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Can we show that the characteristic function of an infinitely divisible probability measure has no zeros

Let $E$ be a normed $\mathbb R$-vector space, $\mu$ be a probability measure on $\mathcal B(E)$ and $\varphi_\mu$ denote the characteristic function$^1$ of $\mu$. Assume $\mu$ is infinitely divisible, ...
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How can we show this estimate for the convolution of two probability measures?

Let $(\delta_k)_{k\in\mathbb N}\subseteq(0,\infty)$ be nonincreasing with $\delta_k\xrightarrow{k\to\infty}0$ and $(\varepsilon_k)_{k\in\mathbb N}\subseteq(0,\infty)$ with $\sum_{k\in\mathbb N}\...
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Characterization of the generator of a Lévy process using martingale problems

Let $(X_t)_{t\ge0}$ be a real-valued Lévy process. Note that $$\mu_t:=\mathcal L(X_t)\;\;\;\text{for }t\ge0$$ is a continuous convolution semigroup$^1$. Let $$\tau_x:\mathbb R\to\mathbb R\;,\;\;\;y\...
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Is this statement of the Lévy–Khintchine formula ill-posed?

Please take a look at the following statement of the Lévy–Khintchine formula given in Probability Theory: A Comprehensive Course (2nd edition)$^1$: Am I missing something or is this an ill-posed ...
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Existence of unique convolution semigroups of probability measures on more general spaces then $\mathbb R^d$

Let $E$ be a $\mathbb R$-Banach space, $\mathcal M_1(E)$ (resp. $\mathcal M_1^\infty(E)$) denote the set of probability measures (resp. infinitely divisible probability measures) on $E$, $\varphi_\mu$ ...
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Define the convolution root of probability measures on a measurable group

Let $(G,\mathcal G)$ be a measurable group and $\nu^{\ast k}$ denote the $k$th convolution power of a probability measure $\nu$ on $(G,\mathcal G)$ for $k\in\mathbb N$. Remember that a probability ...
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If $\mu$ is an infinitely divisible probability measure on $[0,\infty)$, then the Lévy measure of $\mu$ is the vague limit of $n\mu^{*1/n}$

If $\nu$ is a finite measure on $(\mathbb R,\mathcal B(\mathbb R))$, let $\nu^{\ast k}$ denote the $k$-fold convolution¹ of $\nu$ with itself for $k\in\mathbb N_0$, $$\exp(\nu)\mathrel{:=}\sum_{k=0}^\...
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What is the Blumenthal-Getoor index of Student's distributions?

For infinitely divisible random variables, Blumenthal and Getoor introduced in [1] an index that allow to study for instance the local Hölder regularity of Lévy processes. For a symmetric infinitely ...
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