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7 votes
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Characterizing L(R) Cardinals in HOD

We're working in L(R) under AD. We know that $\omega_1$ is the least measurable in HOD, $\Theta$ is the least woodin, $\delta^2_1$ is the least strong to the woodin, etc. My question is about ...
Cody Dance's user avatar
3 votes
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Do all limit $\alpha \in \omega_1^L$ satisfy $L_\alpha \models V=HC$?

In Gaps in the constructible universe, Marek and Srebrny, 1973 a gap ordinal and the start of a gap are defined as follows $\alpha$ is a gap ordinal iff $(L_{\alpha+1}-L_\alpha)\bigcap \mathcal{P}(\...
Martín S's user avatar
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Why are the sharps of sets of big ordinals not in $\mathcal{P}(\omega)$?

In his talk A Condensed History of Condensation, Welch presents the following recursive sharp function, that is total when all sharps exist: \begin{align*} \# \colon ON &\to \mathcal{P}(ON) \\ \...
Martín S's user avatar
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2 votes
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Why can't $L_\beta$ contain a real coding a well-ordering of order-type $\beta$, when $\beta$ is a gap ordinal?

In Gaps in the constructible universe, Marek and Srebrny, 1973 a gap ordinal is defined as follows $\alpha$ is a gap ordinal iff $(L_{\alpha+1}-L_\alpha)\cap \mathcal{P}(\omega) = \emptyset$ Their ...
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