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Questions tagged [independence-results]

This tag is for questions about proving that some statement is independent from a theory, meaning it is neither provable nor refutable from that theory. Common examples are the continuum hypothesis from the axioms of ZFC, and the axiom of choice from the axioms of ZF.

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3 votes
1 answer

Perfectly normal but not collectionwise normal space in ZFC

In the article A Perfectly Normal, Locally Compact, Noncollectionwise Normal Space Form $\lozenge^\ast$ by Daniels and Gruenhage (I presume "form" is a typo and it should be "from",...
Jakobian's user avatar
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Can the Collatz conjecture be independent of ZFC? [closed]

It is known that the Continuum Hypothesis is independent of ZFC. The formulation of the Collatz conjecture looks somehow more simple than that of the Continuum Hypothesis. Is it possible that the ...
Riemann's user avatar
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18 votes
3 answers

What's the earliest result (outside of logic) that cannot be proven constructively?

Although mathematicians usually do not work in constructive mathematics per se, their results often are constructively valid (even if the original proof isn't). An obvious counter-example is the law ...
Christopher King's user avatar
11 votes
6 answers

When can a function defined on $[a, b] \cup [b, c]$ be constructively extended to a function defined on $[a, c]$?

Let $a, b, c \in \mathbb R$ such that $a \le b \le c$. Let $S$ be some set and $f : [a, b] \cup [b, c] \to S$ be a function. When can we find a function $g : [a, c] \to S$ that meets the following ...
Christopher King's user avatar
5 votes
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Questions about very fat sets

If $\kappa$ is a regular uncountable cardinal, we call a set $S\subseteq\kappa$ fat if for every $\alpha<\kappa$ and every club $C\subseteq\kappa$, there is a closed subset of $S\cap C$ of ...
Hannes Jakob's user avatar
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CH and the existence of a Borel partition of small cardinality

Say $\kappa$ is small if any set of cardinality $\kappa$ has outer-Lebesgue measure zero. We know that, in the Cohen model of ZFC where CH is false, there is a Borel partition of the unit interval of ...
Y.Z.'s user avatar
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Independence and truth in PA

By $\textbf{PA}$ I will mean the usual first-order Peano Arithmetic. I will denote an element of $\mathbb{N}$ by $n$, and by $[n]$ I will denote the corresponding term in the language of $\textbf{PA}$:...
jg1896's user avatar
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8 votes
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A surjection from square onto power: Is limit Hartogs/Lindenbaum number necessary?

I am considering the construction in [Peng—Shen—Wu] in which the authors show the consistency of a set $X$ such that there is a surjection from $X^2$ onto the power set of $X$ (henceforth $\mathscr{P}(...
Calliope Ryan-Smith's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

The existence of definable subsets of finite sets in NBG

This question is motivated by my preceding MO-question on (in)consistency of NBG theory of classes. Let $\varphi(x,Y,C)$ be a formula of NBG with free parameters $x,Y,C$ and all quantifiers running ...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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16 votes
1 answer

A contradiction in the Set Theory of von Neumann–Bernays–Gödel?

Thinking on the theory NBG (of von Neumann–Bernays–Gödel) I arrived at the conclusion that it is contradictory using an argument resembling Russell's Paradox. I am sure that I made a mistake in my ...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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6 votes
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A strong form of the Axiom Schema of Replacement

Let us consider the following stronger version of the Axiom Schema of Replacement (let us call it the Axiom Schema of Replacement for Definable Relations): Let $\varphi$ be any formula in the language ...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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13 votes
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$\mathsf{AC}_\mathsf{WO}+\mathsf{AC}^\mathsf{WO}\Rightarrow \mathsf{AC}$?

Let $\mathsf{AC}_\mathsf{WO}$: Every well-orderable family of non-empty sets has a choice function. $\mathsf{AC}^\mathsf{WO}$: Every family of non-empty well-orderable sets has a choice function. My ...
Lorenzo's user avatar
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The "absolute" version of the Axiom Schema of Replacement in ZFC

The well-known Axiom Schema of Replacement in ZFC says that for any formula $\varphi$ of the Set Theory with free variables among $w_1,\dots,w_n,A,x,y$ the following holds: $$\forall w_1,\dots,w_n\;\...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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11 votes
3 answers

Why can we assume a ctm of ZFC exists in forcing

Following Kunen's book, it makes clear that countable transitive models (ctm) exist only for a finite list of axioms of ZFC. So, why can we assume a ctm of the whole ZFC axioms exists and use it as ...
Guest's user avatar
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Is $\mathfrak q_0$ equal to the smallest cardinality of a second-countable $T_1$-space which is not a $Q$-space?

A topological space $X$ is a $Q$-space if every subset of $X$ is of type $G_\delta$. The smallest cardinality of a metrizable separable space which is not a $Q$-space is denoted by $\mathfrak q_0$ and ...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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4 votes
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Is every first-countable Lindelof space of cardinality $<\mathfrak c$ a $Q$-space under MA?

Definition. A topological space $X$ is a $Q$-space if every subset of $X$ is of type $G_\delta$. It is clear that every $Q$-space has countable pseudocharacter (= all singletons are $G_\delta$) and is ...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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5 votes
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The cardinal characteristic $\mathfrak r_{(X,f)}$ of a dynamical system

I am interested in a "dynamical" modification of the cardinals $\mathfrak r$ and $\mathfrak r_\sigma$, well-known in the theory of cardinal characteristics of the continuum. For a compact ...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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7 votes
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Dedekind-"finiteness" for arbitrary limit cardinals

In $\mathbf{ZF}$, it is possible for a set $A$ to be infinite but not to admit a countable set. In other words, for any $\alpha\in\omega$, there is an injection from $\alpha$ into $A$, but there is no ...
Hannes Jakob's user avatar
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About Whitehead's problem

Hi I am new to proofs of consistency and independence with ZFC of some claims. I have read "The uses of set theory" by Judith Roitman, in that article it is mentioned that the Whitehead ...
Gabriel Medina's user avatar
11 votes
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Existence of a strong antichain

Call an antichain (set of pairwise incomparable elements) $A$ of a poset $P$ strong if for every $p,q \in P$ with $p \leq q$ there exists an $a\in A$ which is comparable with both $p$ and $q$. ...
Attila Joó's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Arithmetic statement which is independent, and whose independence is independent, and so on?

My vague intuition is that not only it is common for a simple arithmetic proposition $p$ to be independent of ZFC, but it is common for the statement "$p$ is independent of ZFC" to be ...
Geoffrey Irving's user avatar
54 votes
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In the two-person Killing the Hydra game, what is the winning strategy?

My question is which player has a winning strategy in the two-player version of the Killing the Hydra game? In their amazing paper, Kirby, Laurie; Paris, Jeff, Accessible independence results for ...
Joel David Hamkins's user avatar
3 votes
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Implications of the existence of a pair of surjective functions, without Axiom of Choice

The classical Cantor-Schroder-Bernstein Theorem says that there exists a bijective function $X\leftrightarrow Y$ if and only if there exist injective functions $X\hookrightarrow Y$ and $Y\...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Natural $\Pi_1$ sentence independent of PA

Order invariant graphs and finite incompleteness by Harvey Friedman gives an example of a combinatorial/non-metamathematical $\Pi_1$ sentence that is independent of ZFC. Is there a simpler example of ...
user76284's user avatar
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Is Axiom of Choice equivalent to its version for families of sets, indexed by ordinals? [duplicate]

Is Axiom of Choice equivalent to the following statement? Axiom of Ordinal Choice: For any ordinal $\lambda$ and any indexed family of sets $(X_\alpha)_{\alpha\in\lambda}$ there exists a function $...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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Selecting an almost disjoint family in a given family of sets

A family $\mathcal A$ of infinite subsets of $\omega$ is called almost disjoint if for any distinct sets $A,B\in\mathcal A$ the intersection $A\cap B$ is finite. Let $\mathfrak a'$ be the largest ...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

What is the smallest cardinality of a base of an ultrafilter on $\omega$ related to an almost disjoint family of cardinality $\mathfrak c$?

Let $(A_\alpha)_{\alpha\in\mathfrak c}$ be an almost disjoint family of infinite subsets of $\omega$. The almost disjointness of the family means that $A_\alpha\cap A_\beta$ is finite for any ordinals ...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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What is the smallest cardinality of a maximal ultrafamily of infinite subsets of $\omega$?

A family $\mathcal U$ of infinite subsets of $\omega$ is called an ultrafamily if for any sets $U,V\in\mathcal U$ one of the sets $U\setminus V$, $U\cap V$ or $V\setminus U$ is finite. By the ...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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A topologically transitive dynamical system without dense orbits

By a dynamical system I understand a pair $(K,G)$ consisting a compact Hausdorff space and a subgroup $G$ of the homeomorphism group of $K$. We say that a dynamical system $(K,G)$ $\bullet$ is ...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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11 votes
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Is $\mathfrak j_{2:1}=\mathfrak{j}_{2:2}$ in ZFC?

A function $f:\omega\to\omega$ is called $\bullet$ 2-to-1 if $|f^{-1}(y)|\le 2$ for any $y\in\omega$; $\bullet$ almost injective if the set $\{y\in \omega:|f^{-1}(y)|>1\}$ is finite. Let us ...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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The existence of $T$-ultrafilters in ZFC

Looking at this MO-problem, my collegue Igor Protasov suggested to ask on Mathoverflow his old question on $T$-ultrafilters hoping that somebody on MO can solve it. First I recall the necessary ...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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11 votes
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A new cardinal characteristic (related to partitions)?

In this post I will discuss some cardinal characteristic of the continuum, related to partitions of $\omega$ and would like to know if it is equal to some known cardinal characteristic. By a partition ...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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Is $\mathfrak p=\omega_1$ equivalent to the existence of a Hausdorff gap without infinite pseudointersection?

Given two set $A,B$ we write $A\subset^* B$ if the complement $A\setminus B$ is infinite. A Hausdorff gap is a transfinite family $\langle A_\alpha,B_\alpha\rangle_{\alpha\in\omega_1}$ of infinite ...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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6 votes
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How bad a proper forcing of size $\aleph_1$ can be?

This question concerns proper forcings of size $\aleph_1$. In the context of $\rm ZFC+\neg CH$, I couldn't find any counter example to the following property. Suppose $\mathbb P$ is a proper forcing ...
Rahman. M's user avatar
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Can $H_{\omega_1}$ and $H_{\omega_2}$ be in bi-interpretation synonymy?

This question concerns the possibility of the bi-interpretation synonymy of the structure $\langle H_{\omega_1},\in\rangle$, consisting of the hereditarily countable sets, and the structure $\langle ...
Joel David Hamkins's user avatar
5 votes
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Smallest size of a non-measurable set of reals

The question is pretty much the title. I'm wondering if anything is known about the smallest size $\kappa$ of a non-measurable subset of the real numbers (regarding the Lebesgue measure). Since we ...
Hannes Jakob's user avatar
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Complexity of a proper class of extendibles

If consistent, is existence of a proper class of extendible cardinals provably equivalent to a $Σ^V_5$ statement? Recall that in ZFC, a cardinal $κ$ is extendible iff for every $λ>κ$ there is an ...
Dmytro Taranovsky's user avatar
5 votes
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Examples of independent $\Sigma_4^1$ statements

As in the title, I'm looking for examples of $\Sigma^1_4$ (preferably complete) sentences which are independent from ZFC in both ways, namely given a model $V$ we can extend it to $V'$ where such a ...
Jarek Swaczyna's user avatar
4 votes
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Is there a universally meager air space?

Let $\mathcal P$ be a family of nonempty subsets of a topological space $X$. A subset $D\subset X$ is called $\mathcal P$-generic if for any $P\in\mathcal P$ the intersection $P\cap D$ is not empty. A ...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Relationship between AC, WO, and Zorn's lemma in ZF-Powerset

In regular ZF, AC, WO, and Zorn's Lemma are equivalent, but every proof I know (of the implication AC -> WO and AC -> Zorn) uses the axiom of choice on the powerset of X (where X is the Set which is ...
Hannes Jakob's user avatar
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K-analytic spaces whose any compact subset is countable

A regular topological space $X$ is called $\bullet$ analytic if $X$ is a continuous image of a Polish space; $\bullet$ $K$-analytic if $X$ is the image of a Polish space $P$ under an upper ...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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2 votes
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Two small uncountable cardinals related to Q-sets

A subset $A$ of the real line is called a Q-set if any subset of of $A$ is of type $F_\sigma$ in $A$. Let $\mathfrak q_0$ be the smallest cardinality of a subset $X\subset\mathbb R$ which is not a Q-...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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7 votes
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Asymptotically discrete ultrafilters

Definition 1. A ultrafilter $\mathcal U$ on $\omega$ is called discrete (resp. nowhere dense) if for any injective map $f:\omega\to \mathbb R$ there is a set $U\in\mathcal U$ whose image $f(U)$ is a ...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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Metrically Ramsey ultrafilters

On Thuesday I was in Kyiv and discussed with Igor Protasov the system of MathOverflow and its power in answering mathematical problems. After this discussion Igor Protasov suggested to ask on MO the ...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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Proving Conditional Independence

Each of the scalar random variables, $ Y $, $ X $, $ U $, and $ V $, is continuous and possibly has $ \mathbb{R} $ as its support. The random variable, $Z$, could be vector valued, but continuous. I ...
user_akt's user avatar
33 votes
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Is it still an open problem whether $\mathbb{R}^\omega$ is normal in the box topology?

On page 205 of his Topology textbook, James Munkres made an interesting remark: It is not known whether $\mathbb{R}^\omega$ is normal in the box topology. Mary-Ellen Rudin has shown that the answer ...
Keshav Srinivasan's user avatar
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How are incompleteness and independence proofs related?

(1) Some typical inclompleteness proofs use a kind of fixed point argument - for certain $\Phi$ you find a $\varphi$ with $\Phi(\mathrm{code}(\varphi))\leftrightarrow\varphi$. (2) Some independence ...
მამუკა ჯიბლაძე's user avatar
5 votes
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Variants of reflection principle

This question concerns two definitions of the reflection principle. One of them known to be a consequence of the other one. I would like to understand if the reverse is true. Let us state the first ...
Rahman. M's user avatar
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Experiments physically performable in a finite amount of time whose results are independent of ZFC [closed]

In On independence and large cardinal strength of physical statements we see that their are physical statements which are independent of ZFC, and even strong cardinal axioms. There were many answers, ...
Christopher King's user avatar
4 votes
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What things does ZFC not know if it knows?

The statement "ZFC $\vdash 0=1$" is independent of ZFC due to Goedel's second incompleteness theorem. That got me wondering, for what other statements $\phi$ is "ZFC $\vdash \phi$" independent of ZFC? ...
Christopher King's user avatar