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Under what conditions is $\lim_{x\to a}\left|\varphi\circ f(x)-\tau \circ g(x)\right|=0$ true?

This question is inspired from another much easier problem I was trying to solve which I tried to generalize. The question is essentially as follows (assuming all the limits exist) If $a\in \mathbb R\...
Sayan Dutta's user avatar
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Infinite matrices from $\ell^p$ to $\ell^{p/(p-1)}$ that are compact operators

I wanted to ask if my proof (sketch) of the following statement is correct. Namely, let $p>1$ and define $q= \frac{p}{p-1}$ we are given an operator $K : \ell^{p} \rightarrow \ell^{q}$ defined as $...
jrranalyst's user avatar
3 votes
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Hermite-Kakeya Theorem for entire functions

In a question asked by Bobby Ocean, the following theorem is cited: Hermite-Kakeya Theorem(for polynomials) - Given two real-valued polynomials, $f$ and $g$, then $f(x)+g(x) r$ has only real zeros ...
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