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2 answers

Probability of winning game whereby $T+1$ heads in a row of a coin flip is required to win where $T$ is the number of cumulative tails flipped

I have a weird question which probably seems out of place here but it has proven more difficult than anticipated. I am going to describe the game without showing work toward a solution. Numerically, ...
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3 votes
1 answer

Put 10 balls in the jar then randomly take 1 out. Do it infinitely many times. Find the probability of resulting in an empty jar [closed]

The original discussion (in Chinese): The original problem was from an probability theory exam. The problem is translated as: Assume an infinitely large jar ...
Liwei Cai's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

How to work with infinite random graph(s) ?

Hi, In the case where we are dealing with an infinite random graph (RG with infinite nodes). How do we model/work with notions like degrees, degree distribution ? How are they defined ? Thanks!
Raskol's user avatar
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