigner semicircle distribution"?

The classical Catalan numbers $$ C_n = \frac{1}{n+1} \binom{2n}{n}, $$ well-known for their numerous combinatorial interpretations (the second volume of Stanley's Enumerative Combinatorics famously ...
mlbaker's user avatar
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Maximal dimension guaranteed for integral manifolds of hyperplane distributions

To KSackel and anyone else has viewed this: I'm sorry my edits have been all over the place. I've tried to cut it down to my remaining curiosities, so there's less to wade through (and hopefully fewer ...
Nikhil Sahoo's user avatar
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Designer metric for a vector field

A vector field $V$ on a manifold $M$ admits an invariant metric if there exists a Riemannian metric $g$ with $L_Vg = 0$. How can one characterize the vector fields on $M$ that admit an invariant ...
Josh Burby's user avatar
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Is the logistic map $x_{n+1}=r x_n (1-x_n)$ exactly solvable for any $r$ other than $-2,2,4$?

It is known that for $r=-2,2,4$ the logistic map $x_{n+1}=r x_n (1-x_n)$ has exact solutions of the form $$ x_n=\frac12 \left\{ 1- f\left(r^n f^{-1}(1-2x_0)\right)\right\} \qquad \qquad{(*)} $$ for ...
visitor's user avatar
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Is Krichever's constuction "inverse" to finding the spectral curve?

There is Krichever's algebro-geometric construction of solutions to the KP equations starting from a curve X together with extra data. There is a way to find the spectral curve given a point of the ...
Yellow Pig's user avatar
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Can every point of Wilson's adelic Grassmannian be obtained by Krichever construction of solutions to KP equations?

Igor Krichever introduced an algebro-geometric construction of solutions of KP equations starting from an algebraic curve with some additional data. George Wilson introduced the adelic Grassmannian, ...
Yellow Pig's user avatar
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Lax pair of an integrable non-linear PDE

The following is a fourth-order non-linear PDE that passes the Painleve integrability test $$\left(1+x^{2}\right)^{2}u_{xxxx} + 8x\left(1+x^{2}\right)u_{xxx} + 4\left(1+3x^{2}\right)u_{xx}+ t\left(...
Spoilt Milk's user avatar
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Obstruction to the existence of a globally defined integrating factor

Let $U$ be an open subset of $\Bbb{R}^n$ and take $\omega$ to be a nowhere-vanishing smooth $1$-form on $U$. The Frobenius Theorem implies that, near each point of $U$, $\omega$ may be written as $g\,{...
KhashF's user avatar
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Why does the Lax pair formalism look so similar to the Hamiltonian equations, and what is the significance of this?

If we have a Lax pair for a system, which we'll call operators $L$ and $B$, then the system \begin{align*}L\psi&=\lambda\psi\\ \psi_t&=B\psi\end{align*} has as its integrability condition ...
user41208's user avatar
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Quantum Hamiltonian reduction and tensor products

Let $k$ be a field of characteristic zero, $\mathfrak{g}$ a finite-dimensional Lie algebra over $k$, and let $A,B$ associative $k$-algebras. Suppose that $\mathfrak{g}$ acts on $A$ and $B$, and ...
freeRmodule's user avatar
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Representation theoretic definition of wavefunctions of an integrable hierarchy?

I am reading Kac's book on infinite dimensional lie algebras. In the last chapter, he starts with a highest weight module of an affine lie algebra $\mathfrak{g}(A)$, and uses it to define tau ...
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$GL(\infty)$ group action through the boson-fermion correspondence

Every point of the Sato Grassmannian can be used to generate a tau function of the KP hierarchy. In addition, the Sato Grassmannian can be seen as a subset of the "second quantized fermion Fock space" ...
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Examples of particle systems with higher-order collisions

In kinetic theory, one often comes across interacting particle systems with a collisional flavour. I'll currently prefer to think about them as systems of ODEs (or SDEs, Jump Processes, $\ldots$), ...
πr8's user avatar
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GUE, tau-function of Painlevé II, and an article of Forrester-Witte

Let $ \mu $ be the Gaussian measure $ d\mu(x) = e^{-x^2/2} \frac{dx}{\sqrt{2\pi} } $. I am interested in the following random matrix integral defined for all $ s \in \mathbb{R} $, $ N \geq 1 $ and $ a ...
Synia's user avatar
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Explanation of definition of George Wilson's adelic Grassmannian

How is George Wilson's adelic Grassmannian from e.g. the paper related to the adeles or (especially) the affine Grassmannian (a.k.a. the loop ...
Yellow Pig's user avatar
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Any holomorphic vector bundle over a compact Riemann surface can be defined by only one transition function?

It is known that any holomorphic bundle of any rank over a noncompact Riemann surface is trivial. A proof can be found in Forster's "Lectures on Riemann surfaces", section 30. Let $E$ be a ...
zudumazics's user avatar
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Introduction to the Adler-van Moerbeke theory

Is there a good introduction to the Adler-van Moerbeke theory of solving completely integrable systems by linearizing the flow on the Jacobian of an algebraic curve, for someone with a background in ...
Francis Harry's user avatar
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Why is Jacobi Identity equivalent to holonomy of system? [closed]

Or equivalently, why is jacobi identity equivalent to integrability of system? How do I understand it intuitively? Thanks.
N.Li's user avatar
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Generalized definition of integrable condition on rough complex subbundle

Assume object are smooth at first. If we consider real subbundle, we can define integrability in terms of parameterization or coordinate. A rank $r$ real subbundle $\mathcal V\le TM$ is called ...
Liding Yao's user avatar